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Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

Has Matthew Johns been treated unfairly?

  • Yes. It has gone way too far.

    Votes: 172 74.1%
  • No. He deserves everything he gets.

    Votes: 60 25.9%

  • Total voters


First Grade
note the usual suspects overlooked your post. That sounds like someone in full control of there sences and surroundings if you ask me.

Lol Noa, your spelling tonight is classic. Anyhoo, I don't recall hearing Johns say that? Did he say that tonight?


There's that inconvenient truth that people ignore again... :sarcasm:

with that said, matthew wasn't one of the ones who walked in masterbating, he was the one who she was having consenual sex with (supposedly) - so why should he get the blame? (not picking a side - making a point)


First Grade
Look I'm not saying that she definitely didn't want everyone to be in the room at the time, but just about everyone supporting him here is just saying he is innocent because he and the other player had consent to have sex with her.

That's not the only issue here I don't think. It's also the fact that there were 5 other players there masturbating, and she also mentioned that they at some stage they touched her. Although this isn't rape, them being there masturbating is sexual assault of some sort.


Staff member
note the usual suspects overlooked your post. That sounds like someone in full control of there sences and surroundings if you ask me.
Ooooh case closed!:roll:
Look I'm not saying that she definitely didn't want everyone to be in the room at the time, but just about everyone supporting him here is just saying he is innocent because he and the other player had consent to have sex with her.

That's not the only issue here I don't think. It's also the fact that there were 5 other players there masturbating, and she also mentioned that they at some stage they touched her. Although this isn't rape, them being there masturbating is sexual assault of some sort.
Yeah...I don't think people seem to get this....:?


First Grade
with that said, matthew wasn't one of the ones who walked in masterbating, he was the one who she was having consenual sex with (supposedly) - so why should he get the blame? (not picking a side - making a point)

Fair enough - you could be right..I guess it comes down to some kind of 'responsibility' that Johns and the other player should probably have had to attempt to get the players to leave.

Big Mick

Lol Noa, your spelling tonight is classic. Anyhoo, I don't recall hearing Johns say that? Did he say that tonight?

You know what else is classic...double standards.

Now...yesterday...I read what you said and I absorbed it..didn't TOTALLY agree...but I respected your opinion and where you were coming from with what you were saying.

But then...I see this: http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?t=323189 :roll:

Thoughts? Opinions? Does anyone care?

I have to admit feeling a tad sorry for him on this count. I don't see as how his behind the scenes roll should end, especially as Wally backflipped from yesterday when he said his job was safe. Weird.
So let me get this straight...its all well and good to smash the guy...from pillar to post for something that happened 7 years ago...its all well and good to smash a guy that just lost his career basically...but wait a minute..."he works for my club as a consultant to my halves...surely he shouldn't be sacked from that".

What about the influence this poor, immoral pig would have on your players with him around?...surely your moral compass would be flying off the scale. Surely you'd want someone that repulsive...that immoral away from your rising stars...but only when it suits I guess.


with that said, matthew wasn't one of the ones who walked in masterbating, he was the one who she was having consenual sex with (supposedly) - so why should he get the blame? (not picking a side - making a point)
No worries.

But part of the reason he is being stood down from involvement in teh game is because of his perceived responsibility as part of the originally consenting trio, to not let in others to the room (to participate or wank on) with express consent.

He has apparently said or implied that she was fully consenting to others participation, she has denied that she was. He said she said, no independent witnesses or proof, comes down to people's judgment.

9's decision to stand him down was a business one, not a moral one. But it was based on the morals of the wider society that league must appeal to - and who over 50% (according to the DT poll) see Johns treatment as fair, presumably for the act of involving/inviting his mates in and apologising for it afterwards being considered pretty low.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
How is that a double standard. I wouldn't mind him helping out at the Raiders, but I wouldn't want him to teach highschool kids sex education.


First Grade
You know what else is classic...double standards.

