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The real World Game

iggy plop

First Grade
inertia666 said:
ok then 40,000 compared to 70,000 :roll:

40,000 sold out two weeks before.

Yes yawnion can fill out a stadium for test matches in certain countries. It's not really hard to attend two or three games a year, especially if you 're a toff.

Apart from that, crowds for the sport are pathetic. Nobody could possibly subject themselves to watching the crud on a weekly basis.

A poor man's world game.
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
screeny said:
We have the name rugby league now and changing would be an admission of weakness in my opinion. It would take a PR coup the sizeof which I'm not sure RL is capable of pulling off to change names AND convince the public it's because we don't want to be tarnished with the sh*t that is RU.

Personally, too many of league's stalwart warriors over the past 100-years would be betrayed if we gave up on the name now, too. It's difficult but I'm for keeping the name and letting the public choose.

RU's slowly changing into RL as it knows its product is crud by comparison. This is the only long term chance RU has.

Rugby Union is still rugby union and will be a million years more. Rugby League is still rugby league and will be a million years more .

Rugby Union has improved 100% than what it was 50 years ago . You guys can tell me what percentage league has improve since 50 years ago ?
The only thing I could think off is Warriors , London , Brisbane and Melbourne + Origins .

Lets see hmmm Russia,Serbia,Lebanon,New Caledonia,soon to be Georgia
,and the West Indies,an increase to 10 teams in the US,a much improved French national team,the growth of rugby league in Wales in particular,Ireland with 12 teams in conferences,a lesser growth in Scotland in junior levels,a 60% increase in the number of players in UK in the past few years.BTW rugby union 100 years ago in Oz was larger than league,it sure as hell aint now.The NRL competition now 15 teams,(rest assured 16 teams will be announced next year) compared to 8 teams decades ago. Do your sums PW there is plenty of percentage increase both locally and internationally in rugby league,like a true union man you might find these facts a little distrubing.

Taipan ! If you are a rugby union fan or a fan of both codes then you will compare rugby union 50 years ago to this day .
All those league playing countries you mention also have union . The spread of rugby union has surprise those on the IRB board .
The word now is which countries haven't got rugby union ?
The truth is rugby union is now played all over the world it is hard to think of which nations haven't got a comp .
Fifty years ago only the main nations were playing test matches . Now there are test matches beign played in every corner of the world .
The RWC , U21 & U19 world cups , Womens world cup , 7s world cup , and the Commonwelth Games .
Rugby Union is now more healthy than it was fifty years ago . And we are not even talking about club rugby here .

PW I am not arguing that union is not more healthy today than it was 50 years ago, i am replying to your silly comments that rugby league intimating has hardly improved in that period.I responded by giving you the latest info which says it has.end of story.I wouldnt throw club rugby in here , the crowds are deplorable compared to twentyyears ago.
i am aware of union being played in over 100 countries,but the simple fact is like the new countries taking up rugby league,the number of teams and players in the vast majority of those countries is so tiny,that the populations in general hardly if at all knows of its existence.
Despite all the years that have gone by,union is the national code only in NZ and losing to soccer in Wales that mantle,soccer is the main code in Sth Arica,although union has the profile.rugby league is the national code of PNG with a population bigger than NZ.So PW maybe neither code should brag too much.I am still waiting for confirmation of the 6billion tv viewers who were supposed to miraculously materialise in the union world cup of 2004,courtesy of Mr John O'Neill MA institute of HYPE.

Club rugby has always been played in front of small numbers of local supporters .
But it is the provincial and state level that rugby look after really well and this let to rugby union being look after by their national body(ARU/NZRFU/SARFU) .
Rugby league is run by clubs and they decide where players go to tours or use money to blackmail them .

Der Kaiser I know about the German rugby union and Im not saying that they were millionaires but i do know that they have a good club structure with Jrs and they host Canada not long ago .
My two cousins play club rugby in Holland and they said it is a well run and well sponsor and its not as big as soccer but its there .
Now don't try to compare German and Holland rugby union who has local a comp with local players and strong Jrs developments .
How can you compare that to America Samoa league, Samoa league, Italy and Greece rugby league where there's no local comp but they play international league made up of players from Auckland and suburb Sydney .
Your rugby union brain is very limited taipan because rugby union is the national sport of NZ ,South Africa , Wales and most of the Pacific nations .
Whoever told you that Wales is now a soccer country must have the same hate you have of rugby union .
Australia's national sport is cricket and you don't see people flock to watch the Pura Milk cup etc .
That same goes for Wales rugby at the moment and people are still not use to the Celtic league .
Ask any Welshman who their heroes are and they will tell you one of many rugby legends not some soccer players born and live in England .
So Taipan the Wallabies played in front of 8000 fans 50 years ago and players have to pay their own transport and expenses .
Fifty years later and they are now well off and played in front large stadiums with large TV audience .

