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Blake Green

Stagger eel

Staff member
number8 said:
Like I said in my post. The guys we are rumoured to be condsidering are players that will probably step into the role he (& we in many cases) were thought to have been groomed to. I know we as yet, haven't signed these players but I'm refering to the slap in the face it must be that we are considering them.

They are hardly of a standard that see's them a class above the guys we let go & yet I get the feeling they will be on good $$ to come. Even if Green is the better option the fact that the club still sees this position as the position to fill suggests to me he's not in the plans for a shot..... Just yet.

The f**king around I'm refering to is that it is just about his time now & the signing of either of these blokes suggests the club will be pushing that time furter back. Frustrating when many think you are ready now & your form & loyalty warrants consideration. I'm just trying to imagine myself in his shoes & I think I'd be pretty pissed!

again, your getting wound up over something that may not even eventuate..Blake will definitely be in the mix, no risk about it, especially when i heard about 3 months ago that he was definitely off to St George than after a long chat with Hages, he changed his mind and re-signed.


Geez, what's the big deal? Doesn't matter who they buy if Green is good enough he'll be there.

Stagger eel

Staff member
CrazyEel said:
Geez, what's the big deal? Doesn't matter who they buy if Green is good enough he'll be there.

what if he's not good enough :crazy:

what if Finch signs? :crazy:

what if Santa Claus doesn't exist? :crazy:

what if the tooth ferry doesn't come? :crazy:



Post Whore
Oh, and a few scenarios for you to ponder:

(1) Blake goes down injured and Tim is injured/suspended. Who do we have left to play in our halves? Nobody - but if we sign Finch, we get an experiences player.

(2) Our forwards are, once again, getting dominated week in and out. You have two rookies in the halves who are trying everything they can, but nothing is working. It messes up their confidence, and it sets them back. At least with Finch you have a guy that's played in Origin and Grand Final matches, and he knows how pressuring the football arena can be. Granted, he may not come up with a miracle play. But he is more likely to on the basis that he's more experienced and can read the game better.

I see no problem having all three of Finch, Green and Tim Smith. Particularly if Smith and Green show good enough form to warrant selection every week. Then you can have Finch as a back-up, and he's a pretty handy back-up.


eelavation said:
what if the tooth ferry doesn't come? :crazy:


Is that like the Manly Ferry?

Then people who live in Tooth will need an alternative way to get to work.


Eelementary said:
I see no problem having all three of Finch, Green and Tim Smith. Particularly if Smith and Green show good enough form to warrant selection every week. Then you can have Finch as a back-up, and he's a pretty handy back-up.

$200K Backup.


Eelementary said:
Oh, and a few scenarios for you to ponder:

(1) Blake goes down injured and Tim is injured/suspended. Who do we have left to play in our halves? Nobody - but if we sign Finch, we get an experiences player.

(2) Our forwards are, once again, getting dominated week in and out. You have two rookies in the halves who are trying everything they can, but nothing is working. It messes up their confidence, and it sets them back. At least with Finch you have a guy that's played in Origin and Grand Final matches, and he knows how pressuring the football arena can be. Granted, he may not come up with a miracle play. But he is more likely to on the basis that he's more experienced and can read the game better.

I see no problem having all three of Finch, Green and Tim Smith. Particularly if Smith and Green show good enough form to warrant selection every week. Then you can have Finch as a back-up, and he's a pretty handy back-up.

Spot on, we need depth and I dont mind a state of origin player coming to the club.


Post Whore

And Hagan himself has proven that he rates our Juniors. So as far as I'm concerned, any concerns that he'll persist with Finch (if he is in bad form) and ignore Green (if he is in good form) are unfounded.


I'm not a glass half empty guy at all Freak2. The bulk of my posts on here are testament to the fact I'm probably overly supportive, optimistic & positive for the most part. And I'm not getting all wound up either Eela.

I'm just putting forward a reasonable point of veiw from the persective of a player who "could" feel as though he got a rough deal. You guys make valid points as whether you'd want a bloke who's not up for a challenge & so forth but I think the guy would (if things did play out as such) have the right to feel that way.

I wouldn't say that he lacked the resolve to overcome the issue but more the case is he's a young bloke with goals who probably grew up with a dream of playing 1st Grade. Gets signed plays well & has his club let go, the fellas holding him back. Gets optimistic, excited even, that all his dreams are about to be realised & then the club makes a few offers that suggest it may not be his time after all. Dissapointment sets in & maybe the form drops, or maybe other clubs offer the opportunity he's been waiting for?

I'm just saying....... put his shoes on! He's a young bloke with a lot of talent & it seems like forever he's been talked up for this. Did you ever make decisions at his age that would differ from those the men you are today would make. Somthing what seemed a good idea at the time based on your life experiences up to that point proving to be not so in hindsight.

I'm not saying Blake will be pissed. I am however saying he'd have some right to be. As far as sticking it out for the challenge, loyalty is a two way street.


