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SMH: INU to quit NRL

fish eel

Suitman said:

This "financial riches brings happiness" line is complete crap.


I wonder if ParraJay Dude has any idea how many people, for example, willingly work in the not for profit sector in Australia. Earning modest incomes, but going home feeling fullfilled with their days work. People that could earn more working elsewhere but choose too earn less and be happy.

What's more, our society would collapse without them


First Grade
B-Tron 3000 said:

I think his religion should tell to score three tries in every game in 2007 until the Grand Final, where he should get 4!

KI: Dear god, i have now finished my mission and worked for your glory for two years. What shall i do now?
God:Bring a smile to the faces of the members of Blue and Gold community. Score 3 tries a game, throw a miracle pass every game and make a try saving tacke each match. Don't hurt anyone unless their surname is Lyon. If you do this all you shall achieve Salvation.



First Grade
fish eel said:
Mate, plenty of people are very succesful and happy without earning a truckload of cash.

Of course there are I didn't say there wasn't. This is getting away from my argument so all I'll say is, do you (or anyone) believe it is fair that a young man who has had his beliefs his whole life now has to choose whether to stick with his promising career or throw it away for his religion?

fish eel

ParraDude_Jay said:
Of course there are I didn't say there wasn't. This is getting away from my argument

Seems like you're the one that has bolted bloody quick from your own argument that money=success

so all I'll say is, do you (or anyone) believe it is fair that a young man who has had his beliefs his whole life now has to choose whether to stick with his promising career or throw it away for his religion?

Do you believe it is fair that a kid be forced to play a game he may not want to so people like yourself can be happy?

Seriously, it's his life. Not yours. As long as he goes home happy each day, what difference is it to you?


First Grade
fish eel said:
Seems like you're the one that has bolted bloody quick from your own argument that money=success

Not really genius, actually if I was going to respond I would point out that nowhere did I say you needed a truckload of cash to be happy, all I said was that nobody who is struggling to pay the bills is happy in life. That's why I wanted to let it go, I'm more than happy to debate the importance of financial stability with you friend if you're that fired up but when you can't even read my points properly then there really is no point to doing so.

fish eel said:
Do you believe it is fair that a kid be forced to play a game he may not want to so people like yourself can be happy?

Seriously, it's his life. Not yours. As long as he goes home happy each day, what difference is it to you?

He doesn't play Rugby League for me nor is he forced to play it at all. The boy obviously loves the game or he wouldn't be playing it in the first place and this wouldn't be a choice for him. That's just a stupid thing to say quite frankly.

fish eel

ParraDude_Jay said:
He doesn't play Rugby League for me nor is he forced to play it at all. The boy obviously loves the game or he wouldn't be playing it in the first place and this wouldn't be a choice for him. That's just a stupid thing to say quite frankly.

Almost as stupid as one saying he was being forced to do something when you dont know that is the case.:lol:


Post Whore
ParraDude_Jay said:
all I said was that nobody who is struggling to pay the bills is happy in life.


I am, but I'm happy.
I'd reckon there are a lot of people just on this board who are struggling to pay bills, but are happy with their lot in life.
It maybe the way you feel. I wouldn't say that view is common though.



First Grade
fish eel said:
Almost as stupid as one saying he was being forced to do something when you dont know that is the case.:lol:

The boy is being told by his faith that he has to do this before age 25, that isn't forcing him? Obviously he could say no but it would be a betrayal to his faith and possibly his family. Nobody is holding a gun to his head but there isn't much of a choice for the kid is there?

That is as stupid as you saying he is being forced to play rugby league? You're kidding mate.

fish eel

ParraDude_Jay said:
The boy is being told by his faith that he has to do this before age 25, that isn't forcing him? Obviously he could say no but it would be a betrayal to his faith and possibly his family. Nobody is holding a gun to his head but there isn't much of a choice for the kid is there?

That is as stupid as you saying he is being forced to play rugby league? You're kidding mate.

inu said:
"I will talk to my family and friends and make a decision. They prefer that I do the mission but they leave it up to me. They just advise me to do it before the age of 25

Geeze, they're really 'forcing' him.


It depends on what you want in life.

There are many choices one can make and there will be trade offs.

Some people are happy to work to 65 before they retire, some want to retire in their 40's and 50's and so work their butts off now.

Some people like to enjoy life now and deal with the future later as you never know what is going to happen.

YOu might buy a house and in 2 years in collapses and you lose 2 arms and 2 legs and then find a brick from that house
that says BUILT BY SUITY.

Some people like to plan their lives so that they reach goals in their lives whether it be financial or spiritual.

It's not for anyone to critize against another's actions or idealogy unless it harms them or hurts others, illegally.

I don't understand what a mormon believes in. They might live their lives as paupers and their reward is helping others.

From reading the press, I can see that Jarryd has different beliefs. That's his choice.


Post Whore
yy_cheng said:
YOu might buy a house and in 2 years in collapses and you lose 2 arms and 2 legs and then find a brick from that house
that says BUILT BY SUITY.


Hence, the fake insurance policies I take out.


Parra Guru

eelavation said:
I will support the kid in whatever decision he makes, I've not met a nicer person in my life...he's a lovely good natured kid with a good heart.

imo Kris comes first, whatever makes him happy..

exactly, it's obviously something he wants to do for himself, he's not making an excuse to leave the club or anything.

Good on the kid for following his heart. Who knows, he may reconsider, but it's his life.
churches are all about supporting people in their lives, what ever life they choose living under god's guidance.
It seems to me this church has some strange ideas on what God wants. God would love to see Kris Inu be the best football player he can be, by going on this mission he will lose 2 years pay and set him self back by about 4 years in fitness and skill terms. Considering the life span of a rugby League player is so short, why would you take the risk? Do the mission later, if he talked it over with the church they should support him, if they don't then to me the church is letting down it's followers.
B-Tron 3000 said:
Hah, you need organised religion to teach you that?

So there's no rules, hey? What then, guidelines? Hmmm, where do you draw the line at what is right and wrong in these such complicated times?

You see, once you move slightly from the strict religious path, someone will not be happy with your actions. And that's where organised religion fails. Miserably. It ALWAYS ends up with people arguing and/or looking down upon people.

Or starting wars.

Well I draw the line at harms no one.

But no I don't need an organised religion to teach me that. As I said That was POP Culture.

People will always look down on other people, Be it over religion, money politics, education, Love, Sex.

We all look down at Manly Fans. It is the same thing.


fish eel said:
Geeze, they're really 'forcing' him.
If he wasn't religious he wouldn't feel the need to go, so while he may not be physically forced he has certainly been mentally trained(brainwashed:D ) through his whole life to accept that he'll be sent away for a couple of years to recruit more paid up members.

Also we are not casting judgement on him(he may be a great guy, I don't know), we are merely offering our opinions on the matter.
IMO, I can't see why they can't put it off for a couple of years like the Muslims and their pilgrimage, they go when they feel like it, they just have to make sure to do it atleast once. So is there a way he can do it at 35 or is it a set rule to do it before 25?

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