He was really intent on Anthony Watts. What could’ve been!
There was a reason for that and I have explained it all why in an old post before.
But lets take him out, who else have I brought up that has been total failure?
I have brought up many potential players that we should target that weren't stars at the time. Which ones can you point out that didn't make it?
Btw Watts had already starred and had been a first grader at the time. I was suggesting we go for him not because he wasn't a risk due to his character and attitude, but because at the time we were the Tigers of the day and very desperate and therefore taking a gamble on a player that if we could reform(like other ex-cons that we have signed) could have been a great pickup and value for money.
He ended up being to far gone and only destroyed his own career and life, but don't kid yourself, the kid could play and it was a complete waste of talent, not to mention how horribly he ruined his own life.