MY god you really are an idiot.
I guess a fair portion of the world must be skanks because they smoke, how stupid is that conclusion.
One of the two people in the story one was out on the drink during the day and the other is being labeled as a drunk with no proof.
Yet the girl is the one who is at fault and being slandered with no proof while she was at home.
I can take people having a go at girls who want to have sex with league players in the toilet of a club but to make such accusations about a girl who only substantiated crime is to try and stop passive smoking is wrong.
thanks for posting that.
this is a bull dust incident....seems the father is behind the motion to involve the cops...the whole being on the driveway thing....the words sexual assault and seriously could even be brett taking her hand (things get twisted pretty hard sometimes).
I bet you she is a "skanky" girl....she smokes, even though she comes from a non smoking househould and everyone is against her doing it...she probably knows brett stuart, if not well then a little bit. I bet there is a history.
i get the idea of what went on, defending this will be easy, sounds like his lawyers have lots of ammo:
the whole calling out thing and the apparent screaming....i bet she was just calling out like in a sookish/demanding way "Muuum...muuum"...interpret: "Come save me from this situation you have not gifted me the tools to solve myself!"
Then dad comes out and argues (remember this is the guy who brought up this feral and problematic girl, imagine what he's like), brett feels threatened or even shocked this girl had to whimper to mum and dad and could not solve the problem in a mature adult way (she is 17, Brett after all!) and finds himself face to face with an angry dad who sees his princess "set-upon" by this football "thug".
I know guys can be pushy sometimes, maybe she panicked....this girl, trust me, does not sound like she is well adjusted, and she finds it perfectly ok to be socially isolated from her family (if she even wants to be there) because she is forced to and accepts smoking on the driveway. But being pushy is hardly a crime! Unless he fondled her or something along those lines, I don't see this girl's story sticking....and you got to admit being out in the open on a street corner, its hard to see her being felt up.
This girl is being slandered by a few people on an internet forum.
Stewart is currently copping far worse slander in national media, being labelled a rapist, based on nothing more than the testimony of an angry father, and not a single charge so far against his name
This girl is being slandered by a few people on an internet forum.
Stewart is currently copping far worse slander in national media, being labelled a rapist, based on nothing more than the testimony of an angry father, and not a single charge so far against his name
You are a moron of the highest order.
In a world of anti passive smoking you have a go at someone who chooses to go out side to have their smoke.
And the try to link smoking cigarettes with how easy a girl will spread her legs. What does a man who smokes tell you?
From what the article states the girl is actually sent outside by her parents because they don't want her smoking, not some valiant decision by her to save her family from passive smoking
peer a little deeper, simple one.
it was not a conclusion based on little evidence.
I think you were foolish, however, for jumping right in and calling me an idiot.
Use any term you want, this girl is of a low breeding.
The lawyers can pounce on that. See you in court, I'll be smiling.
Wait! You can sit there....looking like an idiot.
You're entitled to your opinion.To be fair, you don't have tobe a complete moron to drink
You are a moron of the highest order.
In a world of anti passive smoking you have a go at someone who chooses to go out side to have their smoke.
And the try to link smoking cigarettes with how easy a girl will spread her legs. What does a man who smokes tell you?
once more buddy, open your eyes!
She is 17, under age smoker (even if its not illegal to smoke, its illegal to buy) why are her parents supporting her in her bad habbit? They obviously have tried to stop it and failed, and now she is content to smoke outside.
What kind of girl is this who would do such a thing...openly defy her parents, give into the weakness of nicotine addiction, isolate herself to smoke....
what kind of parents do you think they are, because from what they say, they have obviously given up stopping her. How do you think this has impacted her upbringing? How do you think this has all made her a part of who she is today and the actions she takes?
I am making reference to her character....but hey, if you think she's an angel, good for you. If you think by me saying the word skank, she is somehow low or base or not worth spitting on, then sorry you harbour such ill-feeling toward that word.
My thing is: i dont think she is prim and propper, and i think this will bite her and any allegations made against brett.
Suck a lemon.
once more buddy, open your eyes!
She is 17, under age smoker (even if its not illegal to smoke, its illegal to buy) why are her parents supporting her in her bad habbit? They obviously have tried to stop it and failed, and now she is content to smoke outside.
What kind of girl is this who would do such a thing...openly defy her parents, give into the weakness of nicotine addiction, isolate herself to smoke....
what kind of parents do you think they are, because from what they say, they have obviously given up stopping her. How do you think this has impacted her upbringing? How do you think this has all made her a part of who she is today and the actions she takes?
I am making reference to her character....but hey, if you think she's an angel, good for you. If you think by me saying the word skank, she is somehow low or base or not worth spitting on, then sorry you harbour such ill-feeling toward that word.
My thing is: i dont think she is prim and propper, and i think this will bite her and any allegations made against brett.
Suck a lemon. It was an over reaction, further fueled by a father's aggressive altercation with brett.
According to you anyone who smokes is of a low breeding right?
What scientific evidence do you have to back up that claim, I suppose its a new branch to Darwins theory of evolution that if you smoke you come from an inferior subspecies.
She is not openly defying them if they know she does it and tell her to go outside. They may not like it but they allow it.
Being Illegal to buy smokes does not stop kids smoking. I remember all the kids behind the shed at school who did it as well.
Many 'prim and proper' kids smoke. Keeps of weight and is socially acceptable in large groups. Does not tell you much about the character of people.
If you were a father and were just told you daughter was sexually assaulted what would you do? Shake the mans hand or try to bash the crap out of him?
dont be naive.
Look, i didn't just throw about wild acusation based on flimsy can also tell from the way she must interact with her parents and the situation in are not dealing with gracious people here.
dont be naive.
copy and paste my post to your desktop to read at a later date. There is only hot air in this story.
Expect nothing to come of it.
Plus, you have only looked at her side of the story....there are two sides.
Look, i didn't just throw about wild accusation based on flimsy can also tell from the way she must interact with her parents and the situation in are not dealing with gracious people here.
Shake his hand? Pal, the man reacted to his little daughter in distress? He is already reacting to a situation out of control started by a young girl who is no doubt rash and erratic, which would all lead to something occuring that is completely out of was on the drive way for heavans sake...
smoking socially acceptable...only 20% of people now smoke, and its probably less....thats not a majority mate, and have you ever smelt smoke around you, if you dont smoke, its unbearable. New research is showing that smoking is socially isolating now....30 years ago 50% of people smoked....1 in 2 is not socially isolating.
it still stands, she is too young to smoke. so smoking keeps off weight and is ok by you? great standards you wonder you think she is a fine chick.
if you examine the evidence at your disposal, consider brett has not said anything, and know that no charges were laid, and AVO's are run of the mill nowadays, see a girls dad come outside to her cries for help and get agressive (which may be understandable but anger helps very few situations and this is not one of them).
you work it out...can you say beyond any reasonable doubt that brett did anything? you have not even heard him speak yet. I'm just saying the one way traffic against brett is very flimsy and will deteriorate rather quickly one brett can put his side of the story up.