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Adelaide Sharks?


It wasn't a miscommunication, I know exactly what you meant, I just think it's a bad idea.

We're obviously talking about voluntary relocations. If an NRL team chooses to relocate are you going to stop them?

The base would be so small as to be insignificant. I'd also like to know why you think a diehard Newtown fan, who has stuck with his/her side in the lower grades for the past few decades instead of following a first grade team, would suddenly start following Adelaide just because they 'stole' his team? It'd be far more likely that he'd just stop supporting the team altogether.

By inheriting the Jets structure they'll have to take onboard a bunch of people who have no alliegence to Adelaide. There would undoubtedly be clashes between the Adelaide based Jets and Newtown based Jets on how to run the feeder/junior club.

How would that be any better than having a feeder team in the QLD Cup/NSW Cup or JBC?

Also, what makes Newtown the best location for an Adelaide feeder/junior team? Surely they'd be better off having a team in an area with fewer competitiors than central Sydney?

So that's what it comes down to, you don't want to see a Sydney club relocate. At least we know what your agenda is now.

Cronulla has actually come out and said that they are trying to make Adelaide a second home. After the year they've had, where they ended up equal first on points but had a crowd average in the bottom half of the league, I can't really blame them if they decide to relocate.

But they wont, thats the point, your premise assumes that the Sharks aren't trying to grab some $ from the NRL/Adelaide Oval Trust but genuinely want to leave the Shire. They don't want a second home, they want more guaranteed $ in the future.

My agenda is an NRL Bears, it was the dumbest move on the planet to effectively give up parts of Sydney to AFL, a Shark move would be just as pointless.

Clashes between the NRL team and their feed happen everyday and there is no reason to suggest Hindmarsh v Henson would be any worse.

The 'stole his team' stuff misrepresents what my point was, IF an Adelaide team was called the Jets, wore the colours etc a diehard Newtown fan would be more likely to support the new NRL Jets IF they didn't have an existing NRL team they cared about. It would give the team franchise an instant connection, its obvious.

You suggesting the Adelaide NRL team have a non Sydney area feed or just not a team with history and infrastructure?


I've got to admit when I first read that my first thought was Newcastle (soccer) and my second was Ipswich.

Context is everything, to most Sydneysiders it means Newtown, yeah they stole it off the NFL New York Jets, and Newcastle are the [soccer] Jets, but an NRL team wearing Newtown colours has a connection.

And considering the colours we are talking an Adelaide Diehard Jets would get a few round our way [old buggers mostly] interested in the Adelaide team!


Sharks will NOT relocate. They will play games in Adelaide but will NOT relocate. That has ben made clear by the Club. They have there development plans which they will implement for there owned assets of land, leagues club and stadium in Cronulla. They may be a little cash straps like many other sydney clubs but they are asset rich and will use that to create cash flow in the future.

Frankly, from a geographical point of view, joining forces with the Dragons makes more sense then relocating. The joint club would have all of the south eastern fringe of sydney and illawarra.

I am sure Cronulla would be happy to be the Southern Sharks in a JV ( lol threw that in to stir up my Dragon big brothers).
Or East Coast Sharks if you include the Roosters


But they wont, thats the point, your premise assumes that the Sharks aren't trying to grab some $ from the NRL/Adelaide Oval Trust but genuinely want to leave the Shire. They don't want a second home, they want more guaranteed $ in the future.

My agenda is an NRL Bears, it was the dumbest move on the planet to effectively give up parts of Sydney to AFL, a Shark move would be just as pointless.

Clashes between the NRL team and their feed happen everyday and there is no reason to suggest Hindmarsh v Henson would be any worse.

The 'stole his team' stuff misrepresents what my point was, IF an Adelaide team was called the Jets, wore the colours etc a diehard Newtown fan would be more likely to support the new NRL Jets IF they didn't have an existing NRL team they cared about. It would give the team franchise an instant connection, its obvious.

You suggesting the Adelaide NRL team have a non Sydney area feed or just not a team with history and infrastructure?

If those north shore snobs switched their allegiance to AFL because the Bears failed then they weren't league fans to start with.


First Grade
But they wont, thats the point, your premise assumes that the Sharks aren't trying to grab some $ from the NRL/Adelaide Oval Trust but genuinely want to leave the Shire.
That's news to me. I thought I was saying that giving Adelaide a NSW Cup team would be a bad idea.

They don't want a second home, they want more guaranteed $ in the future.
Sharks CEO Tony Zappia said:
"We're certainly excited about making Adelaide a second home,"
Not much room for doubt in that statement.

Obviosuly clubs are looking for alternate revenue streams, relocating from a Shire of 200,000 people to a city of over a million would certainly have plenty of benefits for a club who was brave enough to make the leap.

My agenda is an NRL Bears, it was the dumbest move on the planet to effectively give up parts of Sydney to AFL, a Shark move would be just as pointless.
How are they even similar situations? The Bears covered all of the North Sydney CBD while the Sharks are sandwiched between two halves of the Illasox.

Clashes between the NRL team and their feed happen everyday and there is no reason to suggest Hindmarsh v Henson would be any worse.
If they're still going to have clashes then what's the advantage of having Newtown as a feeder team? Surely they'd be far better off using a team somewhere else, in a much less competitive area, instead.

