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Western Bears


GoTheBears said:
Central Coast mate, where we should be already

Mate i completely agree with you that the bears have been done wrong by and if all things were fair theyd have some place in the NRL. The Perth option however would still give Bear fans around 10 away games in Sydney and the new club could hold one home game a yr at North Syd. In the AFL as I understand it the old South Melbourne n Fitzroy supports have eventually come round to their new club entitees (sp?)
Whilst I agree that the Bears were hard done by and should still be with us playing from Gosford, the point is the NRL is not going to admit another NSW team. So the dream of the Bears on the CC is dead and buried.

Having the Bears playing plenty of away games in Sydney is surely better than having no home or away games at all.


Another idea for the Bears to get back into the NRL would be for their Leagues Club and some other backers to get together and make an offer to News Ltd to buy the Melbourne Storm.

Surely News Ltd would be happy to have one less team to fund.

Not that I am saying the team should leave Melbourne - the NRL and News Ltd should make it a condition of the deal that the team stays in Melbourne permanently.

However, it could be called the Melbourne Bears, play in Red and Black and play 9 games in Melbourne and 3 games at North Sydney Oval (eg v. Manly, Souths and Tigers or Parra).
Rocks said:
Another idea for the Bears to get back into the NRL would be for their Leagues Club and some other backers to get together and make an offer to News Ltd to buy the Melbourne Storm.

Surely News Ltd would be happy to have one less team to fund.

Not that I am saying the team should leave Melbourne - the NRL and News Ltd should make it a condition of the deal that the team stays in Melbourne permanently.

However, it could be called the Melbourne Bears, play in Red and Black and play 9 games in Melbourne and 3 games at North Sydney Oval (eg v. Manly, Souths and Tigers or Parra).

And do you really think that the people of Melbourne would suddenly jump on board and support a team that plays home games in Sydney?!


First Grade
Western Bears sounds like a great idea. Melbouren bears - f**king stupid.

I cannot understand why you people are so afraid of putting a team in WA. IMO it is more of a surrender when you wont go to another state because AFL is there, rather than a city up the f**king road from sydney where they love league.

Red Bear

Rocks said:
Another idea for the Bears to get back into the NRL would be for their Leagues Club and some other backers to get together and make an offer to News Ltd to buy the Melbourne Storm.

Surely News Ltd would be happy to have one less team to fund.

Not that I am saying the team should leave Melbourne - the NRL and News Ltd should make it a condition of the deal that the team stays in Melbourne permanently.

However, it could be called the Melbourne Bears, play in Red and Black and play 9 games in Melbourne and 3 games at North Sydney Oval (eg v. Manly, Souths and Tigers or Parra).
Our leagues club wouldnt do that full stop

Perth Red

Post Whore
Western Bears sounds a good idea. Gives a WA franchise some stability financially and jnr development wise with the bears and their leagues club/jnr teams, gives the game a more national development, gives Nth Sydney fans a chance to see their team ten games a year (more than Super14 fans get!) and lets face it the Bears will NEVER get a NRL franchise in NSW.

Everyone's a winner!


Perth Red said:
Western Bears sounds a good idea. Gives a WA franchise some stability financially and jnr development wise with the bears and their leagues club/jnr teams, gives the game a more national development, gives Nth Sydney fans a chance to see their team ten games a year (more than Super14 fans get!) and lets face it the Bears will NEVER get a NRL franchise in NSW.

Everyone's a winner!


Who realistically will take the bribe to move to the Central Coast ??

The NRL have stated emphatically that they want a team there.

There may be a review or tender process in the next few yrs re new teams.

There are other instances that could eventuate.

I still ask why leave the whole North Shore and Central Coast open for other sports ??

Surely the smart move would be to have a team covering these areas. The sky wouldn't fall in as some here and in the Toiletgraph keep saying.


Perth Bears
Adelaide Jets
Central Coast Sharks/Roosters/Rabbitohs
Redcliffe Dolphins
Southern Orcas

20 team comp. that actually looks like it could work.

Mr. Fahrenheit

magpie_man said:
Perth Bears
Adelaide Jets
Central Coast Sharks/Roosters/Rabbitohs
Redcliffe Dolphins
Southern Orcas

20 team comp. that actually looks like it could work.

