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Action must be taken to stop the AFL killing league


Get out into the real world and have a look around

I'm sorry if I don't automatically assume like you that every refugee that comes here is going to join a gang unless they play AFL... :roll:

Question: how do they avoid joining gangs in their home countries seeing that the rest of the world has no interest in fumbleball?
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You really are a f**kwit. Get out into the real world and have a look around you pretentious pompous git

I'm with you POpeyE. In the real world there is African gangs roaming the streets because there are no AFL teams for them to join. If we had afl teams in Africa we'd have no problems anywhere. Bellamy could coach them all, with you as their mascot.


I'm sorry if I don't automatically assume like you that every refugee that comes here is going to join a gang unless they play AFL... :roll:

Question: how do they avoid joining gangs in their home countries seeing that the rest of the world has no interest in fumbleball?

My sincere apology. Normally I would cotton-on that you're just taking the piss and I would have joined in and gone along.

In my defence can I say that I was being nibbled at by a couple of bottom feeders and failed to pick up on your well constructed joviality.

Well done. I couldn't have done it better and again my apologies for reacting so ungraciously


My sincere apology. Normally I would cotton-on that you're just taking the piss and I would have joined in and gone along.

In my defence can I say that I was being nibbled at by a couple of bottom feeders and failed to pick up on your well constructed joviality.

Well done. I couldn't have done it better and again my apologies for reacting so ungraciously

:lol::lol::lol: I'm with you POPEYE - you're a f**king dopey tool of the lowest order.
On a more serious note.

I reckon Popeye was banging Wimpy. That's why Olive was always frustrated.

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a BJ today". How old is the "I'm baiting the hook" line ffs, older than dirt. Nearly as old as invisible text.
Hurry up and die.


On a more serious note.

I reckon Popeye was banging Wimpy. That's why Olive was always frustrated.

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a BJ today". How old is the "I'm baiting the hook" line ffs, older than dirt. Nearly as old as invisible text.
Hurry up and die.

Are all your 37k posts full of such wisdom?

If you are the whore you claim could you stand on your head naked in a corner so your boyfriend could save dirtying a bowl to eat his cornflakes?

If you are a lady of the night do you stand on the corner with 'SALE' around your neck?

Is all this advertising I'm getting free or I can I at least get a pensioner discount?
Are all your 37k posts full of such wisdom?

And you were hanging out a line? :lol:


If you are the whore you claim could you stand on your head naked in a corner so your boyfriend could save dirtying a bowl to eat his cornflakes?

The site calls me a whore, I call myself Everlovin' Antichrist.

Is this your first forum sweety?

Did your carer click onto it by mistake and leave you on it because he/she like the gurgling sounds you made when you read it?

Bad carer.

If you are a lady of the night do you stand on the corner with 'SALE' around your neck?

I could, but at my age I'd imagine I'd only get second glance from baby boom shirt-lifters.....

Is all this advertising I'm getting free or I can I at least get a pensioner discount?

....like you.

Just move on no, this won't be any less painful later on. Like it wasn't the last couple of times you clogged this place with your nonsense.

Nice re-invent by the way, what next, a teddyboy clone?


Not sure all the doomsayers are really thinking about the kids. I lived in Blacktown most of my life and there were always kids hanging around the streets. I'm told it's a lot worse now.

Can't see AFL seriously threatening League ever and if some of those kids, especially the tall lanky African refugees, want to play a sport then AFL might be their game.

The population is fast outstripping vacancies in League sides and anything to keep kids who are at loose ends on the straight and narrow is ok in my books . . . even AFL.

Like Jamal Idris?


And you were hanging out a line? :lol:


The site calls me a whore, I call myself Everlovin' Antichrist.

Is this your first forum sweety?

Did your carer click onto it by mistake and leave you on it because he/she like the gurgling sounds you made when you read it?

Bad carer.

I could, but at my age I'd imagine I'd only get second glance from baby boom shirt-lifters.....

....like you.

Just move on no, this won't be any less painful later on. Like it wasn't the last couple of times you clogged this place with your nonsense.

Nice re-invent by the way, what next, a teddyboy clone?

You are obviously smarter than me. You replied to that shit I wrote whereas I would have ignored it. Clever


So Popeye would solve the refugee crisis by getting them all to play AFL for GWS. Trouble is 1) Who would play soccer? and 2) Israel Folau is a refugee from third world places - namely Brisbane and Melbourne, but he couldnt find a gang to join in Western Sydney in the same way that Greg Inglis cannot find a yellow numberplate in Bowraville.

Just wondering Popeye, in the census, you ticked the box marked "Are you a dribbller" right?


Lame slanging matches aside, it would be good to know what the NRL is doing differently to maintain it's stronghold in Western Sydney.

The AFL might not kill us but I think there i still a lot of complacency, especially given the bottomless pit of money the AFL will be willing to invest there


Lame slanging matches aside, it would be good to know what the NRL is doing differently to maintain it's stronghold in Western Sydney.

