Stopped reading right there
No, look, Australia is stuck between the English and American way of doing things. If we went by the English way then NRL should have relegation and promotion. Small towns would then be able to come in to NRL and drop if they are unsuccessful. However, that's not going to happen as country Australia has been dying for some time. There's no real country town clubs in Australia, in any sport(that I know of, maybe basketball or netball do). Does anyone really consider Newcastle and Townsville country?
By the American way of doing things, franchise are in place to make money. They can move, merge and cease to exist depending on the profit. AFL and NRL have the combinations of these.
e.g. Melbourne Storm shouldn't exist by the English way of doing things because people in Melbourne probably gave zero crap about NRL in in 1999. Sharks should move, so should Western Bulldogs and change names according to the American way.