PW I dont know what you are on about you came on saying that union has improved 100% over the years,what has league done or words to that effect.
I am saying to get through to you that in Wales the national game has gone backwards,huge debt,huge inroads of soccer and yes they do get big crowds at internationals,that hasnt happened in NZ.In the Pacific Islands to be a liittle more accommodating sure rugby union is the national code,however they now have to share the islands sports with league and or AFL,so they now have more competition for the youth.In Japan the recent test results have shown that something has happened to the standard,as it appears to have gone backwards.
In australia the crowd at the semi final of the 1987 world cup was 17,000 odd,I watched the game on TV(whether you believe that or not doesnt matter).The unions test crowds have improved dramatically,and the s12 has been a huge success.However club rugby union has really been hit hard,the TV ratings in sydney are almost non existent on the ABC,and it is club union officials who are complaining about the treatment they get from the controlling body,not me PW.Your code is more high profile in Oz than before.I am still looking for the 6billion people who were to watch the wc.There have been plusses as well as minuses.
You question leagues growth ask the new teams in Russia,Serbia,USA,Ireland,Wales and Scotland and England.Ask the 10% increase in junior playing numbers in Australia this year,ask the organisers of the financially successful tri series which was ridiculed by union people in Sydney,ask the increase in fans who attended NRL games this season,ask the TV stations of the TV ratings for free to air and pay TV in Oz,ask the crowds (record) who attended SOO),ask the 239,000 TV viewers who watched on TV the final of the Qld cup ,ask the promoters of the 2008 WC which would not have been attempted 10 years ago,ask the West Indies and Singaporean and Georgian youth who want to play rugby league as early as next year .
League has failed to get up in south africa that is a minus,but to infer that nothing much has happpened in rugby league,shows you either dont care about the game or dont know.That is the sort of dumb biased argument that league supporters have to put up with in the media,that the game is in NSW Qld,NTh Island NZ and Nthn England which may have been the case 15 years ago .

Taipan you and carlnz must dream the same dream because with the bu**shit you are coming with . It is hard to believe that there are idiots out there who believe you guys .

In the Pacific Islands Taipan Fiji and Tonga have a few league clubs which you call pub teams in Holland with no Jrs in Tonga and only a handful in Fiji .
There are no rugby league in schools at any level at those two countries .
Rugby League doesn't even exist in Samoa anymore and was never ever played in America Samoa .

Carlnz I do have alot of friends who are bouncers all over Brisbane and I can tell you that you talk shi*t .
Fifa gave Samoa soccer one million dollars and they also built a soccer stadium in Taunamanoto in Apia west for their use .
Well guess what Carlnz you will never see a Samoan soccer game on TV and you will never see a Samoan soccer team at any world cup etc .
Just like Tongan soccer it will never take over rugby as their national sport .
If soccer in NZ and Australia makes the world cup and the profile of the game grows it doesn't mean it will be the national game .
Do your homework fool and learn what national sport is ? Is not just about money and the growth of a sport . Its history and legends who to this day are still heroes in their countries .
NZ has Colin Meads , Kel Tremain , George Nepia etc . Australia has Don Bradman , Allan Boarder etc .
Samoa has Taufusi Salesa , Faitala Talapusi etc and ask your Tongan mate who is Tongan national hero and he will tell you its not a soccer player but rugby legend Sione Mafi and Alamoni Liavaa and many more .
Fiji has Senivalati Laulau , Waisale Serevi , Seru Koroduadua .
So carlnz do you think you and your phantom Tongan mate can name any Pacific Islands soccer players ?
Rugby in Fiji has now gone pro this year with the Fiji RFU paying players in the FIJI national provincial comp ..

Rugby Union numbers has also increase in the Pacific , NZ as well as Australia .
TV ratings has also increase in Australia with S 12 on foxtel and rugby tests on channel 7 .
Last year's no 1 programme on TV was rugby union and it was also in the top ten sport ratings ever .


Standard post from PW:

"you're all dreaming........biggest joke I've ever heard........I've got lots of mates everywhere.........RL doesn't exist anywhere..........Welsh/NZ/Tongan/Samoan RU is bigger than the NBA and NFL combined etc etc".

PW, did the Samoan team that played in the RUWC come from NZ or Samoa? You're quick to criticise the league players but it would seem to me that the best Samoan players in RU are playing/living in NZ too. Is that not correct?

