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It's on again. Election and AGM - Parramatta Leagues Club

born an eel

the board has given authority for the CEO up to $100,000 after that tenders must be called.
MITS, I believe you are the constitution expert around here,

how many board members are required to make a quorum?, I would think at least 3 members would of had to excuse them themselves from voting on this because of conflict of interest.


Staff member
Wouldn't we just buy it from the same place as the other restaurant?

I'd say that we'd buy it from Mario's kitchen. They'd make the pizza dough and provide the toppings. That way a) Mario is on a nice earner and b) our kitchen is almost idiot proof and can be run by semi skilled kitchen staff.

Stagger eel

Staff member
it's also interesting that Mario's take has increased significantly while the overall revenue from catering decreased.

Would Mario need to answer to the overall drop in revenue at trophies bar and the bistro given that he doesn't supply to them?
MITS, I believe you are the constitution expert around here,

how many board members are required to make a quorum?, I would think at least 3 members would of had to excuse them themselves from voting on this because of conflict of interest.

I don't think it is a club constitution question but something from the department of fair trading model business rules.

I know in a not for profit association, a quorum is 3 members of the board and can be done in person or via technological hookup. (one time I was asked to vote on an expenditure over the president's discretionary limit ($100) via email, another time via SMS).

The meeting would have to be advised to all in some cases or those available at the time (for a snap decision) and would need to be minute as the next meeting of the board.

Etu Uaisele

I was at the PARRA V NTH QLD game on Saturday night and could not believe my eyes and ears. I happened to overhear two members of a rival ticket subtly celebrating Nth QLDs win.
I don't think they meant to be as obvious as they were, but considering the game was in the balance for some time, I guess they couldn't hide their relief when Parra made a mistake.
I don't think they realized how close I was sitting behind them. These two were actually quietly cheering on the Cowboys. They actually believed that a loss would help their ticket get more votes. For me, this just cemented the fact that they want to worm their way onto the board for the stroke of their own egos and status.
It's unforgivable and my blood was boiling. However, I kept my mouth shut and left the room wondering if they actually wanted me to see what I had just witnessed as some sort of a set up. That's how obvious it was. But, it wasn't a set up. It was a massive stuff up.
I don't like to get involved in niggling politics, but you have to sometimes. Especially when those who want control of our club are doing it for the wrong reasons. Politics is also necessary when those same people rubbish the current board. I physically see behind the scenes how much they do for the community, the juniors and the club in general. They have brought so much to our club since being pulverized by the last mob. The current board has made the club a lot of money ($15,000,000 in revenue over the last 4 years) and that is because they care about the longevity of our club. That's all. There is no other reason. They just care.
Money isn't everything and to be honest, it's nothing when it comes to the big picture, unless that big picture is the prosperity of our club. If the current board were egotistical narcissists, I would NEVER vouch for them. I'm a former player. I used to argue with board members not doing their jobs.
3P bleeds BLUE and GOLD before anything else.
Any member with eyes will tell you how much better the Leagues Club has become because of the current boards successful businessdecisions.
It is not the boards fault that we aren't winning games. The players and coach will be the first to tell you that themselves. It's common for boards to be questioned when teams aren't winning. Voting in Fitzgerald's friends will not fix this. It will ruin the place. Guaranteed.
Our juniors are thriving and plans to nurture them up to the Eels NRL squad are in place right now. I just watched Parra beat an undefeated Rabbitohs outfit in the Harold Matthews Grand Final. We have secured a few key players from that squad. Can't wait to watch them come through the grades.
I just hope that our members can see through the rival tickets motives and I hope they know that Parra First seek advice off the man who brought our club to it's knees over a number of decades. The current board have cleaned up a 30 year mess in very little time.
We will win games again and our club WILL be around in 5 years. That's a promise made from the current board.
To our voting members, if you love this club, despite frustration for current form, you absolutely must NOT vote for anyone on the Parra First ticket. Despite what they tell you, they are Denis Fitzgerald's friends and he is their mentor. They ADMITTEDLY seek advice off him as he knows all the loop holes from years of screwing the system.
It's either stick with the current board and watch us become the strongest of clubs both on and off the field, or vote for Fitzgerald's friends. I really hope I don't have to say anything else.
See you all very soon.
Eric Grothe Jnr


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