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The Joint Venture Is Broken


It will enable the Tigers to focus on the best prospects and provide those prospects with the best training etc. Plus it will decrease the clubs overall costs. It is a win-win scenario.

This is complete and utter bullshit. They do not want to take any rep spots away from Campbelltown. In fact the complete opposite is occurring - they want to provide the best opportunities to the best players from around the Campbelltown district.

Great - so what you are stating is that we will be marshalling our resources to provide the best possible opportunities for the Wests Tigers. That sounds fantastic. Everyone wins.

You mean that I have a choice between following a team that tries to get players like Ellis, Blair, Marshall, Heighington to give their supporters a chance to support a premiership team or a bunch of in-bred hicks that will probably make the club look like it was in 1998. A laughing stock

I know which option I like.


First Grade
You mean that I have a choice between following a team that tries to get players like Ellis, Blair, Marshall, Heighington to give their supporters a chance to support a premiership team or a bunch of in-bred hicks that will probably make the club look like it was in 1998. A laughing stock

I know which option I like.

To be fair if you were bought up in a sheltered workshop and thereby became a card carrying member of the magpie morons you might prefer to support players that you can relate too - in your words a bunch of in-bred hicks.

For the rest of us it is pretty simple isn't it.


First Grade
2012 sees the Wests Tigers stepping in to the district properly at an administrative level. I would like to see how this goes before passing judgement personally. There has been 20 odd years of utter failure so it is not like it is going to get worse.

The junior league is an important issue that needs a measured and thought out plan of action. Wests Tigers (hopefully with assistance from the IC) are in a great position to succeed where the Magpie mangement of the past has failed.

These issues should have been addressed years ago or at least been a valid reason to hold a rally like this in the past. But it wasn't. Put simply this rally came about entirely because of the State Cup issue. The rest is just tacked on to make up the numbers and increase palatability of the rally because kids in jerseys is alot more appealing marketing that a group of ageing men ranting while wandering down the steet in a group of 20 with child like placards


A peaceful "Save Our Sides" Rugby League Protest Rally will be held at Campbelltown in the hope of getting a better deal for the Macarthur region.

The protest Rally will be held this Sunday (5th February 2012) starting at Campbelltown Council at 10am and will march to Campbelltown Stadium where the crowd will be addressed by key note speakers.

The three main issues:

- The killing of the Western Suburbs Magpies from NSW Cup
- Local Campbelltown Clubs not being allowed to Play and Train in Campbelltown
- Wests Tigers only playing 4 games a year at Campbelltown Stadium

Killing the Western Suburbs Magpies
Wests Tigers are pressuring Wests Ashfield Leagues club to to kill off the last local senior representative team in the Macarthur area.

Wests Tigers want to replace the Western Suburbs Magpies NSW Cup side with teams based in the inner city at Concord.

Wests Tigers want a single NSW Cup team and are also forming an alliance with a Bundy Cup team based at Concord for the excess fringe players.

The Wests Tigers do not provide any financial support of the Magpies NSW Cup team with the majority of the funding coming from Wests Ashfield Leagues Club.

Wests Campbelltown Leagues Club also do not provide any financial support of the Magpies and have been voting inline with Balmain Tigers in the Wests Tigers board room meetings to dissolve the Magpies NSW Cup team.

As of 2012, the Wests Tigers have stopped ALL support of the Wests Magpies in the NSW Cup whilst continuing to fully support the Balmain Tigers.

The Magpies NSW Cup team is currently operating off a $300,000 grant from Wests Ashfield Leagues club for 2012. No funding has been promised for 2013.

The Western Suburbs Magpies will celebrate their 104th birthday the day before the Rally on the 4th of February.

Local Campbelltown Sides
Three local senior Campbelltown clubs have had their request to play and train in Campbelltown denied by the NSWRL

The three clubs are the Campbelltown Eagles, Campbelltown City Kangaroos (Seniors) and the Macarthur Bulls

These three local clubs have left the Wests Junior League Competition after their players voted unanimously to join the neighboring Group 6 competition.