Welsh RU has less than 100 pro players and is absolutely in trouble. When does it stop becoming the national sport then?

And if CarlNZ's Tongan mate is phantom, can't your bounder mates be phantoms too?

And finally, which code has more running and tackling, league or union?
iggy plop said:
inertia666 said:
iggy plop said:
The top 125 football leagues in the world by crowd average. The league and yawn club comps that made it.

League - 16th NRL AUS (14,886)
Yawnion - 22nd Currie Cup SA (11,394)
Yawnion - 33rd Premier division Eng (8,108)
League - 34th English S League (8041)
Yawnion - 50th Celtic League (5, 869)
YAwnion - 66th France Division One (4,082)
YAwnion - 67th UK (Wales) Celtic League (4, 065)
League - 68th PNG National Championship (3,919)
YAwnion- 94th Ireland (2,378)
League - 97th Russia First championship (2,331)
Yawnion - 98th UK (scottish) (2,300)
League - 100th NZ (Bartercard Cup) (2,290)
League - 104th French Elite One (2, 118)
Yawnion - 117th French Div 2 (1,451)
League - 118th English Div 1 (1, 435)
Yawnion - 120th English National league 1 (1,408)
League - 121st - Queensland Cup
YAwnion - 123rd - Canadian Super League (1,296)

Note* Only domestic pro and semi pro football leagues are included. Regional, international or college leagues are not included. eg. Euro championship leagues, Atlantic League US football, Super 12 yawnion, State of Origin ( r. league), Irish gaelic football.

Yawnion average clubs crowds in Ireland average 2,378, Wales, (4,065), Scotland 2,300, France 4,000. Supposedly big yawnion nations. :lol:

average crowd per match - don't make me laugh. so you have one club that satisfies 20,000 fans on a regular basis and another where 5 turn up per week , to me that makes for an unfactual basis.

i bet these figures for any aren't weighted in the least.

average is a word i hate in terms of mathematics. its like comparing the heights of the boys in 2 classes from different schools and class 1 having a 3 inch taller average cos they have a 7ft 5 monster

Stop laughing clown.

Read the facts. http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html

yawnion is not the big world game it claims to be. Some very poor average crowds in countries where yawnion is supposed to be 'massive'. :lol: Now that's funny. :lol:

Piggy Polp you are an idio*t . Do you think that any true rugby league fan can believe this rugby league site http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html
This site is run by an paranoia one eye league fan like yourself Russ 13 and thats why it is so pro league even Stevie Wonder can see it . :lol:

You and carlnz must have just come across this site this year but im afraid to say mate that this site has been around more than 5 years now .
Five years ago there were more than 20 rugby league clubs from South Africa , Venezuela and Morocco that had an average better than South Africa Currie cup and French Elite one . :lol: :lol:
I told Russ 13 then that there was no rugby league in Venezuela , Morocco
and SA and then he delete it about two month later .
What a paranoia . ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
screeny said:
Standard post from PW:

"you're all dreaming........biggest joke I've ever heard........I've got lots of mates everywhere.........RL doesn't exist anywhere..........Welsh/NZ/Tongan/Samoan RU is bigger than the NBA and NFL combined etc etc".

PW, did the Samoan team that played in the RUWC come from NZ or Samoa? You're quick to criticise the league players but it would seem to me that the best Samoan players in RU are playing/living in NZ too. Is that not correct?

Welsh RU has less than 100 pro players and is absolutely in trouble. When does it stop becoming the national sport then?

And if CarlNZ's Tongan mate is phantom, can't your bounder mates be phantoms too?

And finally, which code has more running and tackling, league or union?

Standing up for another paranoia are you screeny ? The players that played in the RWC for Samoa came from both NZ and Samoa . The Samoa captain was born in Samoa and play his rugby for the local Marist St Joseph team . He is now playing for Newcastle in England and returns home and play for his local club in the off season .
The Samoan & American Samoa rugby league team that played in the South Pacific cup in Auckland were all NZ born and 99% of them never been or set foot on any of this islands .
Does that answer you questions ?

You can tell carlnz to go and hangout in Aqua or Casablanca in Brisbane and tell the bouncers there that rugby union is for twinkies . Sh*t he might even be talking to me and he doesn't even realise . :lol:
When the Warriors play the Broncos in round two I might invite carlnz for a barberque at my house so he can meet the Warriors .
Then again ! :lol:


Some of them, thanks.

But not: which code has more running or tackling?

(Also, it stands to reason that the vast majority of Samoan RUWC players were NZers, surely, as that's where the quality rugby is).

