But FC membership is now part of the Season Ticket.
If an FC member, like myself say, has purchased a Ticketed membership (or in my case renewed my Season ticket into a Ticked membership) does it mention that my FC membership is part of that and my tenure and voting rights will continue via that ticketed membership?
Suity, as MITS mentioned
If you are a Current Football Club Member, does it say on the form anywhere that your Football Club membership will now be transfered to your Season Ticket Membership?
To answer both your questions, yes it does.
Also says that if you renewed your membership before 1st October, they will be honored, and no extra payment is required (for the Blue Blood Pack) until it comes time to renew your membership.
It also says that if you have paid the $25 for FC membership and then go and purchase one of the new memberships, your $25 will be refunded.