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The Matty Johns Show: Thursdays @ 7.30pm on 7


First Grade
everyone is suprised how crap it is, he is on a hiding to nuthin, people comparing him to the new hoges. They even ripped off the D-Generation stuff dubbing voices off old shows ie: bargearse.
Webke is also a total tool


What is funny is that the best NRL show on night time TV is the f**king sports variety show on an AFL channel ONEHD. I'm talking about Thursday Night Live. They only have about a 10 min segment for NRL but I find it way better than matty johns show or footy show.

Something refreshing about the way they do it.

you're obviously a punter, as half of the 10mins is used up discussing the sportsbet market.

even the C9 fri nite match has decsended into a TAB infomercial with updated odds throughout the f**king game.



This Matty Show won't last. It's wedged between a long running yet brain dead soap and a weird show about mountain lions, while simply being not as good as the 9:30pm program on Channel 9.

It's had two weeks. The show appears rushed with an effort to squeeze in floss with the obvious exception of that controversy corner... but that small segment runs way to short to discuss any issues properly.

This show has absolutely no footy analysis content yet all the talk before hand was about Webcke only fronting if the show cut out the crap and had a serious side.. The skit's about Alby No Sandals, Donny Kirk, some other oversized freaky kid all run for longer than the footy discussion and seriously there are two too many on any one night. Mix it up, cut that oversized kid idea out, it's just stupid... maybe alternate the Sandals stuff weekly with that Don Kirk skit but jeez, Don hasn't been relevant for ten years. It's a little like me taking the p!ss out of Mahatma Cote in front of some kids from the 2nd grade and one of them sneaking off to call the police and a mental health team. Whatever they are trying to do, it's not being done properly.

Another problem is the tips of the two co-hosts. Shane plonks for the Broncs every week in a year that will see them lower than ever, while Matty shoots for Melbourne and the Knights every week. Anyone can tip Melbourne and look like a genius but if this is about helping out little girls who happen to be in tipping comps after they watch Homeless & Away, it's not doing the job.

It's sad to say but even though the Footy Show is a low program, it's much better balanced with it's variety crap mixed with footy talk than this Matty Johns Hour. Actually when Phil Gould is on, The Footy Show actually goes allright as it begins to polarise opinion.

Potentially the best Rugby League Show is the Sunday Roast but even this show needs a couple of dudes who want to bash each other not a couple of chummies who like to punt together at the races. We need guys who dislike each other yet respect each other enough to work together while having opinions that the public yearn to hear.... actually maybe I'm kidding myself.


First Grade
This week hadley, next week singo might turn up half cut, that ill get the punters in, actually get kochie to show up off his chops and watch the ratings sour.
and if all aelse fails get out the chillis
Yeah agreed.

Here's a bite for the execs. "The show is sh*t."

Here's a tip: "When people find out, they will switch off."

Here's a respectful back end addition: "But you guys already knew that."

Here's a consolation: "I know, sounded good, you had to try, and now you are semi commited and might even hold out some hope."

Here's the slap you need "Cut your loses, those gold-fish brained viewers will lap up some other less embarrassing crap next week, and Matty can sink back into obscurity or return to channel nine."

Ok....so another 'with all due respect': "But you guys already knew that. Oh, and you will still have your jobs, unlike Matty. Thats ok...he rolls with the punches - and the team."

Well, so this brings me to the question " Why the hell is the show still on?"

Do a 'Yasmin's getting married' on this thing - ala ch 10, August 2006.


I sat down to watch the show, and I could not believe this garbage. Not funny. Not entertaining. I had recorded it on IQ, and I basically got bored quickly and fast forwarded each segment as I tasted it and spat it out. The new characters are not very funny, they wasted time. The show is more laid back, and that is good, its certainly a different pace.

It was geared toward entertainment but on that it missed the spot a heap of times. The footy angle was ok, but they got the footy talk mix a bit wrong. Controversy corner or whatever was refreshing but underwhelming. I think they need a third anchor. They need a Sam Newman type personality. Neither Matty or Webke can carry the floor totally even when paired.

No hooks. Not one. And no laughs. And no footy footage. Thats the hardest part for ch7 surely.

I bet they sat in their think tank room (or more likely just came out with the ideas while driving) and scraped it together. It shows.

You got it mostly wrong, sorry.

If you don't kill it then change it. Matty has a hope in this game. But not with the current shows layout. It should be obvious by now the show still needs to mature and grow, and be tweaked. It may do well in the future. It certainly has more potential than the footy show.

I am trying to not offer two conflicting views in one post; this is more a clarification to anyone interested: but upon further thinking, whos ever watched their favourite series and THEN gone and watched the Pilot episode. Or the first couple. They are usually bad in comparison. I think maybe the show needs time to mature and grow. And I am glad to have 2 footy shows. I am largely disappointed as my expectations were too high.

The shows premise, good.
The balance of footy entertainment, needs more footy by 20%, less skits,
The footy themed info/entertainment pieces, good.
The shows feel, good.

