it's not about YOUR dog, it's the principle of human life vs animal life for f**k's sake
I'd shoot Hitler before I'd shoot my dog.
By putting faces on the situation you are missing the point entirely Springs
I think it's pretty obvious that I meant any random animals vs any random person
I reiterate that if it came to a choice between an animal and a human (any animal and any human) I think you're evil or at least very stupid if you don't choose the human being every time.
Hitler is already dead, bro.
I was going to rant in reply, but I think I am ranted out on this topic.
All I'll say is that a) guide dogs are an example of human ingenuity, not the kindness and nobility of dogs, and b) I reiterate that if it came to a choice between an animal and a human (any animal and any human) I think you're evil or at least very stupid if you don't choose the human being every time.
it's not about YOUR dog, it's the principle of human life vs animal life for f**k's sake
By putting faces on the situation you are missing the point entirely Springs
I think it's pretty obvious that I meant any random animals vs any random person
Any human? No. A lot of animals are better than a lot of humans.
Eh... Value of human life is important but ... how do I say this without being an awful person.... overstated. I don't mean it doesn't matter, or that we're strangling the earth or any of that hippy nonsense, or even that i don't care... but the universe moves on.
That wasn't obvious at all. In fact I (and others) thought you were quite clearly stating that you would kill Lassy over Bilal Skaf given the choice.
Jimmies constantly rustled by merkins who use EFTPOS for tiny purchases and hold the f**king queue up at 7/11 or wherever. I want to stomp them to death and stuff puppies and kittens down their throat.