The 'stole his team' stuff misrepresents what my point was, IF an Adelaide team was called the Jets, wore the colours etc a diehard Newtown fan would be more likely to support the new NRL Jets IF they didn't have an existing NRL team they cared about. It would give the team franchise an instant connection, its obvious.
Two things: First off, whatever percentage of Newtown fans decide to follow the Adelaide team it will still be an insignificant number. Secondly, if it was a relocation of a current NRL team the Sydney support base would be much, much larger.

You suggesting the Adelaide NRL team have a non Sydney area feed or just not a team with history and infrastructure?
I'd suggest that an Adelaide NRL team should be either a brand new entity (possibly bring back the Rams ala WA Reds) or a full relocation of a current NRL team.


First Grade
That is up there with some of the stupidest comments I have ever heard.

Why is it stupid? If someone stops following the game simply because their club isn't playing at the top level anymore then they clearly aren't fans of the game, just the club (and they obviously aren't great fans of the club if they stop following as soon as they aren't in the top league).


Why is it stupid? If someone stops following the game simply because their club isn't playing at the top level anymore then they clearly aren't fans of the game, just the club (and they obviously aren't great fans of the club if they stop following as soon as they aren't in the top league).

It's stupid because it's a sweeping statement.

Of course most Norths fans would still support the Bears.

Does that mean that because there aint twenty grand at NSO for home games, their supporters are somehow not true supporters.

Try keeping a premier league club afloat financially and marketing it succesfully against NRL clubs in the papers and other media.

The AFL/Rugby thing is as much about new fans, getting kids to play league. What's inspiring kids to play when your team gets chopped. Go to Manly. Get F*****.

AFL and Rugby are exploiting the North Shore not having an NRL identity and that is a fact.

This market should be as important as any market, new or old.


If those north shore snobs switched their allegiance to AFL because the Bears failed then they weren't league fans to start with.

I grew up in Chatswood, born at St Leonards, went to school at Roseville and Crows Nest, i'm a NSDRLFC club supporter and i have no interest what so ever in the NRL for the obvious reason. There is no club from my area, my team, until that changes f**k the NRL. Loyalty works both ways

Most norths fans stayed norths fans, we don't have an NRL team, no tv, no media of our team and our comp until recently, we aren't going to watch the NRL for the sake of it. The bastards put us to the sword when we were the only team that said yes we'll leave sydney eventhough we were the only team that had played in exactly the one spot from the day we got home matches [1910], we had the $, had made the finals 5 times in the 90's, won 4 lower grade titles, had the best crowds in our history, and one year the best in sydney.

The football club voted to move and we got screwed. Code support is rooted in your team, i don't blame anyone who went to AFL, Union, Soccer whatever. We are Norths, and no Norths in the NRL means no interest period in the NRL.
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Why is it stupid? If someone stops following the game simply because their club isn't playing at the top level anymore then they clearly aren't fans of the game, just the club (and they obviously aren't great fans of the club if they stop following as soon as they aren't in the top league).

Well aren't you missing the essential reason why we support the code, our team, team is support, support is team. And your a broncos fan lecturing me on loyalty, yeah! Amazing how many scab supporters lecture on the right path on code support.

Why on earth do you support another sydney team moving to anywhere, all it does is given the greater money of the AFL an opening in the biggest market in the country, its the most obvious lesson from the superleague stupidity.
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I'm i gre up in Chatswood, born at St Leonards, went to school at Roseville and Crows Nest, i'm a NSDRLFC club supporter and i have no interest what so ever in the NRL for the obvious reason. There is no club from my area, my team, until that changes f**k the NRL. Loyalty works both ways

Most norths fans stayed norths fans, we don't have an NRL team, no tv, no media of our team and our comp until recently, we aren't going to watch the NRL for the sake of it. The bastards put us to the sword when we were the only team that said yes we'll leave sydney eventhough we were the only team that had played in exactly the one spot from the day we got home matches [1910], we had the $, had made the finals 5 times in the 90's, won 4 lower grade titles, had the best crowds in our history, and one year the best in sydney.

The football club voted to move and we got screwed. Code support is rooted in your team, i don't blame anyone who went to AFL, Union, Soccer whatever. We are Norths, and no Norths in the NRL means no interest period in the NRL.

not havin a go Mighty but if u have no interest in the NRL, why r u in here?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
And Florimo looks pretty confident about it too - it looks like a strong consortium according to this weeks article in the Express Advocate...


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Manly are responsible for maintaining RL interest north of the Spit bridge right up to Palm Beach. Mosman, Crows Nest, Roseville, North Sydney, Kirribilli, Lane Cove, right up to Gordon - all former Norths territory that is hardly Manly's target market.


First Grade
i reckon if we where given a NSW cup team i would personally guarantee it would be a good move i reckon the government would back it too. after all there supporting the sharks 1 game per season.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I love that there are NSWRL/NSW Cup teams in Auckland and Gold Coast :crazy:


And Florimo looks pretty confident about it too - it looks like a strong consortium according to this weeks article in the Express Advocate...


Do you know if this is on the net, ?
I cant see it on their site.



i reckon if we where given a NSW cup team i would personally guarantee it would be a good move i reckon the government would back it too. after all there supporting the sharks 1 game per season.

A JBC team will happen in the next 5 years I reckon. Just need the right people to put it together.