Time for Gallop/IC to place Nine on notice:
I watched the Qld telecast tonight of the double header. Or at least, I should say I was able to watch some of it.
Being in Qld, the Broncos v Storm match was telecast first. At the completion of that game the viewing public was treated to a masterful display by 9 on how they can mismanage this sport that gifts them so much.
They cut to a bunch of ads and instead of then commencing the delay telecast of the Rabbits v Raiders match they redisplay the picture of the emptying melbourne stadium with some Storm players milling around the fence line, when a Hadley voice over promptly announces that "the Storm & the Rabbits have recorded comprehensive wins, and that the late night news will be next"........it doesnt end there though.........we then go back to ad breaks.
When the telecast finally returns it doesnt launch into the Rabbits game but instead returns to the now empty Melbourne stadium with another couple of minutes of audio tech mumbling and finsihed off with a shot of the commentary booth complete with tech winding up cables and ends with an audio tech obviously unaware until he obviously hears through his headset somethings up and they go back to an ad break until we resume with the rabbits match 9 minutes in.
It was fine comedy indeed and as completely amateur as ive seen in TV for a long long time.
9 need to pay extra to even have a shot at the rights.