As for telling bouncers that RU's for twinkies, does getting one's head kicked in by some polynesian meathead mean a particular sport is tough? So which ever sport has the toughest bouncer to speak up for it must be the toughest sport......

iggy plop

First Grade
Polynesian Warrior said:
Piggy Polp you are an idio*t . Do you think that any true rugby league fan can believe this rugby league site http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html
This site is run by an paranoia one eye league fan like yourself Russ 13 and thats why it is so pro league even Stevie Wonder can see it . :lol:

You and carlnz must have just come across this site this year but im afraid to say mate that this site has been around more than 5 years now .
Five years ago there were more than 20 rugby league clubs from South Africa , Venezuela and Morocco that had an average better than South Africa Currie cup and French Elite one . :lol: :lol:
I told Russ 13 then that there was no rugby league in Venezuela , Morocco
and SA and then he delete it about two month later .
What a paranoia . ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

The filth stick is back!!! Scared of the fight club, so he's sticking his head around where he thinks he can't get smacked.

How poor are some of those club crowds in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. France crowd average is 4,000. :lol: :lol: :lol: Have a look at the list Pen, it makes a mockery of yawnion's popularity worldwide with recent figures. It hurts doesn't it!

Yawnion the world game. :lol: You'd have to be a deluded yawnionite like the Turd Pen to believe it. :lol:

iggy plop

First Grade
Polynesian Warrior said:
Rugby Union numbers has also increase in the Pacific , NZ as well as Australia .
TV ratings has also increase in Australia with S 12 on foxtel and rugby tests on channel 7 .
Last year's no 1 programme on TV was rugby union and it was also in the top ten sport ratings ever .

And where will yawnion end up in this year's most watched programmes? The answer is NOWHERE!!! Yawnion is tradionally a pathetic TV rating sport hence Stupid 12 getting no FTA TV coverage (even after a world cup) Channel 7 know what a dud product it is, so they refused to show it.

Last year's no 1 programme was the yawnion world cup final, but that's because it was an event. The event goers were all there to watch the dream final that yawn administrators were hoping for. Even I watched the crap. It was just like the Olympics. A sport you would not normally watch.

Yawnion will never get near the top 50 most watched shows again until there is another world cup here - maybe 16 years if you're lucky and if Australia make the final.

I do seem to remember Channel Seven getting some of the lowest ever prime time figures since people metres were introduced in the lead up games. They even cut live broadcasts into the southern states until the semis because of the poor ratings.

I also remember the Telegraph reporting Super Saturday RL getting double the audience ofthe Tahs v Brumbies blockbuster. What classics.

Yet the yawnion brigade like Turd Pen go on deluding themselves. :lol:


Polynesian Warrior said:
In the Pacific Islands Taipan Fiji and Tonga have a few league clubs which you call pub teams in Holland with no Jrs in Tonga and only a handful in Fiji. There are no rugby league in schools at any level at those two countries. .

Wow you must know everything...but the funny thing was I was talking to one of the board members of Tonagan Rugby League at the Pacific Rim, and he confirmed Rugby League is the Same as Rugby and that they do have a secondary school comp running....hence why they wont be sending a U16 team to the World CUp next year becuase they want to work hard on the Schools area....

Carlnz I do have alot of friends who are bouncers all over Brisbane and I can tell you that you talk shi*t .

Holy Shit you have Friends!?!? You are a fool....who thinks he knows everything....and here is off the email i got from Fat bob..

Have been wearing my Cooks jersey. I got stopped by this big security guard in Coles in Brisbane. Thought I'd done something wrong at first. Turned out he used to play league for Tonga and was wondering about my jersey. He didn't know about the Pacific comps and said where he came from soccer was splashing a bit of money around on pitches
Fifa gave Samoa soccer one million dollars and they also built a soccer stadium in Taunamanoto in Apia west for their use .
Well guess what Carlnz you will never see a Samoan soccer game on TV and you will never see a Samoan soccer team at any world cup etc .

Where was I talking about Samoan Soccer?? Stop talking shit I was talking about the Tongan soccer team..

Rugby in Fiji has now gone pro this year with the Fiji RFU paying players in the FIJI national provincial comp.

:blahb: :blahb: :alcho: :alcho:

Polynesian Warrior = Plastic Fool


Polynesian Warrior said:
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
taipan said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
screeny said:
We have the name rugby league now and changing would be an admission of weakness in my opinion. It would take a PR coup the sizeof which I'm not sure RL is capable of pulling off to change names AND convince the public it's because we don't want to be tarnished with the sh*t that is RU.

Personally, too many of league's stalwart warriors over the past 100-years would be betrayed if we gave up on the name now, too. It's difficult but I'm for keeping the name and letting the public choose.

