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Punkess said:
Honestly though when I was depressed I couldn't really have given a crap about the people that were worse off than me! Still I get what you're saying... it's just hard to care about other people when you don't even care about yourself.

I know why I was depressed but rather than letting all that become a bad thing, I've realised that deep down I never really care what people think a whole bunch, cause being different and me is great! So I'm happy enough with that!

understandable, its hard, i went through it a little bit but nothing extreme, i still do at times, every now n then, its hard to move on when some close departs, then u say f**k the world and dont care


Post Whore
I'm always polite!


And I know what you mean, Punkess. My mates were the same. They'd reciprocate with, "Why do I care about the poor kids in Africa? I didn't put them there."

To which I'd always tell them, "I never said you did. This isn't about you and them. It's just about you. You have friends and family. You're young. You make a decent living. Go out and live - many others can't, even in this great country."

Or something like that.


Yeah, it's good to be reminded of all the things you've got sometimes...

Things aren't gonna be perfect but it doesn't mean you have to give up altogether!


Post Whore
That's the stuff!

Besides, human beings are rational beings with emotions. It's normal to feel overwhelmed at times.

God-King Dean

Jealousy is a natural thing. You cannot turn it on/off, it is what it is.

The key is to use jealousy to help you achieve your goals (I ain't talking about looks).

For example : Do you think Muhammad Ali wasn't jealous of people bigger, stronger, faster than him ? Do you think Andrew Johns didn't gte infuriated when the oppositions halfback outplayed him ?

You get my drift.
johns being cut on being outplayed isnt jealousy, but, you can probably bet when he was young he was jealous of someone who was a better player than him


Immortal said:
Jealousy is a natural thing. You cannot turn it on/off, it is what it is.

The key is to use jealousy to help you achieve your goals (I ain't talking about looks).

For example : Do you think Muhammad Ali wasn't jealous of people bigger, stronger, faster than him ? Do you think Andrew Johns didn't gte infuriated when the oppositions halfback outplayed him ?

You get my drift.

I get what your saying. Makes sense.
Thanx eelementary for that post 2 pages back.Helps alot :)
You can never not get jealous.


I can get jealous at some times, but its all about how you deal with it.

If you let jealousy rule your life - then you have problems.

But there is nothing wrong with a little jealousy. In most of us, it is what drives us to be better people. Take the Johns example for instance - being jealous of someone at a younger age is what probably drove him to work so hard on his own game.

I used to get jealous of people who appeared to have everything, but then i just suddenly realised - well, im not too bad off am i, i have a loving family and great friends - things can't get much better than that!


Punkess said:
Honestly though when I was depressed I couldn't really have given a crap about the people that were worse off than me! Still I get what you're saying... it's just hard to care about other people when you don't even care about yourself.

I know why I was depressed but rather than letting all that become a bad thing, I've realised that deep down I never really care what people think a whole bunch, cause being different and me is great! So I'm happy enough with that!

Yeah I understand that. When you're at your lowest, someone saying to you "there are people worse off" is the last thing you wanna hear. Because no matter how bad they are it doesn't affect you, but what YOU are going through does. I try to think like that sometimes and it's a temporary fix and that's on good days. On bad days I think about it and then hate myself more for not feeling compassion for those people when I should be and I should be feeling grateful for what I have, even if it isn't my ideal life. I'm getting better and atleast I am conscious of what i've become.

My job isn't perfect, but I have one.
My family isn't the greatest and haven't beent the most supportive of me, but I still have them.
I don't live where I feel at home, but I have a roof over my head.
I don't earn alot of money, but I always have food in my mouth and clothes on my back.

Life sucks for all of us at one point or another, I guess it's just the way it's meant to be, to test us. And I suppose when you find that one person that is meant to be your partner you wouldn't feel jealousy or insecurity. Well I can only hope as much. But in other aspects of life, if you don't have something that you really want, work your butt off to get it.

