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Strong rumour.. BMoz, gone

64 Dragon

Yep. We'll get the odd Bradbury moment but it is a club in decline. Until there is a significant change in Board structure we will not be successful very often. The Board don't care. They should have the club's best interests at heart. They don't. Not at all.

That'll do HB. Not very often is better than never.


That'll do HB. Not very often is better than never.

Every dog has it's day. We'll do ok sometimes but we need to start attracting the right style of player.

The Eagles board is the most dysfunctional of any club but they have been amazingly successful. Why? Because they bought/bred a series of players who had enormous camaraderie and will to win.

Guys like Lyon, the Stewart brothers, Matai, Watmough, King...those blokes just won't cop losing. Their coaches (Hasler then Toovey) are similar types.

That club is driven by the players. The winning culture is enormous. Any player that joins that club gets instant mongrel. It rubs off. Watch that club become a rabble as these players retire or move on.

Our problem is that we have a losing culture. It starts at the Board, permeates our coaching staff and filters down onto our players at all levels. Losing is accepted. That needs to change.


Every dog has it's day. We'll do ok sometimes but we need to start attracting the right style of player.

The Eagles board is the most dysfunctional of any club but they have been amazingly successful. Why? Because they bought/bred a series of players who had enormous camaraderie and will to win.

Guys like Lyon, the Stewart brothers, Matai, Watmough, King...those blokes just won't cop losing. Their coaches (Hasler then Toovey) are similar types.

That club is driven by the players. The winning culture is enormous. Any player that joins that club gets instant mongrel. It rubs off. Watch that club become a rabble as these players retire or move on.

Our problem is that we have a losing culture. It starts at the Board, permeates our coaching staff and filters down onto our players at all levels. Losing is accepted. That needs to change.

Great post HB.
A club in strife internally, yet finished in the top 4 again.
Hate Manly all we want, they love this siege mentality and players play FOR each other.


Every dog has it's day. We'll do ok sometimes but we need to start attracting the right style of player.

The Eagles board is the most dysfunctional of any club but they have been amazingly successful. Why? Because they bought/bred a series of players who had enormous camaraderie and will to win.

Guys like Lyon, the Stewart brothers, Matai, Watmough, King...those blokes just won't cop losing. Their coaches (Hasler then Toovey) are similar types.

That club is driven by the players. The winning culture is enormous. Any player that joins that club gets instant mongrel. It rubs off. Watch that club become a rabble as these players retire or move on.

Our problem is that we have a losing culture. It starts at the Board, permeates our coaching staff and filters down onto our players at all levels. Losing is accepted. That needs to change.

No it starts with the Illawarra...



Great post HB.
A club in strife internally, yet finished in the top 4 again.
Hate Manly all we want, they love this siege mentality and players play FOR each other.

Manly have the siege mentality and we have the 'soft mentality'.

Bennett and the players worked hard in 2009-2011 to rid the club of that 'soft' tag but it didn't take long for us to reclaim the 'soft' tag.


First Grade
Anyway, all attacks aside, this BMoz issue is going to come to a head soon. Imagine you were the head of this company and a rival company offered your employee more money...much more.
Now I'm not siding with anyone here but here are some facts:
- BMoz is already the highest paid winger in the comp and has a year to run on his current contract.
- One current NRL winger that is playing semi finals is leaving his club at the end of this year as he has accepted an increased contract from $80k to $150k pa. He is extremely happy about this deal. He has scored 17 tries this season.
- Another current NRL winger also in semi finals contention has accepted an upgraded 1 year contract to $120k pa. No bonuses or incentives, a flat fee of $120k. He actually earned more this year with incentives and bonuses but was told in no uncertain terms, 'that's it -take it or leave it!' He has scored 9 tries this season.

So your prized employee is looking for a massive increase and to top it off, your other employee, his counterpart, is also on a large salary for his position.
There is no doubting their worth to your organisation but your organisation has weaknesses in other areas that, by all accounts, need strengthening and will require additional funding.
What do you do if you're the one making the decisions? Emotions need to be removed from making a sound commercial decision. What is best for your 'team'? What is required to assist your 'team' to be more successful than the previous years?
Oh...and just a little thing to keep in mind... At all times you require a full component of 25 team members and you only have a certain amount of money budgeted to spend but where do you spend the money?
What dollar value do you place on sentimentality for a favourite son?
I hope he stays, I really do. I'm torn just thinking about the possibility of losing him. But what if we could access a Woods, or a McGuire or a Scott in areas that would probably overall help your teams performance? And possibly for less money...
It's a rock and a hard place for me and the longer this festers, the less confident I am of keeping him.
Either way, supporters will scream blue murder but if what I've been told is right, this decision may be taken out of our hands anyway. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

So, weaken your strength? Some suggest build your strengths...

