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Scomo saving me


I still don’t get what the f**k is clean coal do they use the water assigned to farmers to clean it? Lol

It’s kind of like a joint compared to a bong.
The joint just burns and goes straight into the lungs.
The bong ( clean coal ) goes through water first.

obviously it’s not as simple as this but it’s basically a process that tries to eliminate carbon by sending it through a liquid .

You still end up stoned.
funny Ey
One bloke admits it and gets hammered
The other one keeps it quiet and is good bloke

Yeah ,Its as about as funny as a ruptured Spleen. When has Labours caving into union pressure on coal mining made them good blokes ? Its news to me but typical puerile response from Peter. Last election I voted for scomo As alternative to Abbot or the undertaker or frankensteins monster,,hoping the Coal thing was just a political stunt thing . Put preferences to Greens even though they are DHs just to register protest at Liberals dumping their leader who did understand about Climate change.Abbot got dumped which I thought sent a message,too, But that hope was dispelled as Scomo avoided UN climate meetings and Holidayed while Australia dryed up and burned .Oh but he has a "plan" about bush fire control and Hydrogen power . Pie in the sky Too little too late.Funny Ey?


Yep as jack Gibson would say" ScoMo done good played strong."
Now he isa able to secure 62 countries to sign up to do a Geoff Toovey style "there's got to be an investigation" into how this CIVID-19 sh*t originated.
Started off Nero style whilst Rome burnt November/December/Jan and was blasted for it, now he showed what he can do, when the country was in deep sh*tter's ditch.I'd give him a 7/10.


I see the shoalhaven mayor Amanda Findley has decided to use 400k of the bush fire funds to fix a footy field.
The field wasn’t touched by fire.
She is in the Greens.

Good god.


We're playing with fire pursuing the Chinese over this when we've spent the last 30 odd years building our export market around them. Dangerous for him not just internationally but domestically. The Twiggies of the world won't like this much.

In for a penny in for a pound.


We're playing with fire pursuing the Chinese over this when we've spent the last 30 odd years building our export market around them. Dangerous for him not just internationally but domestically. The Twiggies of the world won't like this much.

In for a penny in for a pound.

We've always had it in for the Dragons as Cronulla fans ,we should be applauding the fact.
It's good to explore export markets, but leaving all your eggs in one basket is fraught with danger.You should check on the growing number of countries China is having issues with.Bullying it's way around the Sth China Seas: Taiwan, Japan,Phillipines, Vietnam, Brunei and now intruding in Malaysian waters by wanting all rights over minerals ,reefs and offshore islands.
Every Chinese person I'v met have been decent intelligent human beings, generous too.It's their Government that is the problem.

Twiggies of this world think of their hip pocket and showing the public how generous they are.

Over 4million people have been infected ,hundreds of thousands have died, the world needs to know how it started ,so there is no repeat.If it's from a wet market ban them, a lab tighter measures needed.
That's the difference in a democracy there are investigations for stuff ups, in a totalitarian Communist society the Party must prevail and cover ups the order of the day.
Anyway it will be resolved .


You’re right about Chinese people being generous.
Had loads of Chinese customers.
Bloody moon cake.
It must be a cultural thing like the equivalent of an Aussie giving a bloke a carton of piss for helping him out.
We've always had it in for the Dragons as Cronulla fans ,we should be applauding the fact.
It's good to explore export markets, but leaving all your eggs in one basket is fraught with danger.You should check on the growing number of countries China is having issues with.Bullying it's way around the Sth China Seas: Taiwan, Japan,Phillipines, Vietnam, Brunei and now intruding in Malaysian waters by wanting all rights over minerals ,reefs and offshore islands.
Every Chinese person I'v met have been decent intelligent human beings, generous too.It's their Government that is the problem.

Twiggies of this world think of their hip pocket and showing the public how generous they are.

Over 4million people have been infected ,hundreds of thousands have died, the world needs to know how it started ,so there is no repeat.If it's from a wet market ban them, a lab tighter measures needed.
That's the difference in a democracy there are investigations for stuff ups, in a totalitarian Communist society the Party must prevail and cover ups the order of the day.
Anyway it will be resolved .
As I've stated before -This enquiry if thorough, will open a can of worms leading to many 'players', including us Aussies!


As I've stated before -This enquiry if thorough, will open a can of worms leading to many 'players', including us Aussies!

Yep there were in fact some let downs in this country, mistakes made, and that will come out in open investigations/inquiries set up legally.A female medical official for the NSW Dept involved in the Ruby Princess was interviewed at an inquiry and admitted mistakes were made and burst into tears.Nursing homes etc.So we in fact are already doing a thorough checkout.

However any internal investigations that came from the source China, will be like their reluctance to blame officialdom for cover ups, as is par for the course for totalitarian Governments.
Whistleblowers on this COVID-19 matter in Hunan have been silenced with threats.I put as much faith in their investigations as I do checking Nth Korean nukes.Good luck for them admitting Party Officials were to blame keeping things out of public view.

I put it to you, if the Chinese Govt had announced ATT, when the whistleblowers spelt out human to human contraction, it may well have never reached this stage, and the Ruby Princess passengers may well, have stayed on the ship and checked one by one.Flights into this country could have been stopped earlier.I've heard November as when it started ,can't verify that.

Mistakes here, v the biggest official cover up of a disaster in history.I know which country should bear the brunt of blame and the need for an International inquiry.

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