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  1. S

    Henson Park upgrade.

    well i can inform you all that word is around the corridors that Henson Park will be utalised by a wider range of the community in the not too distant future, council is looking at making Henson more accessible to all types of sport within Marrickville council's boundary's and Newtown will not...
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    Melbourne Storm

    C'mon Glenn, give us something!!!! PLEASE......... Ahhg don't worry, I'll help you keep fans in the loop, the storm have looked at the proposal and done a back flip due to the amount the Jets insisted they contribute. Now that leaves the Roosters and Sharks....mmmmmmmmmm lets see, the sharks...
  3. S

    Melbourne Storm

    Tonearm, thing is you make a very valid point, yet I fear Newtown is already in grubby hands and the longer the club is run in its current state the past is where Newtown will forever be remembered.
  4. S

    Please tell me it isn't so??

    I know that there are some down right arrogant,self centered, self indulging mongrels out there but if what i just heard is true this surely takes the cake, . Someone at the Jets sports club decided to change the locks. so what I hear you say? come Sunday morning when the Junior Jets arrive...
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    Newtown CLub

    And this amazes you??? fox, has the toilet door been repaired yet???? perhaps the board room door could be used, heaven knows that all the sh1t spoken in the meetings it wouldn't be out of place!!!!
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    Melbourne Storm

    Mate i can not make it any clearer, their is a certain member who holds a position on the jets board insulted the integrity of the roosters management/coaching staff in regards to players playing for the jets, so to save face he will/has to cover all tracks and report to his fellow board members...
  7. S

    Melbourne Storm

    My source is that is exactly the reason behind the Jets fishing for a new deal, it was a very influential board member who seems to think thats its his god given right to decide for all others the direction in which the club will take that insulted the integrity of some high ranking Roosters by...
  8. S

    Melbourne Storm

    One would hope not, yet it would make sense, the cheating low life of the NRL setting up a feeder agreement with the Jets, lets see what this inept board spin in regards to denials..... come on Glenn, don't leave us disappointed
  9. S

    Dear members who felt the need to throw stuff at Carney...

    Mightyredv, the roosters have been on the wrong end of the refs for the past month, so your conspiracy theory has just been blown out the window, what really counts is that the better team won
  10. S

    Dear members who felt the need to throw stuff at Carney...

    just like the dogs v's dragons at Kograh last year!!!! terrible that the dragons got that win, or the poor video ref in christchurch that awarded a try to the warriors when the ball was grounded over the dead ball line??? or in Canberra when yet another roosters try was disallowed when the...
  11. S

    Dear members who felt the need to throw stuff at Carney...

    I've heard people say that when souths are going well rugby league is in good standing!!! well WTF are the burrow supporters doing to our game?? not even the worlds best brain surgeon could make a living out of that mob, nor a dentist from some images I saw on the tele, anyway, looks like the...
  12. S

    Newtown CLub

    Fox, all is not lost, the board will hold an extra ordinary meeting to discuss the robbery and I'm sure that the 3 wise men will put forward the motion to claim the TV's that didn't work in the TAB and the missing toilet door down to the theft also, somehow they will re float the SS jetstempe...
  13. S

    no....... where have you wheelie bin

    fancy being forced to stop a semi professional game of rugby league to fix a fallen cross bar! then the embarrassment begins, how do we fix this?? why not trot out a wheelie bin........ that'll do me P.S Glenn, haven't seen you write anything in any of your articles claiming young St...
  14. S

    how do u get from central to henson park

    The easiest way from central station is to go to eddy ave, look for an old VW combi van covered with flowers, smiley faces, peace signs and the words "the magical mystery tour" however be careful it will be trademarked and there will be a spin doctor onboard, but you will be doing the club an...
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    Shame Shame Shame

    Yeah and so did the juniors
  16. S

    I find it strange......

    NZ, the only thing I find strange is that you can not see the forest for the tree's, what the 3 stooges have done by driving a wedge between the senior and junior's is nothing short of appalling. Terry's not the soul Saviour of the Jets, yet Glenn and his poorly reported articles would have...
  17. S

    I find it strange......

    Silverfox, what is it that you find strange? the fact that Barry, Terry and Glenn are instrumental in bitting the hand that feeds them!! why assist a club that the jets once had a an affiliation but yet are now affiliated with another NRL club, or is it that you have fallen for the spin of Glenn...
  18. S

    new club for juniors

    Shhh, if you listen very very carefuly you can hear the faint but prominent nailing of the coffin, great call Barry, Terry and Glenn, great comercial decision to distance yourself from a Ferrari whilst operating a mini mole..........
  19. S


    Support your team in 2010 Become a Newtown member or sponsor. Subscribe to Jets e-news. Match details 5.00 pm, Saturday, 13 March 2010 Henson Park Meet the players Photographic highlights NSW Cup ladder [end of last round] See highlights of game 5.00pm Wed, 17 Mar, on Fox Sports 2...
  20. S

    Shame Shame Shame

    Yep, great point.... Oh and the bowling club from a few years back, come on Glenn you silence is deafening. Come on express some of your 3/10 reporting skills now or do you need the permission of Barry and Terry to do so??? Perhaps Jack Holmes or Henson Park!!!!