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Would you follow league if your club died/merged/relocated!!

Would you still follow league?

  • Yes

    Votes: 76 47.5%
  • No

    Votes: 52 32.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 32 20.0%

  • Total voters


A key component of this question which has been ignored is the conditions surrounding a clubs death/merging/relocation.

If an administrative body simply decides to get rid of 4 Sydney clubs in one swoop and holds a gun to their collective heads it will be seen as an act of aggression that goes against the great Aussie principle of "a fair go"

If reduction occurs through more natural means - the Salary Cap is doubled and 3rd party money freed up, and clubs that run into financial hardship are offered assistance in merging/relocating by the administrative body - the rationalisation of clubs will be seen in a more positive light ("A compassionate NRL saving clubs from death").

It's all about setting the correct environment in which club consolidation can occur in a semi-natural way.


Staff member
I do, and have, and will continue to follow Rugby League.
I am certainly not as partisan as I used to be, and now consider myself to be a more mature aficionado (sp?) of the game itself.
I would rather burn in hell than follow soccer, union, or afl.

Whilst I would agree that expansion of the game is required, I'm not necessarily sure about relocations and/or mergers. I feel that relocations in particular, are only likely to alienate the supporters of the particular club, especially in its geographical heartland, which would only open the door for (a) rival code/s to step in. Imagine for instance if the Sharks were relocated to the Sunshine Coast. How many fans in the Shire would continue to support them? Even if they were able to retain a significant number of current fans, I think it is unlikely that they would be able to grow their fan base in the Shire, and the area would be eventually lost to Rugby League. I don't know the answer to this question, but how many new fans do you think the Swans have in South Melbourne? Mergers, if mutually agreeable to the clubs concerned may be a better option.

Short sighted,really?
Relocation isn't the answer,and for people that think it is really need to think long and hard about it.
A lot of teams in the NRL are a reflection of the area and is a large reason why the club is followed so closely.
Look at Newcastle,North Queensland and Souths...these clubs have endured some tough times,they're not your Melbourne Storm/Brisbane Broncos constant successors but the supporters are damn proud because the team represents the area.

I've never ever been a fan of relocation,it would do far more harm than good and the novelty in the area would probably eventually wear off and the crowds would end up similar.

Part of the reason that the GC have been so successful is that the Titans are their team and represents their area,not some hand me down.

Answering the questions.
In both instances I would continue to watch League,but not to the extent I would call myself a Cowboys fan or a hardcore RL fan.
And it's a tough ask,to ask fans to continue to support the RL and their club that has been reduced to nothing or moved at RL's hands.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
Well, I could not follow, Kickby, soccer or those geniuss chasing the tennis ball.

So yes I would still watch.

I would however play golf more.
A key component of this question which has been ignored is the conditions surrounding a clubs death/merging/relocation.

If an administrative body simply decides to get rid of 4 Sydney clubs in one swoop and holds a gun to their collective heads it will be seen as an act of aggression that goes against the great Aussie principle of "a fair go"

If reduction occurs through more natural means - the Salary Cap is doubled and 3rd party money freed up, and clubs that run into financial hardship are offered assistance in merging/relocating by the administrative body - the rationalisation of clubs will be seen in a more positive light ("A compassionate NRL saving clubs from death").

It's all about setting the correct environment in which club consolidation can occur in a semi-natural way.

A good common sense post Brisvegas. FFS sake why are we going on about this like the governing body is going to pick a number of teams and overnight say, your out. Then spend Millions trying to establish new franchises elswhere? It's just not going to happen like that.

IMO Brisvegas has made a very valid and common sense post here. Take some notice guys.


It amazes me on this forum how some people can be so narrow minded and constantly come back to the same old addage that News Ltd are to blame for Sydney teams going broke and ruining the game.
I think what people need to remember is that Sydney has 9 teams all vying for the same sponsorship dollars that is being split between not only the NRL teams but the Swans, Waratahs and A-League. We are also competiting for the same fans to convert to bums on seats.
Up until earlier this year I worked for an NRL team in Sydney as a Sponsorship Executive and my job was to find those sponsorship dollars and I have to tell you it isnt like selling a product or something tangible. Sponsorship has two very distinct customers, the first is the avid fan who has worked hard to make some money and then wants to put some back into the club they support and the other is the company that sees RL as a great business tool and a way to leverage of the team within the community and grow their business.
Being able to find an avid fan to throw some money into the club isnt really that hard but they generally aren't the major sponsors either, finding a business to do the same thing isnt as easy when you consider that if your team doesnt fall into the catchment area that their business operates, doesnt attract the same target market of their business or just that the team hasnt performed very well so doesnt get good crowds or many FTA matches which would then not give the business any commercial exposure. Added to this is the suburban grounds that so many people think should be where all teams play, if anyone has been to a Swans or Waratahs match you would know what they're facilities are like and that is what RL is competing against. Yes the fans love going to the suburban grounds but the corporates that are in essence paying for the team dont want to take a prospective or major account to these facilities. I think there needs to be a balance for both the fans and the corporates but there is never going to be a perfect solution
Im sorry for the rant but I just think sometimes people need to consider the BIG picture as well and not just focus on News ltd being the enemy all the time, whilst I dont think they shoud be a major shareholder I also dont think they are the sole reason for our game needing to reduce the amount of Sydney teams.


Restart the whole competition from scratch. Follow what the a-league has done and we will reap the benefits. I would follow a united Sydney team that didnt have the Rabbitohs in its name, only if it didnt have Roosters in it either.

Note that the NSL was a completely f**ked competition, with no fans, and no clue. The NRL is some decent administration away from becoming the biggest football code in Aus. Why would we start from scratch.

Ziggy the God

First Grade
BrisVegas has it right.

Remove the salary cap. Let the Sydney teams die or move. Move on.

Game Fixed.

Sure, as long as News also divest out of Brisbane and Melbourne. No conflicts of interest, and no leg up for anyone.

So then what happens if teams like Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne and North Queensland can't keep up.

Do we punt these sides?


Died? Probably would still follow the results and watch an occasional game but don't think i could as passionate for another team if i had to adopt one.

Merged? Yes, been there and done it before. Although it is hard, at least i can still identify the team as my own.

Relocated? Yes, These days every game is on tv anyways. Only drawback is less live games to watch (assuming they relocated to another part of the country)
Sure, as long as News also divest out of Brisbane and Melbourne. No conflicts of interest, and no leg up for anyone.

So then what happens if teams like Newcastle, Canberra, Melbourne and North Queensland can't keep up.

Do we punt these sides?


If you can't pay, you can't play.

That's the problem. We keep giving clubs with sh1t management 2nd/3rd/4th chances all because they won a premiership 70 years ago.

We should thank teams like Souths for their contribution of league, then show them the street.


Does anyone think we are heading towards a Super 14 style format.

EG: 8-10 team super comp followed by a state comp with promo and relagation.

NSW could easily field 3 divisions of 8 team comps with promo and relagation at the completion of a Super National Comp???
If the Eels ceased to be in the NRL? Yes. I love watching Rugby league - I'd probably generally support the club in whatever form they ended up in (i.e. in the NSW Cup), watch NRL games as a neutral and probably watch the ESL even more closely (go Dragons!).

If the Eels merged (with Penrith as would be most likely)? Yes. The two greatest League nurseries joined together has great potential.

If the Eels relocated? Initially, I would probably find it hard to support the "Adelaide Eels" but would get used to it... perhaps.

God-King Dean

In short... As long as St George & Dragons are in the same name... yes.

But f*ck me, if we were to merge again, & with the Sharks ffs. Hard to tell how much I'd give a sh*t.