Ideally, that would be good by the yr 2020, where would the southern ocras be???

but for short term puposes, (hopefully by 2012) there should be a CC team and a WA team either in the form of:

Western Bears
CC Rabbitohs


Western Rabbitohs
CC Bears

one way or the other for our game to continue to grow, certain measures hae to be taken, an indication that the NRL is thinkin along these lines is the 8m bribe and the allocation of tests and SOO to melb

Perth Red

Post Whore
The 8 million is only for am EXISTING NRL franchise to move. The NRL (if they want a WA team) could up it to 15 million (a more realistic set up cost for a new team) and offer it to any club (ie existing NRL or Newtown or Nth Sydney) who would be willing to move to the West. They obviously have concerns (for whatever reason) about a team on the CC otherwise they would be pushing that much harder.


the southern orcas would be the wellington, nz team.
imo it's possible to have another 2 teams in for the next tv contract in 2011(?) - probably perth and wellington. then add another 2 for the further tv contract in 2016(?) - redcliffe and adelaide.
the nrl needs to up the ante for an existing sydney team's relocation to the central coast, perhaps to $10-15 million.
anyways, by 2017 we'd have:

3 south east qld teams
1 regional qld team
3 regional nsw teams
7 greater sydney teams
1 act team
1 vic team
1 sa team
1 wa team
2 nz teams

if that's not national, i'm not here.


the leagues club has told the nrl they'll support a CC Bears
the football club has talked to the nrl about said same
the CC Bears is the plan until another club gets moved there from sydney-
chances of that are lower than before [rusty hac and costello handout]

not saying never, but a western jets is more likely


Staff member
I also think the Western Bears is not the worst idea in the world. Bears fans need to admit they need to look at options because they are not in the best negotiating position.

I think you might even find if they approached the NRL and said we will support an NRL bid in Perth in regards to minimal finance, premier league support etc. they might just come up with 8 plus million to help out. They know that the Bears in Sydney have many fans around and they would desperately like to gain them back. I am sure you could also negotiate a Sydney Bears season ticket as well.

HaC might even come to the party in some regard, and lets be honest, his money and contacts could help alot.

There are also enough WA players to have a third of the side from there within a very short time (even the potential of day one). The Western Force can't say that as far as I know.


Staff member
joshreading said:
I also think the Western Bears is not the worst idea in the world. Bears fans need to admit they need to look at options because they are not in the best negotiating position.

I think you might even find if they approached the NRL and said we will support an NRL bid in Perth in regards to minimal finance, premier league support etc. they might just come up with 8 plus million to help out. They know that the Bears in Sydney have many fans around and they would desperately like to gain them back. I am sure you could also negotiate a Sydney Bears season ticket as well.

HaC might even come to the party in some regard, and lets be honest, his money and contacts could help alot.

There are also enough WA players to have a third of the side from there within a very short time (even the potential of day one). The Western Force can't say that as far as I know.

yep all u have 2 do is look in the Queensland cup comp, Jim Beam and lower grades and ull find WA players scattered around, and also the few players that r already playin in the NRL, Daniel Holdsworth, Lee Te Mari, John Green, Matt Petterson


***MH*** said:
Has the WARL approached the North Sydney Leagues Club about such a venture?

They would have to approach the football club I imagine not the leagues club.

To the best of my knowledge the football club is commited to returning to the NRL on the Central Coast if the opurtunity arises and have indicated this to the NRL.

The leagues club have said they will support this.


MayMoo said:
They would have to approach the football club I imagine not the leagues club.

To the best of my knowledge the football club is commited to returning to the NRL on the Central Coast if the opportunity arises and have indicated this to the NRL.

The leagues club have said they will support this.



I would love to see the Bears brought back to the Central Coast, but it looks like the NRL just aren't going to budge on this one. Gallop and co. are insisting on an existing Sydney team moving there. It sucks, but it looks like that's the way it's going to be.
Moving to Perth wouldn't be such a god-awful idea, at least they are back in the NRL in some way, shape or form. If they could play 2 or 3 home games at North Sydney Oval per season (against Manly, Souths and some other old rival would be my suggestion), it would still give the old (and new) North Sydney fans a chance to cheer for the Bears at one of the best grounds in Sydney.
In terms of juniors, the Perth Bears would have an immediate advantage by having a NSWRL Premier League side and the North Sydney junior base. Also, the WARL has a suprisingly strong presence, in terms of players, in the NRL who they could target to bring home to WA.

Perth Red

Post Whore
How long will the Bears wait for a CC move though? No signs that it will ever happen. would be good if the WARL started planting some seeds and approached the Bears set up to give the Bears another option.