The players stated they wanted to be a part of a well run competition where you could actually play good football and not just worry about getting 'bashed"

The players whilst not happy about it, have been willing to travel the extra distances to continue to play in Group 6.

The Wests Junior League with the backing of Wests Tigers, NSWRL and Campbelltown Council have prevented these sides from securing the use of their own home grounds in Campbelltown claiming they have a viable competition they must play in.

The three clubs all stated if forced to return to the Wests junior League they will struggle to field senior teams as their players will flock to Group 6 sides for the better standard of competition.

The Wests Junior League competition has been constantly marred with violence and the Administrations failure to address this issue has scared off many potential players and now entire clubs.

The three clubs just want their senior sides to be able to play and train in Campbelltown whilst competing in the Group 6 competition.

The clubs are happy for their junior teams to continue in the Wests Junior League Competition but would like to see an investigation carried out into the health of the competitions administration.

Wests Tigers at Campbelltown Stadium
Campbelltown Stadium had its NRL games reduced from six games to three in 2005 when Wests Tigers claimed that the corporate facilities were inadequate and that it cost too much to hire extra lighting and a big screen television.

The ground has since then had over $8 million spent on it from Government grants to meet Wests Tigers requirements.

In 2012 Wests Tigers will play just four NRL home games at Campbelltown Stadium whilst it plays eight game in the inner city at Leichhardt Oval and the Sydney Football Stadium.

Local fans fear the strong Rugby League area may become the focus of a take over by the cashed up AFL as they continue their push into Western Sydney


An online petition has been started at www.wests.co.nr

Organisers of the Rally urge local residents to get behind the cause for a fair go for our kids and our area.

People attending the rally are advised to bring water, hats and to dress in their Local Club, Magpies or Wests Tigers jerseys.

If this rally fails to generate the desired outcomes, further protest action has already been planned.


Public Transport is recommended if possible with train and bus service available to take people to and from Leumeah and Campbelltown Stations.
We advise those driving to park your car at Campbelltown and just catch the train back from Leumeah Station.

For those unable to walk the whole distance, join the march from the Campbelltown Council at 10am. We will first march 500 meters to Langdone Ave. Here those not wanting to march the entire distance will be able to return to their cars and drive to Leumeah for the 2nd half of the Protest March as we march down Old Leumeah Road past the Wests Leagues Club and into the Campbelltown Stadium Car Park.

If you are fit enough to walk the whole distance (Approx 2.5km) we would encourage you to do so.

Please be advised media agencies will be invited to photograph the event.



Quotes from Rally organiser Graeme Szynal regarding the Wests Tigers

"We all support the Wests Tigers, we just want a fair go for the local kids and our region"

"Wests Magpies offered to be Wests Tigers sole NSW Cup feeder team, but they rejected the offer"

"The Magpies are a rare part of our games history that dates back to day zero. Why is everyone so keen to kill it off?"

"We need more local opportunities for our kids not less"

"Why do kids, many of whom are still studying and have homework, have to travel to Concord to train and play rep footy when there is a perfectly viable option to do so locally with the Magpies?"

"The Magpies have been in Campbelltown for 25 years providing kids a pathway to the NRL"

"Millions of our tax dollars have been spent upgrading Campbelltown Stadium to meet Wests Tigers demands, our population has gone through the roof and AFL is knocking on the door, and we still only get 4 games."

"Original thoughts were we would get at least 500 people to the Rally. But these issues seem to have struck a chord with the local community and with the amazing interest this rally has generated we could end up being pleasantly surprised by the turn out"

Quote on twitter from Melbourne Storm player and Magpie Junior Ryan Hoffman

"It's killing me seeing the way @westsmagpies are getting treated. Had 2nd rate treatment since the merger began. Westies love a fight though"

Quote on twitter from Cronulla Sharks, former Wests Tigers premiership winning player and Magpie Junior Bryce Gibbs regarding the Wests Tigers decision to stop supporting the Wests Magpies

"balmain fans are in charge there now! Disgrace"

"I grew up on Rudd Rd right next to Campbelltown Stadium! You need a Magpies team for the kids in the area to prevent them going to the Parramatta district! No Magpies = No future for the kids of Campbelltown and a bigger chance of them going to AFL!!"

