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GTA - San Andreas Info ( Includes Spoilers )


Just follow him all the way to the end of the highway, and he will just hover for a while, then i think it takes 2 shots to bring him down.

I got creative with this mission. I stole a helicopter, landed it on top of the building opposite the helipad, got out my sniper rifle and took out all the guards. Then parachuted down onto the helipad, picked up the rocket launcher and chased Toreno. For a brief moment i was Bond, James Bond.

Tupac Shakur

First Grade
CC_Eagle said:
Pepper said:
My Sony makes weird noises and doesn't load past the bit where it shows all the cartoon pics of the characters at the start with the load bar at the bottom. Before this happened i had so many problems with the sony reading the disc, i always got a disc error.

Exact same has happened to mine....Now my disc is f***ed

:evil: :evil: :evil:

My disc is fine, it's my sony thats f**ked.


First Grade
Hey if you want here is a tip to finish that Bondage girl thing....

Just kill her...then go into her house and collect the card..saves you alot of time.


I think I'm almost finished now. All these riots have broken out in Los Santos. It's insane. Cars just spontaneously combust when you go past, and everyone is bashing each other.

One thing I heard about the game, and I'm hoping someone here has see it also, is that in the section 'Back o' beyond' in the arse end of San Fierro.

Apparently werid stuff happens there.

For instance, there's been people saying stuff about UFO's and sometimes when you take photos of the woods, a Bigfoot appears in them! :shock:

Also, at night there are some really strange noises.

I haven't had a chance to check it all out yet, but has anyone heard anything about this?


First Grade
Also rumours of Pigsy and Scarface from Manhunt that are supposed to be in the woods..

So far no one has seen pigsy but apparently at one of the gyms there is a window and if you look outside you can see scarface playing a game console.

i have no idea how true these are just passing on what ive heard on other forums.


most of the rumours are bullshit, people have just faked pictures and then everyone goes crazy believing it. they might be real or not but theres been no real solid proof that ive seen yet

the back o beyond has those ghost cars which are pretty cool though


I finished it today. the ending was pretty..meh I thought.

Ghost Cars eh? I'd heard about them but I haven't had the chance to check it out. Where abouts can they be found?
man this game rules, this riot thing is insane, everyones all nuts and wants to fight.
ive just taken over 60% of the gang territories. as for back ov beyond i have seen pigsy from manhunt(made me jump hard core, manhunts a creepy game) in the forest, aswell as a strange bear like thing.
i cant do the killing big smoke level but, i keep getting axed on level 3 of the building. any pointers?


Booyah said:
I finished it today. the ending was pretty..meh I thought.

Ghost Cars eh? I'd heard about them but I haven't had the chance to check it out. Where abouts can they be found?

theres 2 old cars in back o beyond you move/destroy the one on the top of the hill or whatever, when you walk away another comes rolling down the hill without a driver it just looks freaky for a second :lol:

its just how the car re spawns to the spot is what gave it the name


Is that all?

Damn, I was getting all excited.

I'm pretty annoyed now because I've just realised something. When I was doing the black Project mission, I stumbled into a room and I disabled the SAM sites outside Area 69. I was killed shortly after.

When I re-did the mission I completely forgot to do the SAM thing again and I finished the mission and saved. Now I wonder, if I had shut them down - would that have shut them down permanantly?

I tried to go back too btw, but the Vents have been sealed up and the door was closed, so it looks as though I have missed my chance, which is annoying because I really want to steal that CargoBOB chopper that's just sitting there.


First Grade
f**k..Riots!? :shock:

I might take my Sony in to be looked at. I f**king want to play this game..

Any suggestions where I can take it?

Raiders Plight

I havent got it yet but I get the feeling it will just be more of the same. Having a whole city to run riot it is cool but theres no real skill or strategy required for any of the missions. Drive to the little purple dot on the map and open fire, nearly every mission is the same thing. I'll holding out for Metal gear solid 3, now that will be a killer game.


First Grade
Raiders Plight said:
I havent got it yet but I get the feeling it will just be more of the same. Having a whole city to run riot it is cool but theres no real skill or strategy required for any of the missions. Drive to the little purple dot on the map and open fire, nearly every mission is the same thing. I'll holding out for Metal gear solid 3, now that will be a killer game.

Umm not quite mate. There is plenty of variety in the missions. One requires you to dance! And another one requires you to sneak into someone's house and steal some gear. That's only early in the game too.

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