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Western Corridor NRL bid

If one of the sides isnt ipswich they are complete idiots. Those that live in or near se qld know the growth going on in the area and the joint is rugby league made. More crazy mad qlders ain't pretty I know, but good for the game


I think the map nails it. Brisbane (Maroon i.e. Red), Gold Coast (Blue) and the new team Green - preferably dark green instead of light green, like a forest green.
Next logical step after that is a club streatching from Redcliffe along the coast north to encompass the Sunshine Coast.

That will be the 5th and final Queensland team - probably tapping into Central Queensland a bit.
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Next logical step after that is a club streatching from Redcliffe along the coast north to encompass the Sunshine Coast.

That will be the 5th and final Queensland team - probably tapping into Central Queensland a bit.

Some people are crazy fools. You go on about how a team in Ipswich playing at suncorp will somehow bring people living up to 200km to the games! The Broncos have been around 24 years, i'm pretty sure if those people were to go to a game they would have done so already! Ipswich for christ sake is 36km up the road, I cannot see how it can better represent the darling downs etc than any other team in seq.

Then you go on about a team representing northern brisbane that automatically means the sunny coast has a team. :crazy:

Also there is some sort of thing going on about the Lions wanting the land for a training ground and gym facilities, why is it not feasible that if this Jagera (WHAT?!!@) get into the NRL, that the two clubs could not share the facilities effectively halving their own investment?

Will common sense prevail? Stay tuned.


Some people are crazy fools. You go on about how a team in Ipswich playing at suncorp will somehow bring people living up to 200km to the games! The Broncos have been around 24 years, i'm pretty sure if those people were to go to a game they would have done so already! Ipswich for christ sake is 36km up the road, I cannot see how it can better represent the darling downs etc than any other team in seq.
*facepalm* You clearly don't understand whats going on long term...

Lets face it - this bid is aiming at the population that does/will live in the "Ipswich-Logan corridor" to use Gallops words. It will leverage its access to a large lower-middle class belt south of Brisbane (it will be well over 1M within 10 years if the ABS is to be believed) for players and fans, and leverage its position as part of Metro Brisbane to get sponsors and for TV $ for the game.

Thus, as a second Brisbane side it will substancially add to the NRL TV rights.Playing at Suncorp is only temporary. Long term they will be playing and training at Springfield. By 2030 Brisbane will have a population aproaching 4M. The NRL would be stupid not to have another side there. We should already have 2 teams in Brisbane really.

Yes, this won't really bring people from Toowoomba who don't already travel I never claimed it would. In fact, I advocate just focussing on Ipswich-Logan region, forget Toowoomba. The whole point of talking up the Valleys and Toowoomba though is to support junior and senior rugby league in those regions, and using that to strengthen the bid. Its a strategy to make the bid look good, no different to the Bears membership drives, or Perth talking up their junior structures.

Then you go on about a team representing northern brisbane that automatically means the sunny coast has a team. :crazy:

In regards to the Sunshine Coast, Redcliffe is keen to break away from the Broncos and get their own NRL licence. Sunshine Coast currently has no NRL club backing, and is also keen for an NRL licence. The Sunshine Coast local gov has put asside a huge parcel of land to build an NRL stadium in the future. It won't happen for at least 10 years, but it will happen.

Because they aren't strong enough yet, the Dolphins and Sea Eagles have backed the Bombers, but have made a lot of noise about doing their own thing. By the time they get around to bidding (2025 ish) the SC population will be much larger and will justify their own bid.

Also there is some sort of thing going on about the Lions wanting the land for a training ground and gym facilities, why is it not feasible that if this Jagera (WHAT?!!@) get into the NRL, that the two clubs could not share the facilities effectively halving their own investment?

That is actually a good idea, the problem though is that the parcel of land isn't big enough for this bid, its training facilities, stadium, small leagues club and shopping strip planned and an AFL oval and office facilities for the Lions.

So one will win out. You should ask yourself why the Lions what to set up there so badly rather than the other locations they had sounded out.

Will common sense prevail? Stay tuned.
Yes, the NRL will likely expand with the Western Corridor Bid for the TV dollars and improvements to the structure of the game in Queensland, and either Perth or Gosford.

