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The so-called "Development" that didn't save us


1. 2nd tier games are allocated to CC & get guaranteed income, at least doubling what will be made at Shark Park
do you mean crap games reef?

the club wont be able to do so in the sense - they would have to be seen to be making an effort to make it work up there and allocate some decent games

but who can estimate at this stage how the ladder will unfold by years end for next seasons draw
i think he means lower drawing teams in the shire

Canberra etc

Knights and Storm will be in the finals at least.


do you mean crap games reef?

the club wont be able to do so in the sense - they would have to be seen to be making an effort to make it work up there and allocate some decent games

but who can estimate at this stage how the ladder will unfold by years end for next seasons draw

Yes they can. 2nd tier 3 rdtier games are known well beforehand.
The Titans sell spot boxes now based on the game.
You can buy a box for 1 week & the price depends on if it is a 1,2 or 3rd teir game.


actually in hind sight, storm would be the one for adelaide in an effort to muster some support of their hatred for victoria


Other key points to make here
1. Years ago I believe after a conversation with a possible future director, he made it clear the best option was Gows plan to sell off the development. This clearly was not the best option & I wonder what his intentions are if he part of the next board?
2. CC has a population of near 297956 Newcastle Population is 493,465
The shire has 215,084
Newcastle figures from todays paper
average home crowds of 18,750 almost 3000 more than the 2007 average of 15,880.

So what I am saying is that population is not always representative as Newcastle with over twice the population & doing very well, is not getting twice the crowd we are.


First Grade
exactly right JC - no matter how much it kills to say it - the fans are to blame

we finished first last year and still the footy club had a massive loss

what other option did the club have ?

the footy club has been making a loss for years now, to call it on zappias head is dead set funny

anyone who thinks he made the decision to move games is truly blind

bullsh*t. I will not, for one second, let someone blame the fans for failing the team. It is, and always has, been the other way round.

Who are you going to blame Spide? The 250,000 Shire residents? Or the 9 board members + coach + CEO?

Cheese hit the nail on the head. The Shire doesn't relate to the team. It has changed so radically over the last decade that nothing remains of those wonderful days of a near entire home grown squad (save for a few QLDers and bush players). The club has done nothing to shore up the Shire's support of its team. They sat on their hands and let the situation decay.

I would not be surprised if a census showed the Dragons as being the more supported team in the Shire.


First Grade
I agree too, so very easy for the out of towners to throw the mud at locals and take the high moral ground because they take a flight to Sydney once a year.

Live here. Try and live and breathe the team on its own turf, when they are completely lethargic about growing their brand and expanding their support.

It is little wonder the punters would rather hit Northies than once again have Sharks management heap the blame on them.


First Grade
I moved away from Sydney a long time ago when people went to the game in droves, especially kids. Now its being killed off by apathy.

You've just justified my statements.

What has changed since you moved? Are you saying 250,000 residents suddenly woke up and didn't care about the Sharks?


First Grade
I've posted figures up here showing an average decrease in crowds from 14,000 to the present 9,000.

Who has caused this apathy - the gradual decay of the team? It doesn't happen over night. Ando? Noddy? Zappia? B Pierce?

Someone has to take the blame. The simple fact of the matter is there are 11 men at Cronulla Sharks in management positions who have a duty to sell the club and maximise crowds. They've failed dismally. Residents have reacted to the absolute slop the team has served up this season (as they did in past bad seasons), and have reacted to poor direction in which the club has been sailed with Pierce at the helm.

Some will ask why, in 08 when they were winning, didn't the punters come back. Was the brand damaged just too much at that point?

It isn't simply apathy of the fans. It is a factor, but if we are to attribute blame then do the numbers. The assertions of 11 don't stand up to the actions of 250,000 who have voted with their feet.


I've posted figures up here showing an average decrease in crowds from 14,000 to the present 9,000.

Who has caused this apathy - the gradual decay of the team? It doesn't happen over night. Ando? Noddy? Zappia? B Pierce?

Someone has to take the blame. The simple fact of the matter is there are 11 men at Cronulla Sharks in management positions who have a duty to sell the club and maximise crowds. They've failed dismally. Residents have reacted to the absolute slop the team has served up this season (as they did in past bad seasons), and have reacted to poor direction in which the club has been sailed with Pierce at the helm.

Some will ask why, in 08 when they were winning, didn't the punters come back. Was the brand damaged just too much at that point?

It isn't simply apathy of the fans. It is a factor, but if we are to attribute blame then do the numbers. The assertions of 11 don't stand up to the actions of 250,000 who have voted with their feet.

I'n not saying that the management is blameless. But the fans are the ones mostly to blame. Especially the parents of gen y who have raised such a useless,vain "entertain me immediatley or talk to the hand" society.


First Grade
And likewise I agree - the game has changed significantly. The unearthing of Benji Marshall, Inglis, Folau etc. has made some teams excitement machines and some just trundlers who grind it out.

But I see this as having been a trend that has long been around in Cronulla. We've never touched the highs of 1999 in terms of crowds and excitement. The game day and the team performance went downhill gradually form there, and the title as one of League's better teams diminished.

It wasn't corrected by those who were in the position to do so.

The punters are apathetic now. I think KOTH and myself, people in that general demographic would struggle to name many friends who now stick by the Sharks. But I think the club had a duty to try and kill that apathy when they were first aware of it. If action was taken say 5 years ago, we may not be heading to the CC now.


bullsh*t. I will not, for one second, let someone blame the fans for failing the team.
too late SS

its a combination of both for mine - residents, and the board

Who are you going to blame Spide? The 250,000 Shire residents? Or the 9 board members + coach + CEO?
actually i was that pissed when i heard it i blamed every prick from jesus to santa clause, but how will blame rectify the issue now

lets face it, the members / fans couldnt even be half assed to vote at the last election, who are we kidding really

geez - if we cant get crowds now, especially after our regular season last year - how will we ever get them?

I blame the lot SS - everyone could raise the bar - but now its too late

no good us complaining about what 'ifs' now - damage is done

one could debate both sides of the fence, but at the end of the day who is held accountable - THE BOARD of DIRECTORS

If action was taken say 5 years ago, we may not be heading to the CC now.
see above


First Grade
True, the blame game is irrelevant now. Still, I don't know how Pierce has the gall to stand for re-election given these developments.

Looking forward - is this arrangement for 5 games per year, or 5 games only spread out til 2014. I suspect it is the former, but if not, how on earth will such forward planning quell the financial stress that needs to be alleviated now?


True, the blame game is irrelevant now. Still, I don't know how Pierce has the gall to stand for re-election given these developments.
you and me both - you and me both

Looking forward - is this arrangement for 5 games per year, or 5 games only spread out til 2014. I suspect it is the former, but if not, how on earth will such forward planning quell the financial stress that needs to be alleviated now?
5 to gosford and 1 to Adelaide per season

not set in stone, but looks highly likely depending on the NRL side of the fence ( who is the NRL chairman?)


I think you will find also with the shire is that it has a huge turnover of residents. I know a lot of old people have moved out. Then again a lot of old people from other areas have moved in. And also a lot of young families have moved into the shire, of course being the most popular place to raise a family. I know of more people from my age moving out of the shire than staying.
The culture has changed, the yuppies have destroyed the NULLA!We have been infiltrated by mainly Fagon supporters who want a better lifestyle than Kogarah!
KOTH sounds like a lobbyist for the masons ticket.

Low blow, I haven't endorsed anyone and won't, I've said what I reckon should happen and what should have happened to keep the Sharks in the Shire.

I didn't even know there was a rival ticket.

Have nominations for the board closed?