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'We should have won four comps' - Willie


Babyface O'reilly said:
Roy Masters wrote an article after the Hapote 'bum and finger' incident.
If memory serves he said something along the lines that the "ARU and AFL would never admit it, but they would love to get the media coverage that league attracts" while most of the fans on this site come on and worry that the game's reputation is being ruined. I'm not saying you're wrong for doing so but I'm gratefull for all the colourful characters that RL has produced. The above mentioned, Mundine and Willie included.
For all his brilliance on the field, ET cut a dull figure of it and not many threads were written about his prowess. After all, great players' exploits on the field don't fill press articles Tuesdays to Thursdays.
Love him or loath him he's keeping league in the paper and this fine forum busy.
Come on guys, this is going to be an off season that's actually enjoyable.
God bless rugby league.

what crap.

ET brought a sh*tload of female interest into the game. how much support particularly female, do you think mason would have brought in during his career-to-date?

if you think scandals mon-fri are the publicity that will keep families interested in a game, i hope you are never considered for a position on the marketing of our game.

Dave Q

Yes, the Roosters want publicity for all of the right reasons.

They wont like becoming a doormat for Masons ignorance, his managers avarice and the media's thirst for a story at all costs.

The Roosters will bring him to heal, its just a question of for how long.


Now that I've had time to reflect on it. I think calling Mason better for the game than ET might be the dumbest thing I've heard, anywhere.


EGGG said:
Now that I've had time to reflect on it. I think calling Mason better for the game than ET might be the dumbest thing I've heard, anywhere.
not so.

peter doust is the dumbest thing i've ever heard or read.
EGGG said:
Now that I've had time to reflect on it. I think calling Mason better for the game than ET might be the dumbest thing I've heard, anywhere.

I'll second that! I struggle to see how anything Mason has said or done could be thought to have a positive influence on the game. From day 1 he has been all about himself.


Bullcrap, some of the supporters will stop supporting their team because of Willie, you guys forget the club is bigger.

Though he is Cancerous influencing big mouthed goof.

Dave Q

"heal" yes Greegles I meant "heel"

I reckon Willie will STFU and play footy for a few rounds, then he will go off.


So when the Bulldogs won the comp it was all the players' credit but all the other times they were knocked out was all the coach's fault?? Can't have it both ways Willie, you overgrown sack of sh*t
EGGG said:
Now that I've had time to reflect on it. I think calling Mason better for the game than ET might be the dumbest thing I've heard, anywhere.

Stop reflecting for a moment and re read my thread and you will see that I didn't say say Mason was better for the game than ET just that he was a dull character off the field. I'm simply making a case for the characters (good or bad) of the game. Willie has always been described as one. Mundine, Blocker etc. All characters. When was Andrew ever described as a 'character'? And for your earlier reply for shooting (bit over the top there) up schools gets coverage? Mason and Hapote are just dickheads. Not murderers. Not drug dealers. Just dickheads. If you think the likes of them are truely harming the game then less people will start attending. That clearly hasn't happened and I wasn't condoning any of the mentioned scandals either.
gregstar said:
what crap.

ET brought a sh*tload of female interest into the game. how much support particularly female, do you think mason would have brought in during his career-to-date?

if you think scandals mon-fri are the publicity that will keep families interested in a game, i hope you are never considered for a position on the marketing of our game.

Sorry Gregstar. I see your point but I just don't have a sterile view of life or the game. I like it warts and all. When Hapote committed his sin my first reaction was not of moral outrage but more of 'can't wait to see what HG and Roy are going to do with this one.' Just for the record I'm not condoning his actions and nor, I'm sure does Roy Masters but I do see his point that PR good or bad helps promote your 'product'. Excuse the Super League term. Enjoy the off season.


Your kidding? He couldnt be that stupid.

On second thought, he is that stupid. Bulldogs have finally made a good decision re recruitment.

Tom Ace

"Ask him if he's got one mate in the whole world. Even guys who played with him in the 1980s say he has no personality."

I can't help but crack up at this sentence. I haven't heard something like this since I was 10.

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