I have seen Green play only once in the jf grand final so I am not qualified to give a judgement on the kid, but from what I can gather he has been dominent in some games and average in others. He is playing half but with tim our No 1 half is destined to play 5/8 for us. I am not sure that his performances so far show he is going to walk into the nrl next year and perform at a level as tim did last year and jarryd this year. To suggest he has a right to walk into the club and demand to get out of his contract, or even to be upset at the fact we have bought another 5/8 is a joke. Good luck to him I like nothing better than seeing kids come through and perform in 1st grade, but they all should come when there week in week out performances demand it. Tim played at least 3 years in the lower grades I believe. Also jesus I think your being hard on Tim saying he has only played 40 min of quality this year. He has had some ordinary games no dought and deserved to be dropped purely on form, but I think he played well against the tigers, souths not to bad and well against the raiders. We must cut him some slack it was the best debut year buy any halfback ever, and other teams know they must pressure him, which is somthing he will take some time to adjust to.

parra pete

If Blake Green is good enough..and the rating I have from his former Manager is he is 'the next big thing'..he will play first grade when his time is ready...


cardinal said:
I have seen Green play only once in the jf grand final so I am not qualified to give a judgement on the kid, but from what I can gather he has been dominent in some games and average in others. He is playing half but with tim our No 1 half is destined to play 5/8 for us. I am not sure that his performances so far show he is going to walk into the nrl next year and perform at a level as tim did last year and jarryd this year. To suggest he has a right to walk into the club and demand to get out of his contract, or even to be upset at the fact we have bought another 5/8 is a joke. Good luck to him I like nothing better than seeing kids come through and perform in 1st grade, but they all should come when there week in week out performances demand it. Tim played at least 3 years in the lower grades I believe. Also jesus I think your being hard on Tim saying he has only played 40 min of quality this year. He has had some ordinary games no dought and deserved to be dropped purely on form, but I think he played well against the tigers, souths not to bad and well against the raiders. We must cut him some slack it was the best debut year buy any halfback ever, and other teams know they must pressure him, which is somthing he will take some time to adjust to.

Um, i have seen all but 1 P/L match this year and i have not seen Green have a bad game, in all games he has been great, he is a player who produces something great in every game i have seen him play and over several years i have seen him play almost every game he has played for the Blue and Gold, he carried Flegg for 2 years and this year has carried Prems!!

All this talk about if Blake is good enough he will play is crap, Jarryd Hayne has proven that he was ready for NRL alot sooner than we bought him in, it was only that disease who prohibited him from playing!! Just cause someone is good enough, doesn't always mean they will play!

If we are going to pay $200,000 for Finch, he will play First Grade unless he is injured, he will not be dropped, how many times have you seen an expensive player dropped?
Kornstar said:
Um, i have seen all but 1 P/L match this year and i have not seen Green have a bad game, in all games he has been great, he is a player who produces something great in every game i have seen him play and over several years i have seen him play almost every game he has played for the Blue and Gold, he carried Flegg for 2 years and this year has carried Prems!!

All this talk about if Blake is good enough he will play is crap, Jarryd Hayne has proven that he was ready for NRL alot sooner than we bought him in, it was only that disease who prohibited him from playing!! Just cause someone is good enough, doesn't always mean they will play!

If we are going to pay $200,000 for Finch, he will play First Grade unless he is injured, he will not be dropped, how many times have you seen an expensive player dropped?

I'm with ya Korny!!


Kornstar said:
Um, i have seen all but 1 P/L match this year and i have not seen Green have a bad game, in all games he has been great, he is a player who produces something great in every game i have seen him play and over several years i have seen him play almost every game he has played for the Blue and Gold, he carried Flegg for 2 years and this year has carried Prems!!

All this talk about if Blake is good enough he will play is crap, Jarryd Hayne has proven that he was ready for NRL alot sooner than we bought him in, it was only that disease who prohibited him from playing!! Just cause someone is good enough, doesn't always mean they will play!

If we are going to pay $200,000 for Finch, he will play First Grade unless he is injured, he will not be dropped, how many times have you seen an expensive player dropped?

I stand corrected I thought Blake had his first year in jf in 2005, Plenty of players are on 200,000 and play off the bench how do you know hagan will not play marsh as starting hooker, riddell as a backrower on the bench, start green at 5/8 and play finch (if he comes) off the bench. If green is as impressive as you say he will get his chance I'd rather see him played later than to soon, and unless you have been talking to hagan lately I dont think you would have a clue what his plans are for next year, just as I dont. You sound like Ray Hadley when you call Brian Smith a disease, have some respect for what he did for this club, listen to peter sterling if you want an opinion on where the club is at now from when smith took over.


Kornstar said:
Um, i have seen all but 1 P/L match this year and i have not seen Green have a bad game, in all games he has been great, he is a player who produces something great in every game i have seen him play and over several years i have seen him play almost every game he has played for the Blue and Gold, he carried Flegg for 2 years and this year has carried Prems!!

All this talk about if Blake is good enough he will play is crap, Jarryd Hayne has proven that he was ready for NRL alot sooner than we bought him in, it was only that disease who prohibited him from playing!! Just cause someone is good enough, doesn't always mean they will play!

If we are going to pay $200,000 for Finch, he will play First Grade unless he is injured, he will not be dropped, how many times have you seen an expensive player dropped?

then maybe it should be

6. MArsh
7. Green


6. Finch
7. Green

although i hate finch


it will very probably end up being:

6. green/finch
7. smith
13. mateo (if he stays)

i thought you were banned from here jayjay. what gives?

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