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Surely they will ocmplete their investigation by Monday and let him play.

If not it is a joke, they are saying rugby league players cant get drunk? Is that even legal? To prevent people from getting drunk in their own time?

I join the call for everyone to boycott the game on Monday night if Seymour Butts gets stood down for getting pizzed.

feeding frenzy

phatman i fell like boycotting more then the game but the club/nrl all together i really hope there is some truth to the rumor zappia is leaving handles everything poorly hes a joke. cant ebelive hes been stood down even tottaly farked.


Never mind Azzah, If buster is outed on the weekend you focus all you hate on Barrett, because naturally, if the halves don't gel it will be his fault.

Are you gonna keep trying to take little stabs at me like a jealous 16 years old school girl for much longer millers? Because your looking like a bit of a tool, I don't ask anyone to agree with my views.
As for the topic at hand, him getting dropped was unfortunately inevitable, sharks have set themselves a precedent and I guess they feel as though they have to keep it going.
I think he should of been fined perhaps, i dunno about dropped. At least it is early in the season. I think it is all a bit harsh really
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Dead set I hate the modern game and what comes with it.

f**king radical right wing politically correct do-gooders.

Its okay for the stone throwers to get pissed every now and then, maybe that pissed that they chuck a wobbly at a family function, or even have one wine to many and drive home. But only just "over" ...

Or let me be a little bit liberal here, "how many of the NRL chiefs have maybe had one or two too many on the NRL plastic after a meeting or three."

arhhh farrkkkkk it.

All the two faced hypocracy that goes with the package that is modern rugby league. Most of the grubs running the game would of been playing in France right now if these things happend in their time on the paddock.

Modern sport has just about hit rock bottom to me. It can't get any worse then this.

Don't have a life sport person, be a Simmo.

Honestly what is that religious saying about he that has not sinned can cast the first stone.

(Speaks to ones self) Why farkin' bother Quigs, why farkin bother.

Declared Idiot #88


boycott the farkin game on monday show em how farkin wrong it is to react like this due to pressure from the nrl. slapping a sponsor is so much worse than falling over drunk in his own time. If the club didnt take him (team function) to the pub then he wouldnt have ended up like that? yes no? who knows but for f**k sake cronulla management take some ownership.... u cooked it you eat it.

crowd will be sh*t on monday anyway might as well not go and let the media know its due to the unfair treatment of seymour. ffs so fkin soft i cant believe it.


First Grade

Dead set I hate the modern game and what comes with it.

f**king radical right wing politically correct do-gooders.

Its okay for the stone throwers to get pissed every now and then, maybe that pissed that they chuck a wobbly at a family function, or even have one wine to many and drive home. But only just "over" ...

Or let me be a little bit liberal here, "how many of the NRL chiefs have maybe had one or two too many on the NRL plastic after a meeting or three."

arhhh farrkkkkk it.

All the two faced hypocracy that goes with the package that is modern rugby league. Most of the grubs running the game would of been playing in France right now if these things happend in their time on the paddock.

Modern sport has just about hit rock bottom to me. It can't get any worse then this.

Don't have a life sport person, be a Simmo.

Honestly what is that religious saying about he that has not sinned can cast the first stone.

(Speaks to ones self) Why farkin' bother Quigs, why farkin bother.

Declared Idiot #88
I hope you're happy media - you've gone an broken quigs...


Lucky I'm illiterate.

I don't read papers.

In the good old days this is how the club would of handled it.

If Buster is a dickhead on the piss, take him around the back of the sheads on training night and give him a flogging.

Geeze the world is full of soft c**ks these days.

I'd be interested to see how many scribes from the Print Press are non drinking, non smoking vegetarians.

Pots and Kettles.

Declared Idiot #88


First Grade
It's alright quigs. This is just a blip on the social radar of our times. The masses will not tolerate it and soon be heard:
Let us not wallow in the valley of despair my friends. I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Austalian dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all blokes can have a grog without being judged by some namby pamby lefty hairy legged lezzo."
I have a dream that my little children will one day live in a nation where they will not judged by the content of alcohol in their systems, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. And if Australia is to be a great nation, this must become true.