Quote from former NRL Wests Magpies and Wests Tigers player, Kevin McGuiness

What will happen to the kids in our area? What will they aspire to be? Wests Magpies is our Local Representative Team and I’m worried about the future and Development of the children in our area. I have a young child that wants to play Rugby League in the area but what opportunities will he have?

Quote from Coaching and Development Co-ordinator Campbelltown Eagles RLFC Daniel Draper

"All we want is our club to play and train in Campbelltown whilst competing in a well run competition, its not that hard"

"With our three local clubs gone and the Magpies killed off, we face the real possibility that there will no senior football played in Campbelltown on a weekend"

"It is rare for clubs like ours with such a fierce on field rivalry to be united 100% behind this cause and this rally"

Quote from former Wests Magpies NRL player Damien Kennedy

I got a start in Jersey Flegg, under 21’s, Reserve Grade and learnt how to play NRL Footy with the Magpies at Campbelltown, I was an outsider living and Representing Campbelltown and I wouldn’t of got this opportunity if it wasn’t for the Magpies and the Campbelltown area. The Wests Tigers couldn’t lead a Horse to Water for what they are doing to the area. It’s also ludicrous that Campbelltown Council would allow this to happen, Campbelltown Clubs that cannot Train and Play in the Campbelltown LGA, these clubs should have the backing from Campbelltown Council and it is ridiculous on what is happening in senior Rugby League in Campbelltown.

Quote from Magpie 1st Grader and Life Member on the club Bruce (Bruiser) Clarke

"I gave nine hard years to the Magpies and I feel disappointed that the boards of Ashfield and Campbelltown Leagues Clubs can't better support them."

"I am a life member of the Magpies, but the way things are going I might soon be a life member of nothing"

Quote from Campbelltown Eagles Junior and former Magpie NSW Cup player of the Year Fataitoa Asa

"Wests Magpies give children in our area an accessible avenue of becoming like their NRL heros and may even become hometown heros like legends of yesteryear such as John Skandalis, Bryce Gibbs and Brett Hodgson. Without the Magpies, junior Rugby League will suffer in this, with many defecting to other competitions or giving up on their dreams all together."

Quote from Laurie Ferguson MP, Member for Werriwa.

The Magpies as a foundation club has earned its place in the NSW Rugby League and its history. To argue money cheapens a proud jumper. The area has the facilities the passion and the pride to have their local team – the Magpies.


Recent players who got their NRL chance through the Wests Magpies

Western Suburbs Magpies have recently provided a "Pathway to Success" for players like Ken & Kevin McGuiness, Ciriaco Mescia, Brett Hodgson, John Skandalis, Steve Georgallis, Isaac DeGois, Luke Covell, Ben Roberts, Shane Perry, Ryan Hoffman, Shannon McDonnell, Dean Collis, Daine Laurie, Shannon Gallant, Peni Tagive, Rocky Trimarchi, Gray Viane, Stuart Flanagan, Simon Dwyer, Matt Groat, Ray Cashmere, William Mataka, Liam Fulton, Beau Ryan, Bryce Gibbs and Chris Lawrence.


Media Coverage

The Rally has been advertised on the web, online forums, facebook, twitter, in all the local papers, the Sydney papers, Sports Tonight (Channel 10), talk back radio (2SM, 2KY and 2GB), FM radio (C91.3 FM) and flyers have been handed out at local train stations.

