No I can ONLY go watch a NRL game on a Sunday when my team becomes a bottom 4 team
Because the NRL only schedule worst 2 games of the round on a Sunday
The NRL releases the whole draw before the season starts, so how could they possibly plan to have the 2 worst games of each round on Sunday when they don't know which teams will be the worst before the season starts?
Furthermore, sure some get more than others, but every team gets at least some Sunday games, so what the f**k are you talking about?
Thursday and Friday are workdays RG kicks off at 5:00 so you must leave work at 3pm just to attend.
Then don't attend the 'reserve grade'... Nobody else does...
Maybe the fact that you never actually attend games is why you think three grades on matchday is a great selling point. If anything, as you yourself are evidence of, it turns people off attending because it's too big of a time commitment.
Saturday is junior football day so the decision becomes go to the NRL or taking the kids to their local footy match which can go up to 4pm some days
What moron is running junior sports that run up till 4pm?!
Outside of sports that have no choice because of an extreme lack of facilities, which is a pretty uniquely Canberran problem as far as I can tell, everybody here starts as early as possible to try and be done around midday. Preferably before then.