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The Swamp I

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Assistant Moderator
You got shown up and deleted my post. Usually there are notifications that go with that.

You removed my forum access to jubilee avenue because you couldn't hack the truth.

As for defamation, Will not be hard to dig up tonnes of it from Dragons fans calling Bulldogs players rapists and the like.

As for your suggestion that I write to Soward. I think I will. I will be sure to let him know how disgustied I am at his antics. Thank you for the suggestion. I will be sure to leave my name and a return address in case he wishes to write me a personal apology.

FFS, you're such a drama queen.

You can't dictate to the Mods of Jubilee Avenue. It's a Dragons member's forum imported from a site that shut down. LU provided the space to help out. And they have their own guidelines.

It says at the top that it is for Dragons supporters and friends. Show some respect you pompous twit. If they decide to let you post there, they will say so.

From what I saw, you were trolling and carrying like a complete dill. Imagine that.

How would you feel if I trampled into your loungeroom and refused to leave?

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First Grade
FFS, you're such a drama queen.

You can't dictate to the Mods of Jubilee Avenue. It's a Dragons member's forum imported from a site that shut down, and they have their own guidelines.

It says at the top that it is for Dragons supporters and friends. Show some respect you pompous twit. If they decide to let you post there, they will say so.

From what I saw, you were trolling and carrying like a complete dill. Imagine that.

How would you feel if I trampled into your loungeroom and refused to leave? f**kwit.

Comparing an Internet forum to a lounge room. Talk bout drama queen. merkin

Respect is something that you turds do not deserve one iota of. Earn it and you shall have it.

I was not trolling. I was clearly stating the facts.

So how many more of my posts are going to vanish into thin air after you ave been shown up?

SerbDragon - If you don't like it, don't read it ya tosser.


Comparing an Internet forum to a lounge room. Talk bout drama queen. merkin

Respect is something that you turds do not deserve one iota of. Earn it and you shall have it.

I was not trolling. I was clearly stating the facts.

So how many more of my posts are going to vanish into thin air after you ave been shown up?

SerbDragon - If you don't like it, don't read it ya tosser.
Without a doubt you are the biggest whiny little bitch that ive ever had the displeasure of reading you know what?.

I've had a complete about face im happy that you merkins lost now f**k sportsmanship when it comes to you lot you don't deserve an iota of sympathy your club and your fans are the biggest disgrace known in the history of the nrl second to none now f**k off.


First Grade
Without a doubt you are the biggest whiny little bitch that ive ever had the displeasure of reading you know what?.

I've had a complete about face im happy that you merkins lost now f**k sportsmanship when it comes to you lot you don't deserve an iota of sympathy your club and your fans are the biggest disgrace known in the history of the nrl second to none now f**k off.

Very rich coming from a man who supports deliberate cheating and lying about it afterwards. "Karma" will bite you lot.


SerbDragon - If you don't like it, don't read it ya tosser.

I dont think that many people on a St George forum will like it, therefore a lot of people will not take notice, and those who do will try and stick up for themselves

I for one dont like it, and am not going to say anything and ignore it as suggested


Assistant Moderator
Comparing an Internet forum to a lounge room. Talk bout drama queen. merkin
LOL. You're the one protesting - obviously it's important to you.

What's wrong? Crying because you been thrown out of another club?

Dogaholic said:
Respect is something that you turds do not deserve one iota of. Earn it and you shall have it.
I think that's pretty much the gist of your 'contributions' in the Jubilee Avenue forum.

Did you not see the For Dragons supporters and friends

Yeah, you were being real friendly. But I jest... truth is you're too stupid to know when to back off.

Dogaholic said:
I was not trolling. I was clearly stating the facts.
:lol: Liar.

Dogaholic said:
So how many more of my posts are going to vanish into thin air after you ave been shown up?
Whinge whinge, cry, sook, moan. Imagine if a real problem presented itself.

Tell me troll, what else frightens you? Moths? spiders? Cynical Pink Elephants?

Dogaholic said:
SerbDragon - If you don't like it, don't read it ya tosser.
Serb posts here and is a real contributor. You're a troll - entertainment value yes, but still a troll.

Suck it up. You've been owned again. Troll.


First Grade
LOL. You're the one protesting - obviously it's important to you.

I really don't give a f**k. I just think it is a silly way to deal with things when you cannot handle the truth. The fact it gets you lot going is a bonus

What's wrong? Crying because you been thrown out of another club?
What club? What are you on about? Is this jubilee avenue considered a club?

I think that's pretty much the gist of your 'contributions' in the Jubilee Avenue forum.

I posted the truth. You lot obviously cannot handle that.

Did you not see the For Dragons supporters and friends

No. As I did not register on jubilee avenue I did not bother to read any of the terms or take note of any admin message.

Yeah, you were being real friendly. But I jest... truth is you're too stupid to know when to back off.
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. I guess "the truth hurts".

:lol: Liar.

Coming from a man who deleted my post because you couldn't handle it. You are a coward and a cheat. Quite fitting that you would blindly support Soward.

Whinge whinge, cry, sook, moan. Imagine if a real problem presented itself.

Tell me troll, what else frightens you? Moths? spiders? Cynical Pink Elephants?
I love Cynical Pink Elephants. They are my favourite.

Serb posts here and is a real contributor. You're a troll - entertainment value yes, but still a troll.

It really does not bother me whether you think I am a real contributor or not. You have a history of deleting and editing posts to suit your needs.

Suck it up. You've been owned again. Troll.

Ohh Ahh, yeah!! Big time!! :sarcasm: You got nothing but your little edit and delete button.


Assistant Moderator
There there diddums....



So which one of these hate clubs do you condone...


Jamie Soward is a cheater

Jamie Soward The Glorified Pansy!

Jamie Soward is a cheat

Jamie Soward Is a Cat


Jamie Soward is a Cheating little c@#$

Jamie Soward is a bitch, whinger and a cheat.

Jamie SOWARD - if you can't tackle take a dive

oh and heres a good one... "i want to punch jamie soward in the face"

Do you ever wonder why your fans are the most hated in the comp? Its a tuff one..
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First Grade
So which one of these hate clubs do you condone...


Jamie Soward is a cheater

Jamie Soward The Glorified Pansy!

Jamie Soward is a cheat

Jamie Soward Is a Cat


Jamie Soward is a Cheating little c@#$Jamie Soward is a bitch, whinger and a cheat.

oh and heres a good one... "i want to punch jamie soward in the face"

Do you ever wonder why your fans are the most hated in the comp? Its a tuff one..

I don't condone any. I think you will find that the members are not only Bulldogs fans as all Rugby League fans except Dragons were disgusted by what took place.

I have joined one or 2 recently to see what the fuss is about and am disgusted with some of the comments.

Do you condone the deliberate deceiving of the ref and lying about it later?


I wonder if Soward will need some extra protection this week??:lol:

You never know what these scumbag ferals could do never seen a bigger pack of skirts in my whole life
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