Full list of media here:

Over 10,000 views on the Wests Tigers Forum before it was closed down by management - http://www.weststigersforum.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=6&sid=4e6bbb7435016f1bdd1795202b96eec9

Over 13,000 views of the Wests Supporter Forum - http://s9.zetaboards.com/Wests_Magpies_Forum/forum/3008853/

>>> CLOSED - Wests Tigers Forum - http://www.weststigersforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10842&p=251907&time=1324768287#p251907
- Wests Magpies Twitter - http://twitter.com/westsmagpies
- Magpie Flag Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002552350346
>>> REMOVED - Group 6 Page - http://www.sportingpulse.com/assoc_...sID=20854&news_task=DETAIL&articleID=17967075
>>> REMOVED - Group 6 juniors Page - http://www.sportingpulse.com/assoc_...ID=19779&&news_task=DETAIL&articleID=17973053
- LeagueUnlimited - http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?t=395985
- LeagueUnlimited 2 - http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?p=7999205&posted=1#post7999205
- RLeague - http://forums.rleague.com/posts/sho...e-Our-Sides-Protest-Rally-Campbelltown-05-Feb
- totalrl.com - http://www.totalrl.com/forums/index...e-our-sides-protest-rally-campbelltown-05-feb
- the kennel - http://www.nospam12.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=92722&p=2483599
- Sharks Forever - http://www.sharksforever.com/forums/showthread.php?94971-Save-Our-Sides-Protest-Rally-Campbelltown
- SMH Story - http://www.smh.com.au/sport/fish--goes-off--as-fans-get-under-americans-skin-20120107-1ppbv.html
- Macarthur Chronicle - 10JAN11 - http://macarthur-chronicle-campbell...ague-in-macarthur-region-rallies-for-fair-go/
- Chook Pen - http://www.nospam13.com.au/forum/sh...rotest-Rally-Campbelltown&p=170087#post170087
- The Green House - http://leagueunlimited7.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22011&sid=b583ae4512bd2acb7cb722805a615da2
- Daily Telegraph - 11JAN - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sp...ter-final-season/story-e6frexnr-1226241210873
- Camden Advertiser - http://www.camdenadvertiser.com.au/...ng-changes-sought-by-league-fans/2416487.aspx
- the Burrow - http://www.setbb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1002&mforum=theburrow
- Paul Kent - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/how-west-was-lost/story-e6frexnr-1226242159632
- Christian Nicolussi - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sp...fast-approaching/story-e6frexnr-1226242091827
- The Roar - http://www.theroar.com.au/2012/01/13/beginning-of-the-end-for-the-magpies/
- Roy Masters - http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...ext-step-for-wests-tigers-20120112-1pxjl.html
- Wests Ashfield Statement - http://www.weststigers.com.au/?s=article-display&id=46253&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook
- Daniel Watson-Hayes 2SM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihXWJLG0SI0
- Macarthur Chronicle 16JAN - http://macarthur-chronicle-campbell...d-for-support-to-secure-their-playing-future/
- Independent Commission - http://www.smh.com.au/sport/dont-delay-lets-get-commission-rolling-says-arko-20120114-1q0d6.html
- Roy Masters 2 - http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/...d-not-all-black-and-white-20120123-1qdz7.html
- Macarthur Advertiser 25JAN - http://www.macarthuradvertiser.com....ampbelltown-footy-players-plea-save-our-sides
- Wests Magpies Press Release - http://westsmagpies.blogspot.com/2012/01/western-suburbs-magpies-press-release.html