Now...yesterday...I read what you said and I absorbed it..didn't TOTALLY agree...but I respected your opinion and where you were coming from with what you were saying.

But then...I see this: http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?t=323189 :roll:

So let me get this straight...its all well and good to smash the guy...from pillar to post for something that happened 7 years ago...its all well and good to smash a guy that just lost his career basically...but wait a minute..."he works for my club as a consultant to my halves...surely he shouldn't be sacked from that".

What about the influence this poor, immoral pig would have on your players with him around?...surely your moral compass would be flying off the scale. Surely you'd want someone that repulsive...that immoral away from your rising stars...but only when it suits I guess.

Woah,woah,woah! It's not like that at all! I have never once said that he should be stood down from the Footy show or any other means he has of making a living for himself. I don't like the guy much any more, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to make living.
A roll behind the scenes with ANY club, as in coaching etc, should be an avenue for him.
The Footy show is a bit different in that he's a "face" of league, I can understand that, but a role where he's still involved in the sport should be allowed!

Similarly, lets hope he gets a gig talking to ALL the young guys and stopping them from making the same mistakes he did.


Post Whore
He slept around on his wife. And this is the one instance we know of. He probably did it a number of times.



Staff member
So you're saying that everyone that piled in there for a naked wank while watching their mates go for it asked her if it was ok to do so first? Ok then...

No I'm making the point that you're basing your opinion on one side of a story. What about the new opposing side of the story where Johns claimed she was a 'willing participant'?

How do you know she didn't want them to at the time and now she just regrets it? Why is one person's side of the story more credible to you? I will admit I more inclined to believe John's story - but that's just me. I don't believe he is being 100% truthful, but I believe his story is closer to the truth than hers. You seem to be taking her word as gospel though. Why?


John's is guilty of being slime.Thats not illeagal nor should it cost anyone their job.Was Reg a pi$$take or an indication of his true attitude when on the pi$$ with the boys??Sadly this boofhead looks to have reaped what he has sown.

Big Mick

Woah,woah,woah! It's not like that at all! I have never once said that he should be stood down from the Footy show or any other means he has of making a living for himself. I don't like the guy much any more, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to make living.
A roll behind the scenes with ANY club, as in coaching etc, should be an avenue for him.
The Footy show is a bit different in that he's a "face" of league, I can understand that, but a role where he's still involved in the sport should be allowed!

Similarly, lets hope he gets a gig talking to ALL the young guys and stopping them from making the same mistakes he did.

Fair enough. I take back the majority of what I said then...I just felt it was a bit of a surprise when I saw it. That's all. My bad.

Definately agree on the bolded bit...Hope he takes up that offer...


Hang on she had no real problem with having sex with 6 blokes at once but what really sent her over the edge was the other 6 blokes that came in and watched.....
and what about the double standards ? His brother admits that he was a long standing drug cheat and is applauded for his honesty. What Matt Johns did was neither illegal or against the wishes of the 'lady'.


First Grade
No worries.

But part of the reason he is being stood down from involvement in teh game is because of his perceived responsibility as part of the originally consenting trio, to not let in others to the room (to participate or wank on) with express consent.

He has apparently said or implied that she was fully consenting to others participation, she has denied that she was. He said she said, no independent witnesses or proof, comes down to people's judgment.

9's decision to stand him down was a business one, not a moral one. But it was based on the morals of the wider society that league must appeal to - and who over 50% (according to the DT poll) see Johns treatment as fair, presumably for the act of involving/inviting his mates in and apologising for it afterwards being considered pretty low.

Is this the same society that has infidelity in 45%-50% of all marriages.


First Grade
Either way...its either...gone...or not...can't be both.

Um excuse me. Show me where I called him an arsehole or a pig? I called lots of guys in HERE those names but not him! I don't condone what he did, it was wrong, he should have kept it in his pants, but don't go putting words in my mouth.

I think he should be gone from any front of house type of gig in the NRL, but he could be, and should be used in other areas, not least of which, educating young players by example! Showing them what NOT to do!

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