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The Swamp I

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First Grade
you have serious issues dog. serious serious issues.

approx how long do you think your tanty is going to last?

I think you have trouble accepting the truth. Talk to any Rugby League fan (except Dragons fans) and they wll tell you how it is.


mate heres a fact: i have ventured into the dogs forum once in my life and that was to say tough call fellas i myself thought it was a try etc etc.. even now i still think its a try. but you know what, pollution like you makes me happy you got robbed. you have replaced my sympathy of a bad call with sheer delight watching you and your dog kennel squirm with hate.

its downright bliss right now. happy with your efforts? becuase thats what you have achieved. now i ask you for the last time "why are dogs supporters the most hated in the league"

actually dont answer...your ramblings today have allready answered the q for me.

never once have i posted in your forum to stir sh*t.. you are a sad lonely little individual.

sucksh*tyoupeasant... ive since retracted my statement. in the dogs forum, and will NEVER enter that hole again.


First Grade
I really do not give a hoot about your posting habits. They do not concern me in the slightest.

I support Rugby League and St Merge just so happen to play Rugby League. This justifies me posting in ANY Rugby League section.

Your initial post in the Dogs section was very admirable. Put it this way, I would have not joined it if some Dragons fans had not chimed in with their stupidity and bias. Yes - that means people like willow.

Initially I thanked you guys for your comments, even stated that I thought the Dragons were the better team over all, and told all the others whats done is done.

Morons like your good mate Willow seem to suck me right in.

Now I have the next 2 days off work and I was planning on spending those out doors. Unfortunately I seemed to have picked up the flu. Whilst St Merge fans are still giving it I will happily oblige :)

You may have retracted your statement but you pretty much said again that we were robbed. Thanks again. I still think you guys were the more dominant team over all. :D


I really do not give a hoot about your posting habits. They do not concern me in the slightest.

I support Rugby League and St Merge just so happen to play Rugby League. This justifies me posting in ANY Rugby League section.

Your initial post in the Dogs section was very admirable. Put it this way, I would have not joined it if some Dragons fans had not chimed in with their stupidity and bias. Yes - that means people like willow.

Initially I thanked you guys for your comments, even stated that I thought the Dragons were the better team over all, and told all the others whats done is done.

Morons like your good mate Willow seem to suck me right in.

Now I have the next 2 days off work and I was planning on spending those out doors. Unfortunately I seemed to have picked up the flu. Whilst St Merge fans are still giving it I will happily oblige :)

You may have retracted your statement but you pretty much said again that we were robbed. Thanks again. I still think you guys were the more dominant team over all. :D
Well i find it funny you call others morons when you are the moron that supposedly got "sucked in"

Is St Merge supposed to be some sort of cutting insult?? pretty piss poor effort if it is and you can make that a double retraction and a mistake i will never make again.


I think you have trouble accepting the truth. Talk to any Rugby League fan (except Dragons fans) and they wll tell you how it is.

actually i talked to a fair few bulldogs supporters at work today, they dont really seem to care about the loss, they dont think the call was a bad one, more 50/50. In the end, they have accepted the fact that they have lost, and are moving on with their lives. I have great respect for them.


What club? What are you on about? Is this jubilee avenue considered a club?

No. As I did not register on jubilee avenue I did not bother to read any of the terms or take note of any admin message.

Ohh Ahh, yeah!! Big time!! :sarcasm: You got nothing but your little edit and delete button.

First time I've been here, hopefully the last. A waste of good cyber space I say.

Anyway for the uninitiated, Jubilee Ave has been transferred over from the old World Of Rugby League/MSN Saints site which was a grand olde beast - but alas the plug was pulled in February.

It was brought across to LU to be hosted, as the good folk who run this site worked very hard to customise it and bring across its history.

It has its own moderators (different from main Saints forum) and its own rules - a very cunning 10 rule list that actually contains 12 rules. Rules 11 & 12 apply to you dogaholic in this instance - and as they are held as a sticky at the top of the forum ignorance of their existence is no excuse.