Archived Articles
- Telegraph 31Aug10 - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sp...y-become-extinct/story-e6frexnr-1225912101863
- Mac Chronicle 15NOV10 - http://macarthur-chronicle-camden.whereilive.com.au/sport/story/statement-campbelltown-eagles/
- Mac Chronicle 08NOV10 - http://macarthur-chronicle-camden.w...tory/clubs-keen-to-jump-ship-to-group-6-comp/
- Mac Chronicle 15NOV10 - http://macarthur-chronicle-camden.whereilive.com.au/sport/story/we-did-not-poach-clubs-says-group-6/
- Wests Junior League Statement - http://macarthur-chronicle-camden.w...western-suburbs-district-junior-rugby-league/
- Eagles Total Ban Threat - http://www.macarthuradvertiser.com....e/club-threatened-with-total-ban/2139867.aspx
- Eagles Suspended Sentence 13apr11 - http://macarthur-chronicle-wollondi...league-club-gets-two-year-suspended-sentence/
- Banned for Txts - http://macarthur-chronicle-campbell.../david-lucas-banned-for-18-months-over-texts/
- Life Ban - http://macarthur-chronicle-camden.w...from-western-suburbs-district-junior-rugby-l/
- Group 6 accepts defectors - http://www.macarthuradvertiser.com....roup-6-votes-to-accept-defectors/2000023.aspx
- Give us our footy back - http://www.macarthuradvertiser.com....its-a-bloody-disgrace-says-henry/2181668.aspx
- Empty Nest Fury - http://digitaledition.macarthurchro...spx?iid=48810&startpage=page0000006#folio=005

>>> REMOVED = The article was taken offline. Bully tactics, touched a nerve, stand over tactics, legal threats, your guess is as good as ours.


More info

Stats about the Reduction In Players In Campbelltown

Why we feel let down by the joint venture. In Pictures


Reaction to the Rally

- Wests Tigers have moved their trial match against the Roosters from Leichhardt Oval to Campbelltown Stadium on February 18th

- Wests Tigers have announced they will be 'blitzing' schools in the Southern Highlands areas

- Wests Ashfield have made a Press Release

- Western Suburbs Magpies have made a Press Release


For more details on the rally visit www.wests.co.nr

Call Trevor Williams
East Campbelltown Eagles Life Member
Phone: 46261550


Graeme Szynal (after 5pm) on 0407 929 124



First Grade
Please no one support these people. Please lets see the end of the Magpie Morons. Lets hope the admin of the Wests Tigers treats these freaks for what they are - imbeciles.


First Grade
I love that the three main issues don't even cover the utter ineptitude of the Wests juniors and how that effects the kids of the Macarthur.



The only sensible point there that is the fault of the WT or Balmain is that Campbeltown doesn't get enough games. I know Leichhardt only gets 4 as well, but Balmain to SFS is a pretty short trip - I can understand the argument that the inner city is getting 8 games to the west's 4.

The other issues are entirely the fault of the Magpies. Neither of their Leagues clubs want to fund them ffs.


First Grade
I agree but the JV agreement states that there must be the same number of games at LO as CSS.

Under the current admin we have already taken an extra game a piece back to the traditional homes and may take another game back each at the expiry of our current agreement with the SFS if finances allow.


The only sensible point there that is the fault of the WT or Balmain is that Campbeltown doesn't get enough games. I know Leichhardt only gets 4 as well, but Balmain to SFS is a pretty short trip - I can understand the argument that the inner city is getting 8 games to the west's 4.

The other issues are entirely the fault of the Magpies. Neither of their Leagues clubs want to fund them ffs.

I can't understand this argument at all - it reeks of parochialism and a complete lack of understanding of the "inner city". Last time I looked, Balmain was nowhere near the inner-city. Leichhardt Oval wasn't one of the easiest places to get to either...

That's like saying you'd have nothing to cry about if we played four games at Belmore and four games at Campbelltown. Carn lads, it's only a short drive up a major arterial road! Get on your bike!

On the other hand, there must be at least a few dozen people who live in the South West but who trek into the inner city for work each day... Similarly, I don't reckon I could count on two hands the number of people who make the long, windy trip in from Balmain, Ryde and Eastwood for work as well. Perhaps these are the people that the SFS caters to, in a way that Homebush never could?

This whole "Balmain is pandered to because the Roosters home ground is just over the back fence from Leichhardt" thing is rubbish. Get over it.


