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It's on again. Election and AGM - Parramatta Leagues Club


Paul Osborne and Stephen Kearney
2 of the finest candidates I'm sure

At the time Kearney had just won the World Cup and he won a 4 nations so he was a great signing. Although he wasn't ready for first grade he even admitted it himself.

Osborne came in when they first got elected .. Player roster was left in a shames mate even Peter Sterling has issues with it from a long time ago, the club as a whole is run better only thing missing are the on field performances ...

So what's your point?
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When you start a sentence with
""A Lebanese friend of mine knows a good friend of Issa"
You takef here say as fact & can't be take be taken serious

yeah sure, should of taped the conversation, but i could of said i know for a fact due to president of the parramatta eels supporters club's wife told me, because they use to work together .. that's what i should of said, sorry my bad.

Craig Johnston

First Grade
that's deplorable behaviour that guru witnessed. he's an honourable bloke so good on him for going about it the way he has

Tony Bongo

just ask PESC mate, his wife use to work with the saints supporter ...

So i guess i base my decisions on fact, not like everyone else who spreads god knows what on that other website that doesn't get moderated, and yet everyone takes it as gospel ...

so yeah lucky i didn't get elected then.

I didn't know that PESC was Lebanese but in any case it is still hearsay and you are taking it as gospel. I guess you do base your decisions on fact:sarcasm:
Fact is fact and hearsay is hearsay - I suggest you learn the difference. I'm surprised that your comments haven't been moderated here because you have named someone and made claims without any proof.
I'm not saying that you are wrong about what you are saying, just that it is unsubstantiated.

Etu Uaisele

I didn't know that PESC was Lebanese but in any case it is still hearsay and you are taking it as gospel. I guess you do base your decisions on fact:sarcasm:
Fact is fact and hearsay is hearsay - I suggest you learn the difference. I'm surprised that your comments haven't been moderated here because you have named someone and made claims without any proof.
I'm not saying that you are wrong about what you are saying, just that it is unsubstantiated.

Depends what you're peddling .

Stagger eel

Staff member
I'm over this shit already, it's no longer about the stability of the club, it's all about personalaties, he said she said, some guy trying to get his membership back and another who is running but doesn't support the club..

I'm over it! Bring on next week...

By the way I have it on good authority that we play the broncos this week, buti can't seem to confirm it

Etu Uaisele

yeah sure, should of taped the conversation, but i could of said i know for a fact due to president of the parramatta eels supporters club's wife told me, because they use to work together .. that's what i should of said, sorry my bad.

Couldn't get anymore solid than the wife of someone who used to work with you the fact their Lebanese just drives the confirmation home . Must be true :lol:
I'm over this shit already, it's no longer about the stability of the club, it's all about personalaties, he said she said, some guy trying to get his membership back and another who is running but doesn't support the club..

I'm over it! Bring on next week...

By the way I have it on good authority that we play the broncos this week, buti can't seem to confirm it

When hasn't it been about personalities.

People often tell me they were worried about the finacial standing in the club in 2008/9 yet it was all about personalities then and it is now. That is how most clubs work.
Also on Jnr's note.

The club has made over $ 350 m in revenue, and $15M in Profit in the last 5 years, we have also sold over $10M in properties, including the old two blues club that Denis was selling at the time of the elections, which made the books look okay the year after.

Unlike in 2009 where we the club made, a $9M loss including a $4.5M book lose on property values and other book losses on write downs that I can't remember at the moment without the report in front of me.

It is Swings and roundabouts, but the use of language especially for an AGM is always of upmost importance.


I didn't know that PESC was Lebanese but in any case it is still hearsay and you are taking it as gospel. I guess you do base your decisions on fact:sarcasm:
Fact is fact and hearsay is hearsay - I suggest you learn the difference. I'm surprised that your comments haven't been moderated here because you have named someone and made claims without any proof.
I'm not saying that you are wrong about what you are saying, just that it is unsubstantiated.

Hey bongo, didn't you have a go at the eels for signing up a sponsor due to allegations that their product did not work? was this not on hear say as well?

I do know that if everyone wants to base this election on what the Board have done for the leagues club, they have actually made it a profitable business, 5 years ago PLC where in a 8 million dollar hole, what was the profit every year after that?

I do know that this board by negotiating a better deal with the parramatta stadium trust they have saved the NRL side around 100K per game, so they have saved 800K in that just alone.

we do play games at ANZ, most people hate that stadium, i hate that stadium but they are doing it as the previous board had only because its the right thing to do financially for the club.

The new CEO is kicking goals, we have almost 16K members, and the goal of 20K will happen. Last year i thought we would not even get half of that, but they are doing a fantastic job on that front.

The only thing that has been missing is the performance of the NRL team, they signed a coach to come in and do a job, he was in over his head, so they changed it, do i think the Ricky Stuart is the best coach, no i do not, but i do know he is the right coach for the job at this point in time.

Our players have a soft underbelly, this has been proven by how mentally weak they are in games, but again this isn't about me, you or anyone else, its whats best for the club, at the moment the current board are doing a fantastic job for the club, they are financially responsible and have hired the right people for the job, new ceo, coach ect.

If you want to talk about Facts and Truth, the current mob have done a great job in running the LEAGUES CLUB, no doubt about that, they have made mistakes in running the NRL side but they inherited a mess and it needed to be rebuilt, Harolds Mats have won back to back premierships, we are finally keeping our junior talent, Peter Nolan has done a fantastic job, another person that the current board have hired.

Penny Morgan who is involved with the Parramatta Juniors who i talk to allot, knows that the current board are doing a fantastic job so she praises them all the time.

So yeah if you do want to talk about the facts, they are doing a fantastic job have made some mistakes, yet the club is in a strong position and will continue to be placed in a strong position for next 5 years at a minimum.

The Truth Will Set You Free !!!


First Grade
Yawn, glad to be in Vegas with all this nonsense.

By the way , Juliar would have a coronary here, electric lights being used and brightly and people enjoying
themselves gambling, what would Xenewrong and Wilkie do .

As Avenger said, big boys here and when you see the meals , no wonder, off to see David Copperfield in an hour, I'll ask him if he can make Schubox disappear


I'm over this shit already, it's no longer about the stability of the club, it's all about personalaties, he said she said, some guy trying to get his membership back and another who is running but doesn't support the club..

I'm over it! Bring on next week...

By the way I have it on good authority that we play the broncos this week, buti can't seem to confirm it

I'm looking forward to the clash of the two fullbacks.

No doubt Norman will try to impress us fans and the club though also I don't think Hayne wants to be out classed either.

I'm actually looking forward to the game.

Norman vs Hayne

Apologises wrong thread

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