Perth Red

Post Whore
lol 5 familes a day? WA is expected to grow by 600,000 in the next 15 years! That is the entire popualtion of this bid area!


Are they saying the name will be Jagera Jets? Weird but unique! Not sure the locals will identify with it though.

It's ok saying Perth can wait Goddo but our battle is with RU and the Force. We saw how they decimated the jnr playing stock here when they arrived 7 years ago, they have had a big head start and we want to reign them back and get the non afl kids playing RL not RU. Giving them another 10 years will kill Jnr RL in this state unless the delay is softened by some significant increase in funding to the WARL, but even then if I was a parent I would choose the code where my talented kid was likley to get a prof contract and in Perth at the moment that means RU.


If they are going to call the team Jagera then bring on the Brisbane Bombers.
Like St George, it gives a unifying identity to an area that doesn't really appear on any map. Only difference is that one name has been intimately associated with Rugby League for 90 years and the other is fresh and new. I've got no problem with it.

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lol 5 familes a day? WA is expected to grow by 600,000 in the next 15 years! That is the entire popualtion of this bid area!


Are they saying the name will be Jagera Jets? Weird but unique! Not sure the locals will identify with it though.

It's ok saying Perth can wait Goddo but our battle is with RU and the Force. We saw how they decimated the jnr playing stock here when they arrived 7 years ago, they have had a big head start and we want to reign them back and get the non afl kids playing RL not RU. Giving them another 10 years will kill Jnr RL in this state unless the delay is softened by some significant increase in funding to the WARL, but even then if I was a parent I would choose the code where my talented kid was likley to get a prof contract and in Perth at the moment that means RU.

Sydney is growing by 85,000 each year but there is no need for any more teams here. There is a need for another team in QLD. And Perth of course.


lol 5 familes a day? WA is expected to grow by 600,000 in the next 15 years! That is the entire popualtion of this bid area!


The Western Corridor area (Ipswich, Logan, Toowomba, Scenic Rim and Lockyer Valley) is expected to grow from around 700,000 in 2011 to around 1.3 million in 2031. That includes a population growth to 914,000 from 450,000 from the Ipwich/Logan area alone.

In comparison Perth will grow from around 1.8 million in 2011 to between 2.3-2.5 million by 2031.

So the Western Corridor area will experience same or similar real increase from a much smaller base. Meaning a far greater growth rate. Quite impressive really.


I think your mimssing the point, it doesnt matter how much either city is going to grow by, the point is that brisbane already has a team and perth doesnt,


lol 5 familes a day? WA is expected to grow by 600,000 in the next 15 years! That is the entire popualtion of this bid area!


Are they saying the name will be Jagera Jets? Weird but unique! Not sure the locals will identify with it though.

It's ok saying Perth can wait Goddo but our battle is with RU and the Force. We saw how they decimated the jnr playing stock here when they arrived 7 years ago, they have had a big head start and we want to reign them back and get the non afl kids playing RL not RU. Giving them another 10 years will kill Jnr RL in this state unless the delay is softened by some significant increase in funding to the WARL, but even then if I was a parent I would choose the code where my talented kid was likley to get a prof contract and in Perth at the moment that means RU.
I know red. We need to get a side into Perth. All I suggested is that we can overlook Perth now so long as we go there in the near future, but that is far from ideal as you have pointed out. If we ignore Perth, it makes it harder but still do-able in future.

We cannot over look Brisbane for another side. Too important for a number of reasons.

Gosford is the bridesmaid. Adding a team there won't change things for the game substancially, even though they are keen to host a side.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Thing is Goddo it is unlikely we will see any more expansion for up to 10 years imo. There is a great momentum of growth for RL here at the moment that has been building since 2006. If we wait another 10 years that will be gone, The Force will have taken ove the juniors and we will be back to where we were in 2000 when the game was pretty much dead in WA. There won't be a better time than now to get a succesful team into Perth. Sounds like the Ipswich area is the one that can wait (though if AFL is really taregtting this region it may be more urgent) as they don't have a stadium and the popualtion growth is yet to happen. Gosford? Tough one for me, I love what the Bears and their fans have done but believe of all the potential areas to expand the game into, it needs another NSW team the least. And what of the potential 2 NZ bids that are rumbling? Geez there is some hard decisons for the ARLC to make!


