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Inu must be in the side


That is a good point. Alot of our tries were not a result of kicks but I see that as a positive that we can score without relying on kicks.

Just on KK. I don't think anyone can say for sure what would have happened had he not gotten injured and he played the season. Maybe he would have set the world on fire, he has the potential to do so but Robson does have the runs on the board and I expect unless KK is awesome in the trials that Robson and Mortimer will start at 6 & 7.
I agree with Strides. We lack variety in our attacking kicking game and so we do not get return sets of sixes.

Our tries were off the cuff. They may not always pull off.

We're just not balanced in the way our team attacks.

1 Eyed TEZZA

A full off season with DA and Sharpie will do a world of good, and if the teams fitness is as good as has been reported, we should be in for a successful year. IMO fitness is the key to the game today. Fitness equals stamina equals consitantcy equals wins.


Dont know if its been mentioned here on this thread but I can tell you that if not for the impassioned pleas of Tahu, Inu would have been sold to another club.
I know this 100%.
Everyone at the club (DA Ossie etc) know that the kid has the ability, but ability alone doesnt cut it.
As I said in another post, I do hope that he is really ramping up his pre season training and comes out all guns blazing because his trial form will decide if he starts at wenty or in the top grade.
Look to see Inu oustide Tahu (at Tahus insistance) in the trials.
ATM Inu is the odd man out in the back line.
Its all up to him.
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I just dunno.

I can't leave anyone out.

It comes down to Reddy, Inu or Burt.

Hayne, Grothe and Tahu are too good to leave out full stop.

Reddy and Burt (as pointed out by Carson) racked up some points last year.

I'd leave Inu out as much as it pains me. Such a waste.

It is a selection nightmare. It may in the end be decided by injuries. In all probability it will, because it`s unlikely our entire backline will be injury-free for the whole year (which might even bring Jonathon Wright into the picture. He might have a future; I was impressed with his form last year. Thought he handled himself very well.)
One thing I can`t figure, though. I know it`s fairly close, but how do people rate Eric Grothe as being better or more important to the team thatn Luke Burt? I just don`t get it.


It is a hard call, someone will miss out somewhere, but that is a good thing as it will mean there is a genuine competition for places ... hopefully this will push us through to the next level, Tahu, Shack and Poore are what we needed they have that little bit extra and that is what we need.

we could have 4 players for NSW this year, Hayne Tahu Poore and Shack ... they will be picked for some type of rep footy this year meaning others will get a shot at keeping them out if they are playing good enough.

I just like the look of our forward pack this year, we have more balance this year, hard workers, damaging runners and some serious skill ...

Potentially we have the best bench aswell, all depending on what coach wants ... can't wait for the first trial game ....

Feleti Mateo would be odds-on to play rep footy this year too - and even Matt Keating and Joel Reddy might get a run in City or Country. Even Tim Mannah. We might have a lot of players to cover.


Robson is a solid back up, that's all IMO. If you want to win a comp you need more than solid at halfback, last years GF proved this when Robbo was just Robbo.... solid. You need talent. KK has talent and the winning attitude and will bring much more to the team than Robson.

You could say that; but in the game before, Robson was outstanding.
And in the end it wasn`t the halves that lost us the grand-final (and remember we only lost by seven points), it was the fact that the whole team was too tentative in the first half. And if Reddy had been on the field for that ten minute period after half time he almost certainly would have covered that chip kick for Inglis, and we would have almost certainly won the game. It was real close.
The point I`m trying to make is that I firmly believe you CAN win a premiership with just a SOLID half. Also, you`d have to be a fairly brave man to bet on the fact that Robson won`t improve after his first season in first grade.
Tahu starting is a no brainer IMHO, world class centre, why would why sign him to play him at wenty, be like buying poore and having him a wenty, they will be in the top side come round 1, just the make up around them may change.


One thing I can`t figure, though. I know it`s fairly close, but how do people rate Eric Grothe as being better or more important to the team thatn Luke Burt? I just don`t get it.

Because we lack go forward without Fui and Grothe.

Look at our team last year.

Hindy, Benny, Caylo are not really go forward men.

Fui with the assistance of Grothe were.

Alot of the times last year, it was a Grothe or Fui bust that got us back on the front foot.

Now when Fui is taking a break....

If we had a pack with more go forward, we would not need a winger to do some of the hard yards. And then Burt would be more valuable.

parra pete

because he is world class.

Should it be IS or Was World Class when he last played League in 2007?
Just interested to know how he qualifies for a walk up start after being out of the game for 2 seasons.
Is Titans ???? Rogers WORLD CLASS - and would he have a walk up start too?
(Having a senior's moment, what's his first name - Steve's son...)


Robson is a solid back up, that's all IMO. If you want to win a comp you need more than solid at halfback, last years GF proved this when Robbo was just Robbo.... solid. You need talent. KK has talent and the winning attitude and will bring much more to the team than Robson.


This is my main point of the thread which i posted up on ' Tim Smith > Robson'

KK would now be our top priority in being the better halfback atm with his style of play .

IMO Robson plays way too original and safe. He needs to be way more creative and start leading the team in attack, instead of jst feeding it to teamates and 'hoping for the best....'

1 Eyed TEZZA


This is my main point of the thread which i posted up on ' Tim Smith > Robson'

KK would now be our top priority in being the better halfback atm with his style of play .

IMO Robson plays way too original and safe. He needs to be way more creative and start leading the team in attack, instead of jst feeding it to teamates and 'hoping for the best....'

Why?, perhaps its best he feeds the ball to better attackers in the team. Perhaps thats what makes him a good halfback, he knows which player needs the ball at what time. If theres a hole to be run through should he run through it or pass it to Hayne to run through.


Why?, perhaps its best he feeds the ball to better attackers in the team. Perhaps thats what makes him a good halfback, he knows which player needs the ball at what time. If theres a hole to be run through should he run through it or pass it to Hayne to run through.

More like hayne feeds robson the ball LOOL! :lol:

He has no clue watsoever on which player needs the ball at what time, he passes it 1cm when fui or other forwards is about to receive it instead of passing earlier so he has more hold of the ball. These are just some(theres more) minor problems with him as a halfback which lead to a poor halfback.

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