RU's slowly changing into RL as it knows its product is crud by comparison. This is the only long term chance RU has.

Rugby Union is still rugby union and will be a million years more. Rugby League is still rugby league and will be a million years more .

Rugby Union has improved 100% than what it was 50 years ago . You guys can tell me what percentage league has improve since 50 years ago ?
The only thing I could think off is Warriors , London , Brisbane and Melbourne + Origins .

Lets see hmmm Russia,Serbia,Lebanon,New Caledonia,soon to be Georgia
,and the West Indies,an increase to 10 teams in the US,a much improved French national team,the growth of rugby league in Wales in particular,Ireland with 12 teams in conferences,a lesser growth in Scotland in junior levels,a 60% increase in the number of players in UK in the past few years.BTW rugby union 100 years ago in Oz was larger than league,it sure as hell aint now.The NRL competition now 15 teams,(rest assured 16 teams will be announced next year) compared to 8 teams decades ago. Do your sums PW there is plenty of percentage increase both locally and internationally in rugby league,like a true union man you might find these facts a little distrubing.

Taipan ! If you are a rugby union fan or a fan of both codes then you will compare rugby union 50 years ago to this day .
All those league playing countries you mention also have union . The spread of rugby union has surprise those on the IRB board .
The word now is which countries haven't got rugby union ?
The truth is rugby union is now played all over the world it is hard to think of which nations haven't got a comp .
Fifty years ago only the main nations were playing test matches . Now there are test matches beign played in every corner of the world .
The RWC , U21 & U19 world cups , Womens world cup , 7s world cup , and the Commonwelth Games .
Rugby Union is now more healthy than it was fifty years ago . And we are not even talking about club rugby here .

PW I am not arguing that union is not more healthy today than it was 50 years ago, i am replying to your silly comments that rugby league intimating has hardly improved in that period.I responded by giving you the latest info which says it has.end of story.I wouldnt throw club rugby in here , the crowds are deplorable compared to twentyyears ago.
i am aware of union being played in over 100 countries,but the simple fact is like the new countries taking up rugby league,the number of teams and players in the vast majority of those countries is so tiny,that the populations in general hardly if at all knows of its existence.
Despite all the years that have gone by,union is the national code only in NZ and losing to soccer in Wales that mantle,soccer is the main code in Sth Arica,although union has the profile.rugby league is the national code of PNG with a population bigger than NZ.So PW maybe neither code should brag too much.I am still waiting for confirmation of the 6billion tv viewers who were supposed to miraculously materialise in the union world cup of 2004,courtesy of Mr John O'Neill MA institute of HYPE.

Club rugby has always been played in front of small numbers of local supporters .
But it is the provincial and state level that rugby look after really well and this let to rugby union being look after by their national body(ARU/NZRFU/SARFU) .
Rugby league is run by clubs and they decide where players go to tours or use money to blackmail them .

Der Kaiser I know about the German rugby union and Im not saying that they were millionaires but i do know that they have a good club structure with Jrs and they host Canada not long ago .
My two cousins play club rugby in Holland and they said it is a well run and well sponsor and its not as big as soccer but its there .
Now don't try to compare German and Holland rugby union who has local a comp with local players and strong Jrs developments .
How can you compare that to America Samoa league, Samoa league, Italy and Greece rugby league where there's no local comp but they play international league made up of players from Auckland and suburb Sydney .
Your rugby union brain is very limited taipan because rugby union is the national sport of NZ ,South Africa , Wales and most of the Pacific nations .
Whoever told you that Wales is now a soccer country must have the same hate you have of rugby union .
Australia's national sport is cricket and you don't see people flock to watch the Pura Milk cup etc .
That same goes for Wales rugby at the moment and people are still not use to the Celtic league .
Ask any Welshman who their heroes are and they will tell you one of many rugby legends not some soccer players born and live in England .
So Taipan the Wallabies played in front of 8000 fans 50 years ago and players have to pay their own transport and expenses .
Fifty years later and they are now well off and played in front large stadiums with large TV audience .