Ultimately we have left the gate open for other team supporters to participate as there is often quality content to be found on many issues and we welcome serious contributors. Ramble_on, a Newcastle supporter, is a quality contributor for example.

Your contributions dogaholic weren't deemed quality enough to command an extended stay, but we thank you for your visit and hope you took something out of it.

In this inst, your greivances are misdirected.


Assistant Moderator
I doubt lying doggo will listen to the voice of reason Smithy. Even though you've made it very clear.

In any case, the troll is better value in the swamp.

This justifies me posting in ANY Rugby League section.
Whether we like it or not eh? You nazis are all the same.

So tell me, do we raise our arms and say 'sieg heil' when you walk in the room, or do we stand by and cheer while you burn crosses on the lawns of Arncliffe?

As for crimminals for fans, Arncliff and its surrounding areas are choc full of lebanese, muslims etc. Have a look at your own back yard

Dogaholic said:
Put it this way, I would have not joined it if some Dragons fans had not chimed in with their stupidity and bias. Yes - that means people like willow.
Do you even know what you're talking about? You'd have to go a fair way back to find a post of mine in the LU bulldogs forum. If you're joining other forums and blogs because of something I've said here in the Dragons forum, then you're sadder than I first thought.
Dogaholic said:
Morons like your good mate Willow seem to suck me right in.
lol. Too funny for words.
Dogaholic said:
Unfortunately I seemed to have picked up the flu.
Ah, poor widdle fella. Would you like some thalium to ease the pain?


First Grade
I doubt lying doggo will listen to the voice of reason Smithy. Even though you've made it very clear.

In any case, the troll is better value in the swamp.

Whether we like it or not eh? You nazis are all the same.

So tell me, do we raise our arms and say 'sieg heil' when you walk in the room, or do we stand by and cheer while you burn crosses on the lawns of Arncliffe?

As for crimminals for fans, Arncliff and its surrounding areas are choc full of lebanese, muslims etc. Have a look at your own back yard

Do you even know what you're talking about? You'd have to go a fair way back to find a post of mine in the LU bulldogs forum. If you're joining other forums and blogs because of something I've said here in the Dragons forum, then you're sadder than I first thought.
lol. Too funny for words.
Ah, poor widdle fella. Would you like some thalium to ease the pain?

On the contrary, that smithy bloke sounds very reasonable. I however have no further access to that forum and he desires not to have me participate. win/win

Once again you post that comment although you edited your mates comment to save his hide. That comment of mine was directly quoting the comment you deleted. You are a total merkin, a liar, and a coward!!

You have the nerve to slander me by calling me a nazi? I'll be saving a copy of this. Some of my best mates are muslim you twit!

I really don't care what or where you post. Are you the only Dragons fan on LU you f**kwit?

Where do I give the impression that I join blogs/forums from things you say. You give yourself way too much credit.


First Grade
When all else fails..they go for the mums without fail.

So much for the bulldogs mentality changing like you claim it is....

Oh please, as if that wanker Willow isn't resortig to dirty tactics and name calling. Get the f**k over yourselves.

Besides, I wont take criticism from someone who calls himself SERBdragon FFS.


big pat

What... again?

Ah family references... another rule broken by lying doggo.

You can always claim you were taken out of context. lol

time to show this pest the exit willow. bringing people's mother into an argument shows how desperate this person is.


Assistant Moderator
Oh please, as if that wanker Willow isn't resortig to dirty tactics and name calling. Get the f**k over yourselves.
'Name calling' lol. sook.

Well you see doggo, most people don't use bit of 'name calling' to make silly threats or feel the need to break forum rules (racist remarks, family references, bypassing the swear filter).

Besides, it's not name calling if it's the truth.

Have you got your legal team ready yet?
Dogaholic said:
Besides, I wont take criticism from someone who calls himself SERBdragon FFS.


So you don't like Serbians as well. Well no surprises there.

Let me guess, you've been taken out of context... yet again?


na let him stay..in the swamp at least. he is a testament to the new "improved doggies" who have apparently had what they call.... "a clean out"

dogaholic you are a shining beacon in the new age of canterbury.

carry on...
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