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I sleep under a framed jersey

I bought my old man a signed Dragons jersey for his 50th

Best Present ever, first thing you see when you walk through the door at my parents place.

Trumped the crap out of anything else he got that year :lol::lol:


Dear Steel Dragon

I have just joined this FORUM and found your thread so here we go I hope you agree that I'm not a fly-by nighter.:crazy:

I was born at St George Hospital in 1968, lived in the area all my life, went to my first game at age 2, was a member of the original ARMY in the 1980's, have been through the good - 1979, the bad - 1985, 1992, 1993, 1996 and the ugly - 1999 GF, the Manly 61 - 0 loss and the Storm 70 - 10 defeat. :(

I stayed loyal when it looked like all was lost due to the 'super league' debarcle and felt a twinge of sadness when we combined with the Steelers but realised if we were to survive into the future I had to grin and bare it.:shock:

I've been to NZ, Perth, Adelaide, Townsville, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Port Maquarie, Melbourne and anywhere I can get a Dragons fix.

I show my passion by the number plates on my car, the tattoo above my heart, the season tickets I have held for over 10 years now and the lump in my throat at what I pray we may achieve this year!

I am not a rich person but I am so much richer for being a Dragons supporter and all the wonderful friends I have made through supporting them.



Dear Steel Dragon

I have just joined this FORUM and found your thread so here we go I hope you agree that I'm not a fly-by nighter.:crazy:

I was born at St George Hospital in 1968, lived in the area all my life, went to my first game at age 2, was a member of the original ARMY in the 1980's, have been through the good - 1979, the bad - 1985, 1992, 1993, 1996 and the ugly - 1999 GF, the Manly 61 - 0 loss and the Storm 70 - 10 defeat. :(

I stayed loyal when it looked like all was lost due to the 'super league' debarcle and felt a twinge of sadness when we combined with the Steelers but realised if we were to survive into the future I had to grin and bare it.:shock:

I've been to NZ, Perth, Adelaide, Townsville, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Port Maquarie, Melbourne and anywhere I can get a Dragons fix.

I show my passion by the number plates on my car, the tattoo above my heart, the season tickets I have held for over 10 years now and the lump in my throat at what I pray we may achieve this year!

I am not a rich person but I am so much richer for being a Dragons supporter and all the wonderful friends I have made through supporting them.


Will you marry me?


Dear Steel Dragon

I have just joined this FORUM and found your thread so here we go I hope you agree that I'm not a fly-by nighter.:crazy:

I was born at St George Hospital in 1968, lived in the area all my life, went to my first game at age 2, was a member of the original ARMY in the 1980's, have been through the good - 1979, the bad - 1985, 1992, 1993, 1996 and the ugly - 1999 GF, the Manly 61 - 0 loss and the Storm 70 - 10 defeat. :(

I stayed loyal when it looked like all was lost due to the 'super league' debarcle and felt a twinge of sadness when we combined with the Steelers but realised if we were to survive into the future I had to grin and bare it.:shock:

I've been to NZ, Perth, Adelaide, Townsville, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Port Maquarie, Melbourne and anywhere I can get a Dragons fix.

I show my passion by the number plates on my car, the tattoo above my heart, the season tickets I have held for over 10 years now and the lump in my throat at what I pray we may achieve this year!

I am not a rich person but I am so much richer for being a Dragons supporter and all the wonderful friends I have made through supporting them.

Ummmm, do you have a scrap book with a lock of Skull's hair in it?

Also, I am getting a vibe from you Annie. Ummm, were you born on 15th September 1968?


Village Idiot
Staff member
Annie you are ok. You're ok Annie

Followed the Bronco's since they entered the comp and until Wayne and some of the others left. Couldnt bring myself to cheer against Boyd, Dell and Wayne so figured if they can switch teams so could I. Though I admire Locky cant stand Ivan Milak (he has certainly murdered their season) or whatever the coaches name is.

Rarely post, follow the forum closely when I get back to Perth on the Friday arvos and have watched the preseason games here past 2 years but have never been to a season game and probably wont get a chance to either.

Will be looking for a pub somewhere in Perth to watch the game live because we get treated like poor cousins over here when it comes to NRL.

Its all good



Hi! I've been a Saint Gorge fan since round 26 of this year I luv the team GO DRAGONS 2010


Is there a growing army of dragqueen fans out there - the answer is "sort of". Having watched the disgusting, bottom feeding rorters win last night I am getting worried that they could actually win the flag - fingers down throat at the thought of it!

I don't mind the tigpies and prefer them to the dragqueens but I now have a major dilemma. I think your team has a better chance of beating the scum of the nrl in the big one so I will probably be going for your side today.

This makes me feel like a forced supporter of the dragqueens but I will be at the GF and can not stand the thought of watching the scum lift the trophy. A first premiership victory by SGI is the better prospect!

Steel Dragon

The lesser of two evils so to speak?

Meanwhile no one here gives a rats who you support, you're either a dragons fan or your not!


Hi, was a Steelers supporter way back then become a St George Illawarra dragons supporter as we had tooooo, and will always be a local supporter thru and thru