PW I dont know what you are on about you came on saying that union has improved 100% over the years,what has league done or words to that effect.
I am saying to get through to you that in Wales the national game has gone backwards,huge debt,huge inroads of soccer and yes they do get big crowds at internationals,that hasnt happened in NZ.In the Pacific Islands to be a liittle more accommodating sure rugby union is the national code,however they now have to share the islands sports with league and or AFL,so they now have more competition for the youth.In Japan the recent test results have shown that something has happened to the standard,as it appears to have gone backwards.
In australia the crowd at the semi final of the 1987 world cup was 17,000 odd,I watched the game on TV(whether you believe that or not doesnt matter).The unions test crowds have improved dramatically,and the s12 has been a huge success.However club rugby union has really been hit hard,the TV ratings in sydney are almost non existent on the ABC,and it is club union officials who are complaining about the treatment they get from the controlling body,not me PW.Your code is more high profile in Oz than before.I am still looking for the 6billion people who were to watch the wc.There have been plusses as well as minuses.
You question leagues growth ask the new teams in Russia,Serbia,USA,Ireland,Wales and Scotland and England.Ask the 10% increase in junior playing numbers in Australia this year,ask the organisers of the financially successful tri series which was ridiculed by union people in Sydney,ask the increase in fans who attended NRL games this season,ask the TV stations of the TV ratings for free to air and pay TV in Oz,ask the crowds (record) who attended SOO),ask the 239,000 TV viewers who watched on TV the final of the Qld cup ,ask the promoters of the 2008 WC which would not have been attempted 10 years ago,ask the West Indies and Singaporean and Georgian youth who want to play rugby league as early as next year .
League has failed to get up in south africa that is a minus,but to infer that nothing much has happpened in rugby league,shows you either dont care about the game or dont know.That is the sort of dumb biased argument that league supporters have to put up with in the media,that the game is in NSW Qld,NTh Island NZ and Nthn England which may have been the case 15 years ago .

Taipan you and carlnz must dream the same dream because with the bu**sh*t you are coming with . It is hard to believe that there are idiots out there who believe you guys .

In the Pacific Islands Taipan Fiji and Tonga have a few league clubs which you call pub teams in Holland with no Jrs in Tonga and only a handful in Fiji .
There are no rugby league in schools at any level at those two countries .
Rugby League doesn't even exist in Samoa anymore and was never ever played in America Samoa .

Carlnz I do have alot of friends who are bouncers all over Brisbane and I can tell you that you talk shi*t .
Fifa gave Samoa soccer one million dollars and they also built a soccer stadium in Taunamanoto in Apia west for their use .
Well guess what Carlnz you will never see a Samoan soccer game on TV and you will never see a Samoan soccer team at any world cup etc .
Just like Tongan soccer it will never take over rugby as their national sport .
If soccer in NZ and Australia makes the world cup and the profile of the game grows it doesn't mean it will be the national game .
Do your homework fool and learn what national sport is ? Is not just about money and the growth of a sport . Its history and legends who to this day are still heroes in their countries .
NZ has Colin Meads , Kel Tremain , George Nepia etc . Australia has Don Bradman , Allan Boarder etc .
Samoa has Taufusi Salesa , Faitala Talapusi etc and ask your Tongan mate who is Tongan national hero and he will tell you its not a soccer player but rugby legend Sione Mafi and Alamoni Liavaa and many more .
Fiji has Senivalati Laulau , Waisale Serevi , Seru Koroduadua .
So carlnz do you think you and your phantom Tongan mate can name any Pacific Islands soccer players ?
Rugby in Fiji has now gone pro this year with the Fiji RFU paying players in the FIJI national provincial comp ..

Rugby Union numbers has also increase in the Pacific , NZ as well as Australia .
TV ratings has also increase in Australia with S 12 on foxtel and rugby tests on channel 7 .
Last year's no 1 programme on TV was rugby union and it was also in the top ten sport ratings ever .

PW Your response to mycomments only make tend to make you a self promoting idiot.For a start you sidestepped my comments on the popularity and growth of rugby league in Oz and the European countries I mentioned such as Scotland,Ireland Wales etc which doesnt surprise me.You ignored my point that I said union is not worse in popularity than it was 50 years repeat I SAID UNION IS NOT WORSE IN POPULARITY THAN IT WAS 50 YEARS AGO.If you cant read what I said how the hell can you try to give a sensible response.I did say there were reductions in popularity in Wales,that the PI have comp from other sports.
For a start old mate there was no rugby league in Fiji 20 years ago,there is now ,whether there is 10 teams 20 teams or pub teams there is still growth from nothing beforehand.In Tonga there has been growth from nothing in the last 100 years on which you sprout on about.In Samoa am fully aware 1) of the dire situation at present for rugby league,however the AFL and rugby league are believe it or not(and in your case who cares) in working together with the seasons not to overlap,so the players can play both games.In New Caledonia there was no rugby league 10 years ago, now it is played with at least 6 senior teams.At last reports that country was in the Pacific Islands.
The ratings for union in Oz have increased for tests yes >the Free to air for club games is worse than it has ever been on CH 2.The Pay TV for s12 whilst increasing has been beaten monotonously by the rugby league by even the lowest ranked NRL game.The final of the RUWC yes(a oncer) was in the top ten,but thats it for your code sir,the top rating rugby games after that were rugby league's SOO1/2/3 GF and rugby league tests when they decide to play them such as NZ.
i will comment on soccer the AFL is well aware of that codes potential,and have stated that is the code of which they are concerned becuse of their huge numbers of juniors,and if they win a world cup and now with the A league soccer could down the line be the national sport,remembering the bulk of migrants come from countries with a soccer as the national code.
You talk about the legends of the past ,there are trends of which you appear to be ignorant such as in the west indies whilst cricket is still the national sport,it is not as strong as it used to be the local officials are concerned because of the growing popularity of basketball.they had legends like Hall,Ambrose,Richards what does that amount to when maybe just about averyone decides to take up basketball.
I add that Wally Lewis in rugby league and John Eales in rugby union are national heroes in Oz,but the bloody games arent the national sport in this country.Being a national legend doesnt guarantee the sport is national,appears PW you think differently good luck.Not only should you do your homework,but not go off at a tangent without reading what was posted.
screeny said:
Some of them, thanks.