Great decison. This is one instance where I support the club. He not only let himself down, but his team and the fans.

If any of you think its right that he gets himslef in such a state and then turns up to training the next day you are kidding yourselves! The game has changed and is now professional, and blokes like Seymour are slowly being weeded out. In the old days, bloke like David Hatch and Gavin Miller knew how to behave off the field. Sure they had a drink or 2, but there were never any dramas.

Its obvious that his priorities are all wrong. In his world, drinking comes before football. Its time some of these blokes went back to the real world and got themselves a proper job and see how long they last!


I sort of agree with the club but as Ausguy said it aint consistent , but how could Buster let so many people down for farks sake


I think the club has drawn a line in the sand. I am certain that from this point there will be concistency. If not, I will be the first to get on this forum and complain.


Contrast the reaction to Seymours incident to Farkin Freddy Fittler's a few years back - everybody just joked "oh thats just Fredyy " hahah - he was the farkin Aussie captain FFS and got off scott free


Contrast the reaction to Seymours incident to Farkin Freddy Fittler's a few years back - everybody just joked "oh thats just Fredyy " hahah - he was the farkin Aussie captain FFS and got off scott free

I agree Squiddy. Was Stuart coaching him then???? I cant remember.


Great decison. This is one instance where I support the club. He not only let himself down, but his team and the fans.

If any of you think its right that he gets himslef in such a state and then turns up to training the next day you are kidding yourselves! The game has changed and is now professional, and blokes like Seymour are slowly being weeded out. In the old days, bloke like David Hatch and Gavin Miller knew how to behave off the field. Sure they had a drink or 2, but there were never any dramas.

Its obvious that his priorities are all wrong. In his world, drinking comes before football. Its time some of these blokes went back to the real world and got themselves a proper job and see how long they last!

I couldn't disagree more with what you just wrote.

Its a sunday night, we dont play till Monday.
If he wants to get pizzed in his own time, he should be allowed to.
He turned up for training the next day and completed the session without a hiccup.
Sounds like he went home at 10:30, not exactly an all night bender.
How exactly did he let anyone down?
Do you think his performance will be negatively affected in the game on Monday night?
I am a professionial, but if I want to get pizzed the night before work I am allowed to, what does being professional have to do with spending your own time?
You talk about Gavin Miller etc not having any dramas, exactly what drama has Buster caused here? Is falling over a drama?

feeding frenzy

I couldn't disagree more with what you just wrote.

Its a sunday night, we dont play till Monday.
If he wants to get pizzed in his own time, he should be allowed to.
He turned up for training the next day and completed the session without a hiccup.
Sounds like he went home at 10:30, not exactly an all night bender.
How exactly did he let anyone down?
Do you think his performance will be negatively affected in the game on Monday night?
I am a professionial, but if I want to get pizzed the night before work I am allowed to, what does being professional have to do with spending your own time?
You talk about Gavin Miller etc not having any dramas, exactly what drama has Buster caused here? Is falling over a drama?

Tottally agree phatman it would be a different story if he didnt rock up to training then i probably would agree with this punishment but it hasnt affected anyone thats why it is to harsh .


Okay he has done the wrong thing getting on the piss as bad as he did.

Did it effect his training the next day.

My point is ... these guys are human. He was probably that happy that his body got him through his first full game for how long and after so much effort by him to get there and get through it.

He was (okay it was the wrong thing) probably letting off a bit of steam..... stress relief.

f**k I know I would.

The thing that pisses me is those that stand up on the hill and say he should be shot.

Anyone that has hung around any senior club - cricket, hockey, sookarh, yawnion or league will know what it was like after a big game or a big occassion. But now days it would appear that it is alright "some of the time" but not this time or that time.

Declared Idiot #88