The AFL might not kill us but I think there i still a lot of complacency, especially given the bottomless pit of money the AFL will be willing to invest there

Take no notice of the wankers . . . there's plenty of room and plenty of kids in the WS for all sports with heaps to spare.

Baseball, League, Union, AFL, Basketball, Boxing, Soccer etc. have a bottomless pit to choose from. There is a stumbling block though and that's to convince these kids to participate.

If AFL can and league can't it's got nothing to do with availability of players it's all about mindset.

No matter what anyone says there are plenty of good kids being led astray by their peers instead of thinking about sport.

I've lived in Blacktown for 40 years, Parramatta for 15, Windsor for 5 and the bush for 3. Kids in the bush are much more receptive to playing sport.

Blacktown now is a gathering place for African refugees, some who are lucky to escape with their lives. If the 2nd generation of these people don't find employment there is going to be problems.

I'm no racist but I'm no angel and I know how easy it is to recruit people into groups that have an axe to grind for whatever reason. Sport can go a long way to improving standards for a lot of these kids.

Don't demonise any sport that can save these kids heartache. No sport in the WS has got any chance of killing another. Sport itself is the thing that has a chance of dying if more effort is not put into promoting it.


Lame slanging matches aside, it would be good to know what the NRL is doing differently to maintain it's stronghold in Western Sydney.

The AFL might not kill us but I think there i still a lot of complacency, especially given the bottomless pit of money the AFL will be willing to invest there
Throwing money at something will not change attitudes. AFL have been throwing money at Western Sydney since the Super League days. Remember the days when they spent around $4 million from memory in Campbelltown on increasing schoolkid numbers? If you dont - that's telling you something.

Take no notice of the wankers . . . there's plenty of room and plenty of kids in the WS for all sports with heaps to spare.

Baseball, League, Union, AFL, Basketball, Boxing, Soccer etc. have a bottomless pit to choose from. There is a stumbling block though and that's to convince these kids to participate.

If AFL can and league can't it's got nothing to do with availability of players it's all about mindset.

No matter what anyone says there are plenty of good kids being led astray by their peers instead of thinking about sport.

I've lived in Blacktown for 40 years, Parramatta for 15, Windsor for 5 and the bush for 3. Kids in the bush are much more receptive to playing sport.

Blacktown now is a gathering place for African refugees, some who are lucky to escape with their lives. If the 2nd generation of these people don't find employment there is going to be problems.

I'm no racist but I'm no angel and I know how easy it is to recruit people into groups that have an axe to grind for whatever reason. Sport can go a long way to improving standards for a lot of these kids.

Don't demonise any sport that can save these kids heartache. No sport in the WS has got any chance of killing another. Sport itself is the thing that has a chance of dying if more effort is not put into promoting it.
Wow - you did it. A good post!

However, if there is a bottomless pit of sport available, why will AFL succeed to entice these African refugee's kids when others cannot? If there was one sport they could relate to, it's soccer, so that would be their first choice of they are going to seek their outlets through organised sport. The second would be influences from school. They go to school and kids will ask them "So, who do you support?" and start yacking about NRL, because of the 2 winter boys sports that carry favour in the western suburbs are soccer (in terms of kids player numbers) and League (in terms of interest).

Unless AFL pays heaps of schoolkids to start talking about AFL all the time to their mates, the African refugees kids probably wont know it exists.

Offering heaps of money to get people to eat a turd doesnt mean people will eat a turd.

Besides, first generation kids generally get jobs at the same rate as anyone else with similar education and abilities.

Finally, having worked with refugees (as colleagues and clients) generally they raise their kids to be extremely grateful for what they have here, and to work hard to make a go of it.


Finally, having worked with refugees (as colleagues and clients) generally they raise their kids to be extremely grateful for what they have here, and to work hard to make a go of it.
Bingo. People have a go at refugees but they're the ones doing the jobs, particuarly in remote areas, that most aussies reject. And their kids are grabbing the opportunities that this country gives, despite what the tabloids and today tonights of this world think.

Interesting little thought and not directed to anyone on this forum in particular - any racist or misogynist planning to get sick in the next 20 years better change their attitudes soon. The vast majority of doctors coming through are of Asian descent and/or women. And very dedicated and proficient.


Bingo. People have a go at refugees but they're the ones doing the jobs, particuarly in remote areas, that most aussies reject. And their kids are grabbing the opportunities that this country gives, despite what the tabloids and today tonights of this world think.

Interesting little thought and not directed to anyone on this forum in particular - any racist or misogynist planning to get sick in the next 20 years better change their attitudes soon. The vast majority of doctors coming through are of Asian descent and/or women. And very dedicated and proficient.


Western culture is becoming complacent and self indulgent, potentially to its own detriment.

I don't have a problem with that. A culture is only worth saving if it represents the betterment of humanity. Ultimately all civilisations merge or collapse, it's just the severity that concerns me.

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