It was underbaked, and underwhelming. Needs more time in the vat
And will I be watching next week? Yes, because I didnt watch it this week due to the numbness the show gave me in my "entertainment" lobe....but I will be tuning in next week to give it another chance....and if it fails me then I might tune in later in the year if its still on.

I truly think footy fans will be as forgiving as myself. Hmmmm the general entertainers, less so.
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I actually thought it was worse than The Footy Show... that's pretty bad. I cringed most of the way through that... You could tell Matty was very nervous. BTW, Kesha is a f**king weirdo.

She was just wierded out by the fact Jason didnt seem to want to f**k her like everyone else she meets in her life.

She was like "wtf and who let these questions get run by me?"

Oh, and shes on drugs, dude. Party girl who thinks her sh*t dont stink. BUt thats just on the surface, beneath I'm sure she's great! :) No really, I do.

ok. Once more. I do. No I dont.

Hey! Yes, I do....guys...I really do. What a bitch-shield she put up!!! Big drug night before, see....
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The bounce? More appropriate to calle it "The Ponce". BTW, we have the Matthew Johns Show. The NRL show is on Friday Night. Rates high where there are humans (ie East Coast)

The show was largely crap. Especially John's efforts - he barely thought past the brain cell that Reg Regan show.

Webcke was good. Stevens was good. The skit where Hindy and Guru Jr rampaged a fans house was good. The cabbie had potential to be good. The band was great - starting outy with Led Zep is guaranteed to bring the intellectual fans in and keep the neanderthal doof doof rappers out. But fair dinkum if they wanted a variety show there are a million entertainers better than Johns.

I thought the Campo piece sucked. Wow. We have an annoying piece about an annoying ex TV show host who is absolutely hated by the industry he once "represented". Johns doing Don Burke is like Barnaby Joyce's turd interviewing Hitler's turd - it simply cannot get any worse.

The Willie Mason interview was horrid. Lets get a footy star on each week and let him get grilled by a sensationalist journo hack, who happens to be quivering in fear when he asks his crap questions. "But surely there is something else you have done. You don't speak to your last 2 coaches!" Inference - Willie you must be worse than Ted Bundy, Josef Mengele AND Greg Hartley rolled into one.

Kent contributed nothing to the show apart from prove that Big Willie has tolerance.

For me, the show proved 3 things:

  • Shane Webcke continues to prove the evolutionary process wrong by being an intelligent Queenslander who can string 2 words together - except when someone mentions another Queenslander -then he reverts to being a moron dribbler.
  • Matthew Johns will only ever succeed as being someone's back up - which he can excel at. The man he needs I think is Andrew Voss.
  • TV executives know f*ck all about entertainment.
I found the following program on ABC about genetic links between chinese people and Homo erectus far more rivetting.

I agree with you. A whole 1%.

And you have adopted my style. Imitation is the best form of flattery. God bless you. But Im an atheist....

ok....the many gods of pre-judea/ancient Canaan all bless you.

I disagree wholehearedly about webke.

You are a miserable worm......I hail, thee, Mong-Lord. Now go....dance off a cliff! And may the non existent gods of ancient Canaan cast asunder the useless rabble that would eventually crawl out of the cess pools and urinals of that region to form the Israelites (and you, whos line tagged along for the ride). Bound by fictitious stories designed to hold stupid illiterates spellbound, they eventually created from those stories a history for themselves - and mingled it with their religion.

Webke is good..

And such is you....you mingle crap with RL talk. I hope you never see the glory land north of that foul border which holds (some but not all) of you little blue ticks down there.

Yes, Queensland: the land of milk and honey, and the land where people you claim are "Neanderthal" but intelligent hail from. And love its gleaming hills and sub tropical climes.

We have a name for NSW up here: Mirkwood.

Green Machine

First Grade
A very poor show tonight.

No highlights at all. Even controversy corner was boring tonight.

Johns aint a host. I really want a RL-flavoured show to work, but this aint it.

If you are going to do skits - MAKE THEM AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT FUNNY. Otherwise just talk footy.

I think a great opportunity was missed with making Controversy Corner as dynamic as the first episode. Instead of having Hadley giving out tips with his Captain Obvious routine, Paul Kent could have grilled him on leaking fabricated emails:



Hadley just isn't a good TV performer.

But he's making enough loot from radio, so he really doesn't need it.

Green Machine

First Grade
It could have been a great stoush. So many questions and little time to ask them; Did Raaaay really go through with his threat to pull Justin Kelly’s f**ken ear?


I was going to say that Paul Gallen really can't act, but then I realised that he was probably better than Johns.


This show will not last.
Its been going 5 mins and im already sick of it.

The supposed footy talk is..." yeah so and so will win this week because they have this player " then they do 3 stupid things involving Johns characters.


Loving the thong song!
Lighten up everybody....I don't treat it as a serious football show,because it's clearly not one!

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