So when the AFL tries to claim Birchgrove Oval for their game, or when Andrew Demetriou says that "everybody knows that September is when we have our finals series" when the question of clashing dates comes up, that is not explicit enough for you?
As for the bans placed on rugby union players who played rugby league, again, for the zillionth time, that was because rugby union was amateur. They would have been banned for playing any professional sport, any at all.
The Catholic schools system as a whole took up rugby league, it was only the elite Catholic schools that stayed with rugby union. Given that Catholic schools sporting competitions were centrally organised, how would it have been possible for any of those schools to continue playing rugby union? (Incidentally, I have never heard any rah rahs complain about not having access to those Catholic schools. If they want to play rugby league, fair enough. And surely vice versa when schools want to play rugby union).
You know, and I know, that absolutely nothing will be done to right these supposed wrongs. That's partly because most of them happened so long ago, partly because what happens today is either because of individual political and bureaucratic decisions which no outsiders can influence, and partly because neither the ARL, the RLIF, RLEF, etc etc could give a toss about it.
If anything that is happening is illegal in the countries in which it is happening, then surely the courts are the place to seek redress. My guess is that nothing illegal is happening, that is another reason why nothing will happend. Nothing at all.