I find it a ridiculous belief that the Balmain side of the JV gets 8 games. It does not, Cambo gets 4, Leighardt 4 and SFS/SCG 4. The SFS/SCG games are purely for Fianacial reasons, no former Balmain fan would prefer games at the SFS over Leighardt, but we tolerate it because it allows our side to be fiancially viable. I know some of you conspricy theorist Magpies fans believe this is being done to benefit Balmain, but it is not, it is being done to benefit Wests Tigers.

Once again its these same Wests fans crying that the Magpies are being unfairly treated because they are not recieveing more than there 50% in the merger, they want the whole lot.


Maybe when the Wests Tigers are considered part of the Macarthur community more will go at the moment their an Inner City Team who occasionally plays games at this other stadium out West.

What is your proposal to make it fiancially viable to play more than the 4 games we currently play at Cambo


A couple of questions. If Balmain don't care about a NSW Cup team what's the big deal with using the Magpies? The Tigers logo could be somewhere like a sponsor.

Also I have wondered this for a while now seems a good time to ask. why does Concord get used as a training venue surely that costs to use? They would have access to LO or Campbelltown when they wanted why not use them & save some money there?


The issue is we are the Wests Tigers not the Wests Magpies. There is a major difference between the state cup team being called the Wests Tigers and being called the Wests Magpies. Iam a person who likes to support all three grades and I am a Wests Tigers fan, not a Wests Magpies fan and no longer a Balmain Tigers fan. The way forward for our club is to cut the ties to the past and embrace the future.

This whole argument will be null and void if the ic, as many people expect them to, bring in a national reserve grade competition.


First Grade
The way forward for our club is to cut the ties to the past and embrace the future.


I wonder when the morons will go away. Hopefully soon. Lets face it they haven't been a success at anything within their lives and this is likely to be no different.


Personally I don't think the magpies have drawn a shorter straw than Illawarra has done. (supply all the juniors and get to cheer on a pair of Steelers socks) but still have been dealt with unfairly in the merger. Before anyone accuses me of being bias, My family on both sides are Balmain supporters and are all from North Ryde, my wife was a crazy Balmain(now Wests Tigers supporter) and both of my kids support the Tigers( she brainwashed them). I have lived in the Macarthur area for about 6 years now. I can't blame people(otherwise known as morons to some) for wanting more Wests Tigers games at Campbelltown. My son's Junior club has 3 divisions for each age group, football is really thriving in the Western Suburbs District and most of these kids love the Wests Tigers. In my opinion it would be more beneficial for the Wests Tigers to feed off the Magpies rather than Balmain Ryde Eastwood. If Wests Tigers don't show commitment to Campbelltown it's almost certain another NRL club will move in and Wests Tigers will lose the lot. There was already talk of Easts having links to Narellan jets and were also looking at playing games at Campbelltown Stadium. Use it or lose it I say.


"Wests Magpies will determine what’s best for their club."
Wests Tigers CEO Stephen Humphreys.

Was it the Magpies choice to allocated all of Wests Tigers top 25 to Balmain?

Was it the Magpies choice to allocated the remaining U20's and Fringe players to a Concord Burwood Bundy cup side?

Was it the Magpies choice to be given none of the local kids on Wests Tigers contracts?

Was it the the Magpies choice when the Wests Tigers took OUR training equipment, ice machine and freezer?

Was it the Magpies choice to not be allowed to play before the Wests Tigers matches at Campbelltown?

Was it the Magpies choice to not allow a Group 6 board member onto our board?

Was it the Magpies choice to have all support cut off from the Wests Tigers?


It was the Wests Tigers choice that forces what has been happening to the Magpies!

It was the Wests Tigers choice rejecting our offer to be the sole NSW Cup feeder team.

It was the Wests Tigers choice to make the Magpies on the sleeve smaller and remove it from the shoulder to the cuff.

It was the Wests Tigers choice to reduce the number of NRL games at Campbelltown from 6 to 4

It was the Wests Tigers choice to not fight the moving of the Magpies heritage match away from the SCG

It was the Wests Tigers choice to affiliate with the Wests Junior League and then failing to keep them under control

It was the Wests Tigers choice that has pressured Wests Ashfield to cut away the Magpies NSW Cup side.

