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2012 NSW soo side..

Tigger Madness

Does the selection of T-Rex remind anyone of the selection of Jamal Indris a few seasons ago? Big, damaging player with massive potential. Only time will tell how it works out.


First Grade
f**k off idiot. Whilst I agree creagh should not be in the origin team, he is anything but a 'cat'. LOL how you say you support the dragons then go on to bash possibly our best and most consistent player of the last 10 years. Go support someone else you nuffie.

LOL. Alright mate. Opinions are opinions. This is an open forum and I can say what I want. I never said Creagh was a bad club player but he's been NOTHING at Origin level, and unless I watched different origin games he is a cat when fights or big hits starts and he's been fairly invisible on the field, great club player just can't stand up at level. So your argument is invalid.

To add to that, Oh....I bashed on a Dragon's player I'm totally "not" a Dragon's fan like you think. Yeah okay I'll go support another team because some person on a forum told me to. I'm a mad dragon's supporter but I'm open to my opinion as you are your's. So thanks for your opinion it's clearly noted. I'm going to continue to express my opinion like other people on this forum do. If you don't like it there's a block feature.


First Grade
I think he was referring to Creagh in the origin arena, which in that case his point is spot on.

Exactly. That is what I reffering to. I'm a massive Creagh fan club level. Rep not so much. Why? Because when he pulls that rep jersey on he does not play for Dragons, he plays for NSW. Regardless of which teams he plays for a bad performer will get knocked and bashed at Rep level even by club supporters. (Ennis, Gidley so on).


So much hate. If that's the team it's a clear indication that the focus for NSW will be on the backrow so whoever gets picked in the bench prop spot will see little game time anyway like last year.
Does the selection of T-Rex remind anyone of the selection of Jamal Indris a few seasons ago? Big, damaging player with massive potential. Only time will tell how it works out.

Jamal is a nuffie with a cool haircut (how that gets you picked for origin is what our problems are about) T-Rex is a gun


Jamal is a nuffie with a cool haircut (how that gets you picked for origin is what our problems are about) T-Rex is a gun
This. Jamal came off the bench to play centre. Whereas T-Rex will be coming off the bench to play a impact back-row role.

Jamal needs to look at T-Rex and emulate what he has done with his career. Both were similar players 2 years ago, both playing centre, getting carved by lighter and faster outside backs.
Des made the right move to move T-Rex into the backrow and help him gain some aggression and get him involved alot more.


I'm a dragons fan and I think Creagh is the stupidest selection possible. He's a cat and always goes missing thus just increasing the work-load of other players. Surely it's a gee-up and a stir?

Get rid of Creagh the cat. Does anybody know where Creagh lives? Maybe we can pay him a small visit to make sure he is un-fit for selection. :lol:

Well this is what i read from you, what other conclusions am I meant to jump to? I think your hate goes beyond origin somehow....

Deleted member 10972

The team I want to be picked:

1. Stewart
2. Hayne
3. Jennings
4. Lawrence/Morris
5. Uate
6. Carney
7. Pearce
8. Gallen
9. Farah
10. Tamou
11. Lewis
12. Bird
13. Stewart

14. Hinchcliffe
15. Watmough
16. Sims
17. Learoyd-Lahrs

The team I expect to be picked:

1. Stewart
2. Hayne
3. Jennings
4. Lawrence/Morris
5. Uate
6. Carney
7. Pearce
8. Gallen
9. Farah
10. Tamou
11. Lewis
12. Bird
13. Stewart

14. Buhrer (what he offers over Hinchcliffe, I don't know)
15. Creagh (I have a feeling he will somehow find his way into the team - Watmough is ten times the player Creagh is)
16. Williams (Sims has match form in recent weeks, Williams has been sitting on the sidelines)
17. not sure (TLL seems to be out of contention, but I don't see others like Mannah, Merrin, Snowden, Douglas, Tolman, Weyman, Galloway or Gibbs really knocking the door down for selection)
You seen Beau Scott play this season? Terrible.
He was coming good before his injury. Agreed he was below par before that. He is origin through and through though. Hayne and Creagh are the ones who should never see origin again until they can harden up and start hurting other players.

Walt Flanigan

I'd go with.....

1. B. Stewart
2. J. Hayne
3. M. Jennings
4. C. Lawrence
5. A. Uate
6. T. Carney
7. M. Pearce
8. P. Gallen (c)
9. R. Farah
10. T. Mannah
11. G. Stewart
12. G. Bird
13. S. Fensom

14. L. Lewis
15. A. Watmough
16. T. Williams
17. J. Tamou

It's a shame that Lyon isn't available. I think he would have a dangerous combination with Uate.
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Walt Flanigan

I know im a panther but Lewis should be starting lock and not be put on the bench again.

I don't mind either way TBH.

I pretty much put him at 14 to nominate him as my utility player.

With my team I'd rotate Stewart, Bird, Lewis and Watmough. Leave Fensom on for the 80.....he's built for it.

Walt Flanigan

Ideally I'd love to see Williams and TLL come off the bench. Would be a scary combo.

Unfortunately TLL just isn't cutting the mustard at the moment.


FB - B.Stewart
RW - Uate
RC - Lawrence
RF - G.Stewart
LF - Watmough
LC - Jennings
LW - Hayne
FE - Carney
HB - Pearce
DH - Hinchcliffe
RO - Lewis
P - Gallen
P - Tamou
INT - Bird
INT - T.Sims
INT - Mannah
INT - Farah

Williams needs a couple of games at club, IMO. Automatic for Game 2.

Back 3 of Stewart, Uate & Hayne is a strength.

Hinchcliffe my starting dummy half. Not many can push the world's best dummy half out of his position, has inside knowledge of the QLD spine combo, is versatile to fill a running forward role when Farah comes on for variety and expose the big QLD boppers around the ruck later in the halves, and Ryan comes from a highly structured and disciplined club environment which places great emphasis on distributing consistent quick quality ball.

Lewis is the rover, but could start him on the left side alongside Jennings for the club combo and move Watmough inside forming a beastly starting middle third with Gallen, Tamou & Hinchcliffe. Then can swap with Lewis after a spell, or utilise Bird as well. There are several options available and adapt as the course of the match unfolds.


I'd go with.....

1. B. Stewart
2. J. Hayne
3. M. Jennings
4. C. Lawrence
5. A. Uate
6. T. Carney
7. M. Pearce
8. P. Gallen (c)
9. R. Farah
10. T. Mannah
11. G. Stewart
12. G. Bird
13. S. Fensom

14. L. Lewis
15. A. Watmough
16. T. Williams
17. J. Tamou

It's a shame that Lyon isn't available. I think he would have a dangerous combination with Uate.

and G Stewart who plays alongside him for Manly.

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