Ive been depressed on and off for the best part of 6 years and it isn't a good feeling at all. I've always had the thought that I can take care of myself because that's what i've always done anyway but there comes a time when you just know you need help. I'm getting it. I have an appointment on Friday with a Psychologist which for me is a MASSIVE step but i have to try something. Because what i'm doing just isn't working. I want to go back to being who I was before.

=end rant=
the one thing i hate when you depressed is people saying 'you'll feel better if you tell me whats wrong' yeah like f**kin bullsh*t i will how the f**k is telling someone my sh*t gonna make me feel better? is that sh*t gonna bring back my mate from a f**king early grave? that sh*ts me, well used to

there is nothing i can say to you alba that can make you feel better but i hope everything starts to turn around for you and your appointment can help get u back on track - soldier on
Alba said:
Yeah I understand that. When you're at your lowest, someone saying to you "there are people worse off" is the last thing you wanna hear. Because no matter how bad they are it doesn't affect you, but what YOU are going through does. I try to think like that sometimes and it's a temporary fix and that's on good days. On bad days I think about it and then hate myself more for not feeling compassion for those people when I should be and I should be feeling grateful for what I have, even if it isn't my ideal life. I'm getting better and atleast I am conscious of what i've become.

My job isn't perfect, but I have one.
My family isn't the greatest and haven't beent the most supportive of me, but I still have them.
I don't live where I feel at home, but I have a roof over my head.
I don't earn alot of money, but I always have food in my mouth and clothes on my back.

Life sucks for all of us at one point or another, I guess it's just the way it's meant to be, to test us. And I suppose when you find that one person that is meant to be your partner you wouldn't feel jealousy or insecurity. Well I can only hope as much. But in other aspects of life, if you don't have something that you really want, work your butt off to get it.

Ive been depressed on and off for the best part of 6 years and it isn't a good feeling at all. I've always had the thought that I can take care of myself because that's what i've always done anyway but there comes a time when you just know you need help. I'm getting it. I have an appointment on Friday with a Psychologist which for me is a MASSIVE step but i have to try something. Because what i'm doing just isn't working. I want to go back to being who I was before.

=end rant=

Best of luck with it. Definitely a step in the right direction, its a big one I know, but you'll thank yourself in time. Most people leave it all too late, if they see anyone at all.

And nice post by the way, even if the topic aint so nice.


Yeah well sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to type and post what is wrong with you to a bunch of people you don't know personally then to actually talk to someone you know about it. Weird but true.
Alba said:
Yeah well sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to type and post what is wrong with you to a bunch of people you don't know personally then to actually talk to someone you know about it. Weird but true.

Its coz you're, effectively, anonymous in here. The hardest bit about seeing someone is admitting you have a problem - in person most people dont wanna be seen to be flawed, and can be too proud or withdrawn to admit they need a helping hand.

You'll find that after bouncing a few thinks off the quack, they'll say a few things back that will make you think "that's exactly right!", meaning they understand what it is you're going through. When depressed, you always think that no-one would understand why.

It wont all disappear after the first visit or too, but will set you on the right track, and in time, you'll find its probably the best thing you ever did.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
In terms of romance and love life I think it's just easier to give up. That way when something good happens, you're no longer expecting anything.

The problem is, in saying that, there's always that little pilot light that knows it's all a lie, and keeps you hoping. The scariest thing is that it might never work out for you love-wise. That's what I'm scared of... that and always ended up second choice. I don't want to be settled for, and I don't want to settle for second best either.
how many of you believe like 'everything happens for a reason?'

like me, if i go without a wife/kids (hopefully i will coz relationships are farked up) i just say 'was meant to be that way' but not many people i know understand my logic, if it happens it happens but if u dwell on sh*t it makes it worse, relationships dont last anyway, u just get burned and f**ked over--im tired and cranky and feeling sh*tty, bed time, at 6pm, how lame