Out of context? It is a very real example of what can happen and has happened elsewhere! End of story.
It is not an example. It is one extreme incident that has had no equal before it or after it. There is no way a Nazi party will exist in the future, let alone will there be an allied country with a makeshift government with pro rugby union members who will side with it purely to delete Rugby League. You are a moron for suggesting something like that will ever happen again.
Will RU try to keep RL quiet? of course it will. Just like any business will try to do to its competitor. AFL and RL do it to each other as well. You're making out like RL has NEVER done anything wrong by any code which is blatantly wrong.
If you have issues with the fact that this is very relevant to the struggle of rugby league being accepted around the world then that is not my fault.
You're just putting words in my mouth now. I have issue with you thinking a Nazi regime will once again rise and another Vichy Government will be created. You cannot use what happened in Vichy France as an example of anything. It's mind numbingly stupid.
Their are many examples of RU people limiting and stopping the chance for RL to survive and flourish. If you don't believe this you are blinkered and not thinking about the cause and effect relationship of the many devious tactics employed by the types of RU aligned people we are talking about.
I have NEVER said anything opposing this view. How you have come to assume this is again, absurd.
You are entitled to an opinion just as much as I am and I have no qualms about that.
You do have qualms about it, because you think my facts are an opinion and your opinion are facts. You're a blithering idiot.
I am very sure that RL has been negatively affected by devious tactics internationally for many years and you do not agree.
I have never said this. How the f**k do you come to the conclusion I am even inferring this?
That's your call and I can live with that but I will not be changing my thoughts and hope that RL people will gain a knowledge of what has happened and what can happen to a sport that is not backed by the "establishment".
It's not my call dickhead. I stated facts to show that Rugby League is not so innocent. You won't accept these facts as they don't agree with your warped mind that Nazi Rugby Union is out to delete the Jew Rugby League.
A quick question for you: "Why is it that rugby league is not considered to be an Olympic sport and rugby union is?"
Because league has always been professional. Nowadays there are requirements needed to be recognised for a game to become an Olympic sport, something along the lines of a minimum number of competing countries have to be able to field a side. Maybe RL is yet to meet this number but RU can.
I would answer that it is not as internationally recognized.
I suggest you do some research and find the real reason before your make a dick of yourself again.
This poor international recognition is a result of subversive tactics courtesy of RU people acting in subversive and devious ways around the world to a football code that is simply much more appealing and actually has more "rugby" running with the ball and tackling(about 700 tackles and runs per game in RL as to 150 in RU) than the union version. Their is a distinct presence of this repression of RL and it is do with the fact that these shadowy people(RU biased) are very aware of RL as a threat to RU dominance and ultimately a superior version of rugby.
That is entirely your opinion. I don't care about any of this. I don't care if RL or RU is or isn't an Olympic Sport. Olympics for mine was always track & field, swimming and that sort of shit.
You say you are a RL supporter ?
I am. More than you.
Surely you will agree that RL is a supremely better form of rugby?
I have already stated this. Evidence that you have not been properly reading my posts.
Or is that in question as well?
The only thing in question is your comprehension skills.
From what you have displayed. you have none.
You have an agenda against RU. Good for you. I don't give a shit about that.
What I do give a shit about is Rugby League and it's history. I research it, I record it, I write about it.
You want to go off on this f**king tangent about conspiracy theories and all this other drivel, I don't give a shit. Conspiracy theorists are f**king morons whop take an agenda and a fact, then build a massive fable around it. Then misconstrue everything they can to fit in with their agenda.
They have no interest in knowing about all of the facts first.
I love Rugby league.
I don't care about Rugby Union. My knowledge on it is minimal. My knowledge on its history derives entirely from it's association with League's birth.
League has done underhanded things to Union. You have to accept that. You don't say "it was justified" and then attack Union for doing them as well. That's simple minded and stupid.
As I said before, League was a movement by players who were unhappy with Rugby Union administration taking the money for themselves while the players got nothing.
Union was pissed at Rugby League because it's players went to it and the Union lost money.
What happened in France during Vichy rule was unique. It was severe and a complete once off and what happened there will not occur again.
That does not mean that Union will not try to beat League where it can, of course it will, its the nature of business. But they won't be aligning themselves with a Nazi party or equivalent to do that.