All this press for the WC bid is really good and there's some good and interesting idea's associated. The whole concept seems to be common sense too.

But I'm still yet to see any corporate support or any fan support for the bid. I don't see any reason why they'd keep that information close to there chests, so I can only assume that it's not there. The fact that they're speaking about merging with BB even further emphasis's that they need BB's corporate support. I mean what else does BB have that would WC would want to merge with them for.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if the two bids merged at some stage. I said that last year. It'll probably be at the instigation of the ARLC.


Perth Red

Post Whore
Not dissimiliar to what I would hope to see for the Reds (and the road the Bears have gone down) it would be good to see a joint ownership model with a rich backer owning 49% of the club and the WARL/WC team/Bears owning the other 51%. Doesn;t sound like the Bombers want that though, 100% or nothing it seems for them. I guess with already having established grass roots and numerous jnr clubs in that part of Q'land it is less important for the grass roots to be the main focus of a Brisbane2 bid?

Ron Swanson

Interesting idea to call the team Jagera. The real key to the success of this franchise is that it's not positioned as an Ipswich bid. You've somehow got to get the Logan bogans to feel like it's representing them, otherwise they'll just continue to support the Broncos heavily. Without Logan, the potential supporter base decreases greatly.
Interesting idea to call the team Jagera. The real key to the success of this franchise is that it's not positioned as an Ipswich bid. You've somehow got to get the Logan bogans to feel like it's representing them, otherwise they'll just continue to support the Broncos heavily. Without Logan, the potential supporter base decreases greatly.

Interesting you raise that point. Because if people already support the Broncos heavily then by poaching their support for a new team isn't that just moving water from one bucket to another, when the whole point was originally to get new fans and not decimate any current clubs? Why should the Broncos, after 20+ years have their south based fans lured to another team and likewise the Titans, who people have all of a sudden seemed the forget that they need more fans from these keys areas not lesser fans due to a new entity on their regional border.


Not dissimiliar to what I would hope to see for the Reds (and the road the Bears have gone down) it would be good to see a joint ownership model with a rich backer owning 49% of the club and the WARL/WC team/Bears owning the other 51%. Doesn;t sound like the Bombers want that though, 100% or nothing it seems for them. I guess with already having established grass roots and numerous jnr clubs in that part of Q'land it is less important for the grass roots to be the main focus of a Brisbane2 bid?

Queenslands junior and reserve grade structures are struggling a bit though. Kicking the NSW clubs out of the Qld cup has left a gaping hole there.

Something needs to fill it. Its no surprise that the bids from SE Qld depend heavily on Qld Cup club backing. Its why Ipswich is keen to talk up reviving Toowoomba Clydsdales. A bit of a mad scramble has gone on there over the last 18 months.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Interesting you raise that point. Because if people already support the Broncos heavily then by poaching their support for a new team isn't that just moving water from one bucket to another, when the whole point was originally to get new fans and not decimate any current clubs? Why should the Broncos, after 20+ years have their south based fans lured to another team and likewise the Titans, who people have all of a sudden seemed the forget that they need more fans from these keys areas not lesser fans due to a new entity on their regional border.

Do people from this proposed region support the Titans? Isn't it a bit like saying there shouldn't be a CC team as it will draw fans from Sydney clubs? Ipswich to GC is a similiar travel time as parts of Sydney to Gosford.

over 300k people in Brisbane regularly tune in to watch NRL on TV, Broncos get 35k crowds, would seem there is a fair amount of fans not attending Broncos games?
Do people from this proposed region support the Titans? Isn't it a bit like saying there shouldn't be a CC team as it will draw fans from Sydney clubs? Ipswich to GC is a similiar travel time as parts of Sydney to Gosford.

over 300k people in Brisbane regularly tune in to watch NRL on TV, Broncos get 35k crowds, would seem there is a fair amount of fans not attending Broncos games?

Are you suggesting that they're aren't Logan based Titans fans and that Bears fans don't exist therefore having an established support core in place already for the CC? You guys have to SERIOUSLY start visiting SEQLD and CC before talking up/down the bids...

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