So don't you dare try and tell us its our choice what happens to the Magpies whilst it is the Wests Tigers choices pulling all the strings.


Dear Mr Szynal

Before this rally takes place it is important that I correct some misinformation or misunderstanding that has clearly biased the Western Suburbs situation.

(A) The three Western Suburbs clubs that wished to play in Group 6 in 2011 were given several options by the Board of the NSW Rugby League:

1. Join a proposed ‘Super A Grade’ competition as proposed by Terry Rose from Parramatta DJRFL. Terry already had interest from five teams and the three Western Suburbs teams would have made it a viable competition where the Western Suburbs clubs could have played and trained in Campbelltown.

2. Participate in the Western Suburbs Junior Rugby League competition which would also allow the three clubs to train and play in Campbelltown.

3. Work with the NSWRL to reform the combined Western Suburbs/Group 6 competition which would be run by an independent administrator paid for by the League. This would also allow the three clubs to train and play in Campbelltown.

4. Play in the Group 6 competition but because it is a Country Rugby League competition the three clubs would be required to play and train in Group 6.

It was the three clubs’ decision to play in Group 6 and play and train in Group 6 and gave very little regard to some of the other options that would have allowed them to stay in Campbelltown.

(B) It has continually been asserted that the Western Suburbs Junior Rugby League has no affiliation with the NSW Rugby League. This is a proposition that is absolutely incorrect and regardless of the efforts made to correct misleading statements they are ignored.

The Western Suburbs Junior Rugby League asked for and was granted affiliation with their NRL club, Wests Tigers. In turn Wests Tigers sort and were granted affiliation with the NSW Rugby League and this allows Western Suburbs Junior Rugby League to act in the same way as other Junior Leagues with their affiliation through an NRL club rather than a District Club.

The success of the combined competition between Group6 and Western Suburbs in senior football was outstanding and considerably increased the number of participating teams. This competition unfortunately ceased and the NSW Rugby League and the Country Rugby League have tried in vain since then to come up with suitable senior competitions to take the game forward in the west.

At the end of last year the NSW Rugby League commissioned experience Rugby League administrator, Brian Canavan to do a complete review of senior football in the South Western Corridor. He will be talking to as many stake holders as possible in an attempt to get their views so we can establish growing and viable competitions in the future that the District deserves.

It would be appreciated if people could put aside their pettiness and personal attacks that will allow a thorough revision of senior football in the best interests of all concerned.

Yours faithfully

Geoff Carr
General Manager
NSW Rugby League Limited

Dear Mr Carr

So let me get this straight...

So Wests Tigers are now affiliated with the NSWRL yet don't have a side in any NSWRL comp
and Wests Junior League broke their affiliation away from the Magpies District club
but the Magpies District Club constitution ratified by the NSWRL says they have power over the Wests Junior League
but Wests Junior League refuse to acknowledge this
so somehow Wests Junior League is now affiliated to the Wests Tigers
but Wests Ashfield want Wests Junior League affiliated back to the Magpies District Club
and its ok for the Campbelltown Eagles to play in a Sydney comp, but not the neighboring Group 6 comp
and the NSWRL want to remove Group 6 and have a comp run by an independant administrator which Wests JL will accept
but Wests JL wont accept allowing Group 6 to just run the comp
and Group 6 wants nothing to do with Wests JL
and Wests Tigers wont allow Group 6 board members onto the Magpies board
and Wests Tigers now want to change their constitution to allow a Wests Tigers NSW Cup side based from Concord
and Campbelltown Leagues club votes in line with Balmain at Wests Tigers board meetings
and soon we wont have a single senior rep side for the entire Macarthur district
and there is the strong possibility there wont be a single game of senior football played in Campbelltown on a weekend.

I'm sorry but this all pretty much sums up the mess we are in out in the Macarthur and your response does nothing to fix the situation we have found ourselves in.

Kindest of Regards

Graeme Szynal

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