Back to ticket prices and attendence.
You might make fun of my cheap beer to save money so you can put that towards attending games.
Bare with me.
I told you guys how i paid 3x30 cans for 60 dollars.
That beer today a week later was completely sold out. So waiting for shipping again from the U.S.
So i saved 60 dollars because fourex gold today was 42 dollars a carton.
Also today i saved another 50 dollars on my shopping, last week i saved over 40 dollars.
So in two weeks i have saved 150 dollars.
2dollars. ? your asking WT-fork.
What can you buy for 2 dollars, well today i bought a large coffee from the 7/11 garage for 2 dollars, and i also bought a box of 3 large redhead matches to light me fires here in Toowoomba for $1.99,,,
Point, there is savings to be made, all that cash gets sunk back into rugby league for me.
If the NRL ever give us some games up here in Toowoomba to go watch.
The NRL, dragging the chain again.
p.s, i also bought some gum for 2 dollars at the garage when i filled up with petrol. They had it on special with every petrol purchase. She nearly tried to rip me off, but i told her to look at the deal. Saved 40 cents.