Dude, actually I don't think it's that hard. He's under contract for 2015. He can do whatever he wants to get a better deal for 2016, and if someone makes him a better offer, then you might have to say "thanks for the great memories BMoz, but we're coming out of a shocking period of mismanaged transition and we're going to need that cap space to strengthen key positions and we've already lined up current SOO Player X and highly rated 22 year old Player Y".

But that isn't happening. What's happening is Morris wants to get out of his contract a year early because we've become a basket case. We've got nobody lined up to replace him, which means that our shit team is immediately a whole lot shitter. And the team that wants him and is one of our most hated rivals and we know that they're about one world class back away from being a genuine premiership contender in 2015.

The only way to avoid slipping further into basketcase-ness is to draw a firm line and say "Brett, you're not going anywhere until we've got your replacements in the bag and C****rbury, you can just f*** off and try and win the comp with Mitch Brown at fullback. Good luck with that."


I will agree that we are unique in that our two best players are.... Our wingers!?!?!?


First Grade
So, weaken your strength? Some suggest build your strengths...


I will agree that we are unique in that our two best players are.... Our wingers!?!?!?

Huh? How do we build on our strengths? You said yourself our two best players are our wingers. How do you make them any better? BMoz and Nightingale bring so much more to the team than just wingers...their hit ups off our line, their speed, freaky tries etc.
The only way I see this working is to possibly move Morris to centre but then that weakens the wing and is a whole new argument. Actually, I'd even consider that. May allow us to release a few of the higher paid imports, free up some cash to strengthen the forwards and bring in the lower paid guys like Runciman, Peter Mata and blood Dufty and Bird on a far more regular basis. Who knows....:)


There is a lot of truth to what you have stated here, and always at points in most clubs histories they have to make agonisingly hard decisions regarding favourite sons.

The one thing to note though with your reference to the business world is that not many CEO's ,MANAGERS(or mismanagers) get to survive after making bad decisions that cost the organisation dearly unless of course you are the owner of the business personally then you cop it on the chin and the hip pocket.

There doesn't seem to be too much consequence from a lot of the poor decisions over the last 3 years, granted B MOZ hasn't as yet left the club.

Some of the poor decisions being Dan Hunt on ridiculous money for no return, paying overs for players just to get them to the club because players aren't that interested in playing for an ordinary team with an ordinary coach unless the price is right,Thompson and Widdop and Farrell to name a few.

Ok if the rumours are correct about BRETT the reason that they can't offer more dough is because of the knee jerk salary cap management of the passed couple of years which seemed to start with the early release of Jamie Soward( another dumb move ) not that he is being ridiculous looking for more money.

I am sure in his eyes he must believe he has earned that right as opposed to some of the other guys who have been in the joint 5 minutes and are on comparable money,and to be brutally honest the costly additions have done virtually nothing to improve our performance, sure you can roll out the stat sheet and say we scored more tries blah blah but the fact of the matter is the only stat that counts is 11TH ON THE LADDER.

Surely with the state that the club is in at the moment now is not the time to be letting one of our best pointscorers and biggest drawcards go and if this happens surely it is time to get rid of chief decision maker with regards to this matter also.

Utter tosh!!!!
If a player wants to go let him go, free the money up to pay and attract good quality middle men that will lay a solid platform for our quality spine. Yes he is a good quality winger but we can get other quality wingers for less. The problem with long serving players is they expect regular upgrades and there is just not enough under the cap.


Utter tosh!!!!
If a player wants to go let him go, free the money up to pay and attract good quality middle men that will lay a solid platform for our quality spine. Yes he is a good quality winger but we can get other quality wingers for less. The problem with long serving players is they expect regular upgrades and there is just not enough under the cap.

Sorry mate, Morris is far from a "good quality winger". He's the worlds best winger and of of the worlds best outside backs. Morris leaving would tear the heart and soul of the club apart.

We should be offloading farrel, Beale, green, Harrison, Stanley....

Plenty of others


Sorry mate, Morris is far from a "good quality winger". He's the worlds best winger and of of the worlds best outside backs. Morris leaving would tear the heart and soul of the club apart.

We should be offloading farrel, Beale, green, Harrison, Stanley....

Plenty of others

I agree with cutting the other guys and like you said maybe more, but if a player wants to leave his head is not in the right space so better bringing someone up or someone in who wants to play at the club. He wants to play with his brother so let him go!


I agree with cutting the other guys and like you said maybe more, but if a player wants to leave his head is not in the right space so better bringing someone up or someone in who wants to play at the club. He wants to play with his brother so let him go!

Yeah, he definitely showed in his last few games of the season that he just doesnt want to be here, clearly his head is not in the...wait, hold on...

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