Eels Duded, I gave reasons why Brian Smith's game plan failed last night. I stated things unique to the night. You replied that it was just the same old, without even bothering to read what I had written. What am I supposed to do but assume that? Maybe something more than a half arsed whinge might get the respect from your words that you are looking for.
Strider, this only started to become a 'lets abuse each other' thread because you and others couldn't stick to the topic. The old saying applies: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Avanger and Game first, spot on.
Mystic - that's a fair stance.
MITS - You are not trying hard. You would remember me being one of Smith's bigest fans pre 02, and don't deny it. I reckon you think perfection is whatever Brian Smith and Denis Fitzgerald does, given that you will happily go to war for them, rather than what is best for your club. It baffles me to think that you would (or seem to) believe that everything is perfect the way that it is, and that failure is a happily acceptable part of life.
As I said to Strider before he had his tantrum, if you are happy just turning up and seeing Parra, great. I'm happy for you. I'm wondering what would kill you so much if I got my wish, and that was to see Parra as a top 4 club? Would that really be so offensive to you?????
If not, why campaign so hard against the club improving? And if we wanna see a better Parra, what's it to you?????