Can I quote you to my boss? :lol:
Can this thread be renamed "lol@doggiesfag"?
Take care Adam, if his IQ is at least 101 then its actually 200 as it is closer to 200 than 0.Maybe he only went to university, rather than a top QLDerp private school.
So contrary to DoggiesBlow's claims, this subject is offered by ALL QLD high schools and not just those paying $15,000 per semester for the same education?
There must of only been 10 special ed kids in his grade.but but only 10 people got in
Depends on the time. In the afternoon and night, then yes (according to Doggiesbro).
You must wag school alot, eh?? Do you sit in the corner with the big hat with the big D on it??I've said multiple times now i attended highschool in queensland. One of the best private schools up here.
Perhaps if you have any friends, who are perhaps from qld they can help you. if they aren't as dumb as most on here.