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It's on again. Election and AGM - Parramatta Leagues Club


It's like that old rule - whoever is the first to bring up Hitler loses the argument.... Just substitute the ghost of Fitzy for Hitler, and throw in some unnamed "members of a rival ticket" :crazy:.


This is what worries me. A Lebanese friend of mine knows a good friend of Issa and Esber and they said to them "Hey on the ParraFirst website you guys claim you wanna make Parra successful yet neither of you support Parra? Both Issa and Esber said who cares about Parra. We will say what we like to get the votes" I guess this confirms that the Sharp ticket has people on it with clear hidden agendas. I wont vote for a guy who barracks for the dragons and another who has made it very clear he is a Manly supporter through and through. Dont be conned by these guys, they are Parra haters not Parra lovers like the rest of us.

If Issa and Esber support the Dragons and Manly respectively, what worries me is what will they do to our club when they get in? If they have conned Steve Sharp that they care about Parra and he hasnt seen through them yet, we all have to worry about what will they do should they get in.

At the last election I ran as an independent cause I heard all these rumours about Issa being a Dragons supporter and wanting to get into our club. That didnt make sense so I decided to challenge him. The point I am trying to make is I am posting this stuff cause I bleed blue and gold and want everyone to know these guys dont support our club and so their interest in running for the Board can only be because of private agendas! A Manly and Dragons supporter on our Board...no thanks! Pee off and leave our club alone!
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Good on ya guru

Haters will always hate

The leagues club is running beautifully and always makes a profit surprise surprise ..

We got Ricky, we got a CEO close to 18,000 members wow doing a shit job there board wow ...

Tony Bongo

This is what worries me. A Lebanese friend of mine knows a good friend of Issa and Esber and they said to them "Hey on the ParraFirst website you guys claim you wanna make Parra successful yet neither of you support Parra? Both Issa and Esber said who cares about Parra. We will say what we like to get the votes" I guess this confirms that the Sharp ticket has people on it with clear hidden agendas. I wont vote for a guy who barracks for the dragons and another who has made it very clear he is a Manly supporter through and through. Dont be conned by these guys, they are Parra haters not Parra lovers like the rest of us.

If Issa and Esber support the Dragons and Manly respectively, what worries me is what will they do to our club when they get in? If they have conned Steve Sharp that they care about Parra and he hasnt seen through them yet, we all have to worry about what will they do should they get in.

At the last election I ran as an independent cause I heard all these rumours about Issa being a Dragons supporter and wanting to get into our club. That didnt make sense so I decided to challenge him. The point I am trying to make is I am posting this stuff cause I bleed blue and gold and want everyone to know these guys dont support our club and so their interest in running for the Board can only be because of private agendas! A Manly and Dragons supporter on our Board...no thanks! Pee off and leave our club alone!
" A Lebanese friend of mine knows a good friend of Issa and Essber and they said....."
"At the last election I ran as an independent cause I heard all these rumours...."
Do you make many decisions based on third hand rumours? If so thank f**k you didn't get elected last time.
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just ask PESC mate, his wife use to work with the saints supporter ...

So i guess i base my decisions on fact, not like everyone else who spreads god knows what on that other website that doesn't get moderated, and yet everyone takes it as gospel ...

so yeah lucky i didn't get elected then.
It will be a land slide victory to the current board.

Money making leagues club, 16k football club members, Ricky Stuart on board, Ken Edwards.

eel speel

Good on ya guru

Haters will always hate

The leagues club is running beautifully and always makes a profit surprise surprise ..

We got Ricky, we got a CEO close to 18,000 members wow doing a shit job there board wow ...

yes we got Ricky but I want to see him win games now! not in 3 years because we are rebuilding. Sounds just like Kearney. Not my team wai till i get my team next year. Have we signed any players other than the Poms and Hoppa.

Official members figure via CEO Ken Edwards is 15,662...I wish my maths was a good as yours

eel speel

It's like that old rule - whoever is the first to bring up Hitler loses the argument.... Just substitute the ghost of Fitzy for Hitler, and throw in some unnamed "members of a rival ticket" :crazy:.

always easy to say Fitzy is behind any rival ticket.


yes we got Ricky but I want to see him win games now! not in 3 years because we are rebuilding. Sounds just like Kearney. Not my team wai till i get my team next year. Have we signed any players other than the Poms and Hoppa.

Official members figure via CEO Ken Edwards is 15,662...I wish my maths was a good as yours

Leagues club membership is down on previous years


This is what worries me. A Lebanese friend of mine knows a good friend of Issa and Esber and they said to them "Hey on the ParraFirst website you guys claim you wanna make Parra successful yet neither of you support Parra? Both Issa and Esber said who cares about Parra. We will say what we like to get the votes" I guess this confirms that the Sharp ticket has people on it with clear hidden agendas. I wont vote for a guy who barracks for the dragons and another who has made it very clear he is a Manly supporter through and through. Dont be conned by these guys, they are Parra haters not Parra lovers like the rest of us.

If Issa and Esber support the Dragons and Manly respectively, what worries me is what will they do to our club when they get in? If they have conned Steve Sharp that they care about Parra and he hasnt seen through them yet, we all have to worry about what will they do should they get in.

At the last election I ran as an independent cause I heard all these rumours about Issa being a Dragons supporter and wanting to get into our club. That didnt make sense so I decided to challenge him. The point I am trying to make is I am posting this stuff cause I bleed blue and gold and want everyone to know these guys dont support our club and so their interest in running for the Board can only be because of private agendas! A Manly and Dragons supporter on our Board...no thanks! Pee off and leave our club alone!o
Ken Edwards isn't a parra supporter.
Neither is Bob Bently.
All current board appointees.

Etu Uaisele

it's got nothing to do with how many meat trays and gigs the Growths supply the club I'm sure . Does anyone think a rival ticket would keep them on ?


your maths is as good as Eric Grothe Jnr.... official figures as on Eels insider email today is 15,662.

BTW you didn't do the financial report for the Annual Report

@TheParraEels: Who knew we were so close to 18,000 followers? The #blueandgold army is the greatest! #GoParra

From official twitter , they were talking about twitter my bad ... 16,000 members wow doing a shit job

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