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Season 2003 Discussion and results


Dear Panthers ,
as Apollo Creed said to Rocky in Rocky 3 just before his fight with Clubber Lang " Do us all a favour & drop this jump".
Unfortuantly Rocky then went on to get his butt kicked ....but that doesn't matter because Micky thought he'd won b..but then unfortuantly Micky then had a heart attack and died right in front of Rocky..
anyway he did eventually win ..good over evil
There is nothing I'd like to see more than Gould , Ricky and co looking devastated after the grand final.
so go the Panthers .


Hi there Caged Panther,

It's a wonderful year to be a Penrith Panther fan that's for sure.

Every time I think about Sundays game I get goose bumps. Pretty lame I know, but I can't help it. :roll: :D

I went over my limit on my Optus cable, and they have reduced me to 28.8 speed until tomorrow. Rotten timing and so NOT FAIR. :twisted:

It's just taken me 10 minutes to load up this one page, so I won't be posting again until tomorrow, but look out then. I will have my super speed cable back, and I will be posting like a little trojan all day, and madly catching up on reading all the stuff I've missed :D

Sadly I could not afford tickets to the grand final, so I will be joining the masses to watch both of our teams go round from Panthers. At least I will be there to see the guys when they return to the club.

Win or lose Sunday is going to be one helluva good day out Penrith way.

LET'S GO PENRITH -- LET'S GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caged Panther

First Grade
Well I do have tickets to the grand final MP and have booked myself on the supporters bus so I am delivered at the front door of the club after the game. Though by the sounds of things it will still be awfully difficult to get in the club on sunday night.

New Jack

There would be nothing better than beating those cafe latte, pillow biting, head up arse pricks.


Big Mick

OVP mate, go back to your Cafe Latte's, your Channel Nine The Block show, your stupid area that has nothing in it, other than arrogant stupid bastards, and i'd know, i went to school around there and i only met about 5 decent people there.

I wouldn't in a million years even consider criticising you or the roosters but when u come in here and criticise my team, then i will fight back, and your the loser, not me or the supporters following the mighty panthers.

The Backpacker

Big Mick said:
OVP mate, go back to your Cafe Latte's, your Channel Nine The Block show, your stupid area that has nothing in it, other than arrogant stupid bastards, and i'd know, i went to school around there and i only met about 5 decent people there.

8-[ Gee, not sure if I should say this after that stereotypical tirade but I'm a big boy...

Panther fans - good luck on Sunday and enjoy. Theres nothing I love more than a decent game of footy and both the Panthers and the Roosters have been playing that this season. Credit has to go to Johnny Lang and your players for the turn around in the past two seasons.

Whether you like it or not, the best two teams of 2003 will play for the penultimate prize on Sunday - a befitting end to one of the best seasons of Rugby League (in general) for probably as long as this old arrogant stupid bastard can remember. ;-)

Have a good one.


I honestly think 90% of Sydney are behind Penrith on this one. Kill those Roosters guys, God knows they need a lesson or two in being humble. If they win this year I've lost all faith in RL. Congrats on making it as well, you guys deserved it. Although I'd prefer to see The Doggies in the GF, I feel you guys deserve it more. GP PANTHERS!!!!


Go Penrith!!! I love the actual community of Penrith, I live in Parra but I go to uni there and it's a really nice place. You guys deserve it more than any team, please do everyone a favour and just smash those arrogant little chooks to the ground.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I reckon he belongs on the Souths Dunnies forum eh Pete? :lol:

By the Way, love the signature. :lol: between the two of us we pretty much have the Dunnies covered.

And more importantly-

GO THE MIGHTY PANTHERS, I'll be wearing my 1991 panthers socks, as it's the only penrith clothing that I have, I can assure you though that there's no rorters gear here.

PENRITH TO WIN BY 18. That's gotta be worth something at the TAB huh?