But not: which code has more running or tackling?

(Also, it stands to reason that the vast majority of Samoan RUWC players were NZers, surely, as that's where the quality rugby is).

As for telling bouncers that RU's for twinkies, does getting one's head kicked in by some polynesian meathead mean a particular sport is tough? So which ever sport has the toughest bouncer to speak up for it must be the toughest sport......

No Screeny is just comes down to Samoa rugby union working hard to make sure that rugby is played in Samoa in Schools , clubs and rural areas .
Samoa now have national schools comp and a national 7s comp that invovles all the schools and clubs from Upolu , Savaii and America Samoa .
And rugby league is now history .
Taipan now rugby league and AFL are working together in the Pacific ? You really are getting out of hands now .
Soccer has been around in Tonga , Samoa and Fiji about the same time rugby was introduce into the Pacific .
So whats the different 100 years ago to this day ? Nothing
If you must know hockey , basketball , softball , volleyball and island cricket is also played in this nations and have been for over 50 years .

Taipan the increase in league numbers in Wales , Scotland , and Ireland is due to the fact that there is a summer comp on and most of those players are from rugby union .
Just like in USA most of those league players played for their local rugby union clubs because the season are not the same .
In Brisbane Nigel Vagana's dad runs and organise the Samoa rugby union Pacific comp which runs in the summer .
50% of the players invovle played league in the Queensland Cup and the other 50% from the rugby union premier comp .

I can bet my house that soccer will never take over rugby , cricket as national sport of NZ , Australia and the Pacific .
carlnz I dont think anyone will agree with your soccer story in Tonga because soccer in Tonga is not played in schools or at Jrs level .
Fifa also gave Tonga soccer 1 million dollars and most of the clubs are now looking for half of that money . :lol:
Superleague gave Samoa rugby league 1 million dollars , and now look where it is now carlnz .
Rugby in Fiji has now gone pro this year with the Fiji RFU paying players in the FIJI national provincial comp.

What you think Im lying carlnz . Why don't you contact the Fiji rugby union and find out . At least Im not trying to say that soccer is now the national sport of Tonga .



Polynesian Warrior said:
iggy plop said:
League - 16th NRL AUS (14,886)
Yawnion - 22nd Currie Cup SA (11,394)
Yawnion - 33rd Premier division Eng (8,108)
League - 34th English S League (8041)
Yawnion - 50th Celtic League (5, 869)
YAwnion - 66th France Division One (4,082)
YAwnion - 67th UK (Wales) Celtic League (4, 065)
League - 68th PNG National Championship (3,919)
YAwnion- 94th Ireland (2,378)
League - 97th Russia First championship (2,331)
Yawnion - 98th UK (scottish) (2,300)
League - 100th NZ (Bartercard Cup) (2,290)
League - 104th French Elite One (2, 118)
Yawnion - 117th French Div 2 (1,451)
League - 118th English Div 1 (1, 435)
Yawnion - 120th English National league 1 (1,408)
League - 121st - Queensland Cup
YAwnion - 123rd - Canadian Super League (1,296)

Piggy Polp you are an idio*t . Do you think that any true rugby league fan can believe this rugby league site http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html
This site is run by an paranoia one eye league fan like yourself Russ 13 and thats why it is so pro league even Stevie Wonder can see it . :lol:

You and carlnz must have just come across this site this year but im afraid to say mate that this site has been around more than 5 years now .
Five years ago there were more than 20 rugby league clubs from South Africa , Venezuela and Morocco that had an average better than South Africa Currie cup and French Elite one . :lol: :lol:
I told Russ 13 then that there was no rugby league in Venezuela , Morocco
and SA and then he delete it about two month later .
What a paranoia . ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

The data in this listing is indeed out of date. The last completed superleague season in the UK had an average crowd of 8572 whilst the Zurich Premiership (English Union) had an average of 8564. Not much difference, but if you include playoffs, the Superleague average pulls away further.

