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'We should have won four comps' - Willie


ozjet1 said:
i dont know cos ive never met him.

He went to school with my school years GF and they had mutual friends, so I have met him and knew him enough to say g'day and have a chat during high school years.

Can't say what he is like now, but back then he was the poster child for ADD.

Bit strange because he was a bully one minute and the victim's best mate the next. the sort of guy that would rip into someone verbally, really upset them, and then go over and put his arm around them and say sorry....

The type of guy that if he was average size would have had some courtesy and respect beaten into him at school, but because he (and his big bro Les) were huge, that never happened, which is probably a shame.

Overall a nice guy - quick wit (believe it or not) and deep down has a good heart - just extremely hyperactive and very immature - I did see him last about 10 years ago however, so he may have matured since then!


:lol: At someone making a comparisson as a character to Blocker Roach. That is the biggest load of sh*t ever pedalled on these forums. Blocker could be controversial but was universally loved by the masses when he wan't playing their side that week. He was tough when the game was tough and he wasn't the biggest guy running around. His heart pumped black and gold blood through his veins and he loved the game.

Willie on the other hand is a very talented player who likes to act the big man whenever he can but goes missing at the first sign of trouble or a hard game. He got smashed his first tackle playing the Panthers this season at CUA stadium and went missing for the rest of the game. He talked it up in the media re: O'Meley. Turns out only one player was scared of playing without his buddy to back him up and that was Mason.

I love listening him talk it up how much money he has lost by sticking with the Dogs through loyalty etc etc. Could it be that Mason has always known that if you put him in a side without another dominant prop he will get shown up. He is a leader of a pack in good times and goes missing like a child near the Neverland ranch gates whenever things get hard.

This guy who has given up so much for the club in his opinion is absolutley kidding himself in believing that tripe. Players like Corey Hughes, Adam Perry, Hazem El Masri. These guys have given up oodles for their club. These are real clubmen Willie. Not prima donna little bitches like you. A guy who does nothing but talk but deep down does not believe his own hype.

f**k you, you blight on the NRL roadmap


First Grade
EGGG said:
I'm saving it all for when I see Willie some day walking around pretending to be an Eastern Suburbs resident, money cant buy you class Willie you knob. We all want you to leave, you're a blight on the club and the area.

So everyone in the Eastern Suburbs has class, right?



Mason is absolutely spot on. The Dogs are an absolute disgrace to the game, and if it took someone as polarising as Mason to expose it, so be it.

Well in Willie.



LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It's funny, the traitor hate for O'Meley will not really happen because of BackStab Willie.


Folkes won't lose any sleep over it. Steve Folkes is far from a crap coach, his record speaks for itself, and he wouldn't have lasted as long as he has if he was a dud coach. I'm friends with folkesy's daughter and she pretty much said that they didn't expect any different from willie


skeepe said:
Mason is absolutely spot on. The Dogs are an absolute disgrace to the game, and if it took someone as polarising as Mason to expose it, so be it.

Well in Willie.




I assume the implication there is that I'm fishing for bites... not so. That is my 100% honest opinion.


skeepe said:
Mason is absolutely spot on. The Dogs are an absolute disgrace to the game, and if it took someone as polarising as Mason to expose it, so be it.

Well in Willie.

And you honestly think Mason had nothing to do with that reputation?

It's like George W Bush coming out and saying American politics is full of f**kwits. That may be so, but the fact is he's still the ringleader.

Each to their own I guess.


I just wonder... I've got this funny feeling, bare with me here fellas, I know this is a little out there, but don't players have something to do with on field results? Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm sure they do. I'm quite certain of in fact. Wouldn't you therefore say if he believed the squad should have won four comps that as individual players they underachieved? And therefore wouldn't you say the egg is also on his face? Yes I'mquite certain football games aren't always won by the bloke on the sidelines.

Brad Fittler is an inexperienced coach, Steve Folkes is a taskmaster with a fine record as a player and coach, I just feel for Freddy getting this bloke on board, because if they don't win premierships, and there's an audit as to why, Willie's not going to blame the roster. It'll always be the coaches fault.

I really think Willie needs to understand his role as a player better, and how much influence collectively players have on game by game results, season by season results. It's amazing when you attempt to give yourself a bit of accountability how much your individual and collective performance will improve, rather than look to the easiest scapegoat you can find.


First Grade
gregstar said:
what crap.

ET brought a sh*tload of female interest into the game. how much support particularly female, do you think mason would have brought in during his career-to-date?

if you think scandals mon-fri are the publicity that will keep families interested in a game, i hope you are never considered for a position on the marketing of our game.
Yeah, cos our marketing's not bad enough...


First Grade
Max Power said:
"Ask him if he's got one mate in the whole world. Even guys who played with him in the 1980s say he has no personality."

I can't help but crack up at this sentence. I haven't heard something like this since I was 10.
You like sucking willie off?


EGGG, if you're gonna be such a dopey bastard, stop bleating about it and get the Roosters logo out of your nickname. Just f**k off and be done with it. Mason's a dickhead, get over it. We've had bigger dickheads with less talent. Chris Walker comes to mind.


First Grade
adamkungl said:
EGGG, if you're gonna be such a dopey bastard, stop bleating about it and get the Roosters logo out of your nickname. Just f**k off and be done with it. Mason's a dickhead, get over it. We've had bigger dickheads with less talent. Chris Walker comes to mind.
adamkungl's another one, The Survivor...the list goes on.
adamkungl said:
EGGG, if you're gonna be such a dopey bastard, stop bleating about it and get the Roosters logo out of your nickname. Just f**k off and be done with it. Mason's a dickhead, get over it. We've had bigger dickheads with less talent. Chris Walker comes to mind.

Your drawing a long bow comparing Walker to Mason.At least Walker never shat on a CEO's desk.


adamkungl said:
EGGG, if you're gonna be such a dopey bastard, stop bleating about it and get the Roosters logo out of your nickname. Just f**k off and be done with it. Mason's a dickhead, get over it. We've had bigger dickheads with less talent. Chris Walker comes to mind.

Chis walker isnt even in the same league as Willie Mason when it comes to being a dickhead.

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