First Grade
yeah good luck to the panthers. they have played really good this year and i hope they can beat the roosters. you can really see how much teh penrith community has come together to support the panthers unlike the roosters fans! :lol:
anyways all the best for the game
east v west... GO WEST!!


Staff member
I'm confident that Penrith can spare us the pain of having to listen to the world's worst winners, for another year. 90% of Sydney and 90%(probably more)of all other rugby league fans are behind you!

Rooster Alex

the_knights_rule said:
you can really see how much teh penrith community has come together to support the panthers unlike the roosters fans! :lol:
Exactly why there was more people to watch the Roosters last public training session than at Penrith. But before any of you reply, don't worry as I'm sure Shane Richardson had some spies out there taking photos of the crowd for a headcount...


First Grade
Rooster Alex said:
the_knights_rule said:
you can really see how much teh penrith community has come together to support the panthers unlike the roosters fans! :lol:
Exactly why there was more people to watch the Roosters last public training session than at Penrith. But before any of you reply, don't worry as I'm sure Shane Richardson had some spies out there taking photos of the crowd for a headcount...

did you happen to see how many people crammed into the penrith leagues club? have you seen how the people in penrith are getting behind the panthers and showing their support?
and have you seen bondi where half the people there dont even know who or what the roosters are?


Rooster Alex said:
the_knights_rule said:
you can really see how much teh penrith community has come together to support the panthers unlike the roosters fans! :lol:
Exactly why there was more people to watch the Roosters last public training session than at Penrith. But before any of you reply, don't worry as I'm sure Shane Richardson had some spies out there taking photos of the crowd for a headcount...

It was a sunny day when the Panthers ventured to Rooster territory to knock them over 23-22. About 9000 fans made it to Aussie Stadium for that game.

I also attended a Panthers v Tigers game at Penrith Stadium, in the pouring rain, and I sat in the terrace, and got wet along with around 11,000 other fans. From memory, that was our smallest crowd for 2003.

The figures speak for themselves.

Rooster Alex

I can't speak for the Eastern Suburbs as a whole, just like Newcastle hasn't appointed a jibberer like you to be their social barometer.

What I do know is that any more red, white and blue bunting and my porch is going to collapse. I'm proud of my team that made it's third grandfinal in 4 years and I congratulate Penrith on going from the cellar to the penthouse in such a short space of time.

I doubt that being a Newcastle fan has been as rewarding of late.

And Fabio? it's a 45 minute drive with plenty of parking, Sunday game. Where were your guys? I was there and so were the usual suspects for the Roosters. I think both groups of supporters had a pretty low opinion of the Panthers at that stage which was borne out in the crowd number. I guess we were both wrong in retrospect.


I think the buses might get stuck a few kilometres from the club.

You might get there faster if you get off the bus just after it gets off the M4 and walk the rest of the way... :lol:

I'm going to try to get to the club early in the morning because I want to watch the game from the Evan theatre, and even though they are giving season ticket holders and supporters club people a half hour head start to get in to the Evan, I've got a feeling that they are still going to be lining up near the door very early.

Mind you, it will be a tad boring just sititng by the Evan door for 6 hours till they open at 3 pm... :roll:

It's a bit depressing not being able to go to the game as the only games I have not gone to this season are Townsville, Auckland, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Oh well, at least I got to see the home semi and the Warriors game at Homebush.

Maybe we will bump into each other amongst the packed crowd back at Panthers, and not even know it... :D



I am not bothered by any arrogant remarks made by Rooter fans, because either way........win or lose this sunday......
WE'VE ALREADY WON in the hearts and minds of Penrith Panther fans........and that's all that matters.

Even if the Rooters were to win this Sunday, not they or anyone else. can EVER diminish or taint all that we have already achieved.

I have followed Penrith in the lean years before 1991, and in every single year after that, and fans like myself are revelling in this now,
and nothing and no-one can dull the glow or cheapen the fantastic feelings that we have right now.

Not even the feather dusters.