Next year the ZP is expecting higher crowds, but then again so is Superleague (Wigan for instance have apparently sold 225% more season tickets than at the same time last year, although we really should wait until the season starts before truely counting season ticket sales).
19 January, 2004

Fiji’s Super League to start in April

By Teulau Masisika

With the gap between provincial rugby in Fiji and Test rugby at an unacceptable level, the Fiji Rugby Union will introduce a brand new, streamlined competition in April designed to identify and prepare local players for the international stage.

The 30-odd provincial unions have been grouped into four franchises along geographical lines that will contest a Super League to create more competitiveness in local matches.

To new competition will start 3 April and end 22 May in time for the international Test window. The teams will play a round-robin followed by semi-finals and a grand final.

Nadroga, Navosa, Namosi, Serua and Malolo

Suva, Naitasiri, Nasinu, Kadavu and the Northern Division

Tailevu, Northland, Ovalau, Rewa and Island Zone.

Lautoka, Nadi, Vatukoula, Tavua, Ba, Ra and Yasawas

The country’s best coaching staff will also experience the intensity of training and coaching at the highest possible level in Fiji. Players and staff will be paid a basic salary and would be eligible for ethic and performance bonuses.

FRU Development Officer Franck Boivert has drawn up a budget of $160,000 plus $795,000 from Colonial for the competition, more than half of which is for player salaries and bonuses.

The Telecom Fiji Cup will begin at the end of May and run through to October.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Charge said:
Polynesian Warrior said:
iggy plop said:
League - 16th NRL AUS (14,886)
Yawnion - 22nd Currie Cup SA (11,394)
Yawnion - 33rd Premier division Eng (8,108)
League - 34th English S League (8041)
Yawnion - 50th Celtic League (5, 869)
YAwnion - 66th France Division One (4,082)
YAwnion - 67th UK (Wales) Celtic League (4, 065)
League - 68th PNG National Championship (3,919)
YAwnion- 94th Ireland (2,378)
League - 97th Russia First championship (2,331)
Yawnion - 98th UK (scottish) (2,300)
League - 100th NZ (Bartercard Cup) (2,290)
League - 104th French Elite One (2, 118)
Yawnion - 117th French Div 2 (1,451)
League - 118th English Div 1 (1, 435)
Yawnion - 120th English National league 1 (1,408)
League - 121st - Queensland Cup
YAwnion - 123rd - Canadian Super League (1,296)

Piggy Polp you are an idio*t . Do you think that any true rugby league fan can believe this rugby league site http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html
This site is run by an paranoia one eye league fan like yourself Russ 13 and thats why it is so pro league even Stevie Wonder can see it . :lol:

You and carlnz must have just come across this site this year but im afraid to say mate that this site has been around more than 5 years now .
Five years ago there were more than 20 rugby league clubs from South Africa , Venezuela and Morocco that had an average better than South Africa Currie cup and French Elite one . :lol: :lol:
I told Russ 13 then that there was no rugby league in Venezuela , Morocco
and SA and then he delete it about two month later .
What a paranoia . ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

The data in this listing is indeed out of date. The last completed superleague season in the UK had an average crowd of 8572 whilst the Zurich Premiership (English Union) had an average of 8564. Not much difference, but if you include playoffs, the Superleague average pulls away further.

Next year the ZP is expecting higher crowds, but then again so is Superleague (Wigan for instance have apparently sold 225% more season tickets than at the same time last year, although we really should wait until the season starts before truely counting season ticket sales).

Dont bother about this rugby league site http://www.geocities.com/worldfootballrankings2004/Top125Leagues.html
bacause it is run by some paranoia one eye league fan Russ 13 .

NZ provincial rugby league comp (Bartercard cup) came 100th with an average of 2,290 :lol:
I went to three games this year and it will be lucky if there were 100 fans there .
Beside the NZ rugby league provincial comp is on there but he forgot to put the NZ rugby provincial comp(NPC) .
This year Wellington Lions had an average of 27,910 and the super 12 average for Auckland Blues is 36,000 .


First Grade
Um...yeah, where is the NPC from NZ, possibly the best attended rugby union competition in the world?

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