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Manly/Storm fight


First Grade
Hmmm, double standards the soo where price was king hit by brett white, thaiday running 20m to get there hay but it is ok, origin is different

1. Price wasn't "king hit" by anyone. He squared off, started swinging, and got caught flush by White.

2. Please provide an example of Thaiday ever uppercutting anyone while they're being held by someone else, or on the ground.


I love the "hide behind the couch and point at the bad man" mentality that most take toward Thaiday.


Staff member
Yeah I agree.
So many NSWankers whinge about Thaiday when all he really does is go in and push players off his team mates.

no name

Yeah I agree.
So many NSWankers whinge about Thaiday when all he really does is go in and push players off his team mates.
People don't like Thaiday because he usually escalates the situation. He seems to come in after the blow up has settled down a bit.

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Phil Rothfield is referring to yesterdays game as "Black Friday" - the day thuggery has returned to the NRL. What a queer little man.

Whoever says this is a bad look for the game has no idea. Rugby League IS a thuggish game, and its this physical intensity that attracts alot of people. The fight yesterday is the best publicity the NRL has had in ages, and is far better for the game than the ridiculous bvllshit Rothfield and his fellow shock jocks dish out.

And regarding the petty bickering over who started the Stewart/Blair fight - seriously, who gives a f**k?

I'm pretty sure I've read blogs from Rothfield saying the biff needs to be brought back. I find his stuff funny - he's clearly a fool, and I'm not sure whether he baits people or whether he actually holds a lot of these opinions.
Gallop will be show boating today and gloating about how important he is to the investigation...blah blah.

The guy should stay out of it and leave it to the judiciary....

Mr Fourex

Who besides Lussick and Snake deserve suspension?

Blair & G.Stewart.......not so much for the fight itself. More to do with the point about continuing the fight after they had already been sent from the field.

People don't like Thaiday because he usually escalates the situation. He seems to come in after the blow up has settled down a bit.

Interesting seeing you two dickwads peddling this rubbih over 10 pages. Look, it doesnt matter if Stewart walked around in circles, tap danced, or did a triple sumersault with a reverse pike. Blair ran to catch upwith him and stopped as soon as he caugt up with him, and turned and stood in his way.

What is Glenn Stewart? A f*cking electro magnet??????

Of course, of Stewart wasnt there, Blair would quite normally have jogged off toward the tunnell, stopped at some random point on the field, turned to his right and started raving, right? All entirely natural. But because Glenn Stewart didnt walk with a surveyors accuracy - it's all his fault.

Tell me, have you ever walked in a certain direction, and while turning your head to look behind you, wandered off course?

He walked. Blair ran. Even in Perth you could work that one out. Funny how Blair stopped sunning when he got to Stewart. I guess that's Stewarts fault too...:lol:

Sensible post. Blair is to blame. Entirely.
You senile old git... He was running off (as 99% of players do when sent),& somehow some bald genius kept walking in front of him..
So thats his fault..
Heres a simple fact...If Stewart had kept walking the same line that he was then maybe the fight could have been avoided....

Your hate of anyteam that isnt NSWRL rules out you posting anything sensible..


Paul Kent on WWOS saying that he expects Stewart and Blair to get 4 to 5 weeks.

And others to get something similiar.

Take from that what you will.

Totally changes the competition favourite betting for mine, which I thought was a two horse race between the Sea Eagles and the Storm.


if say 6 or 7 players get suspended it`s just gonna spoil what looks like a good final series and be another `premiership` like last years , with an * beside it


if say 6 or 7 players get suspended it`s just gonna spoil what looks like a good final series and be another `premiership` like last years , with an * beside it

Because a bunch of dickheads decided to lay into each other, twice, when it's clearly against the rules of the game, and hence get themselves suspended, does not mean the premiership should be marked.


I know the above post is just a gee up, but....

If my team ever wins a premiership (and I hoping it might happen in my lifetime) I could give a shit if it had five asterisks beside it.


Because a bunch of dickheads decided to lay into each other, twice, when it's clearly against the rules of the game, and hence get themselves suspended, does not mean the premiership should be marked.
(closet st george supporter)

Penrose Warrior

First Grade
Paul Kent on WWOS saying that he expects Stewart and Blair to get 4 to 5 weeks.

And others to get something similiar.

Take from that what you will.

Totally changes the competition favourite betting for mine, which I thought was a two horse race between the Sea Eagles and the Storm.

I'll take it as it is - pure speculation from a tabloid journo.

The Storm losing Blair wouldn't change their odds much, in my opinion. He's an overrated grub. Stewart/Stewart missing, however, makes things completely different.


We are still a good team without Stewart, but not a GF winning team, were going to have to wait untill next year.


I'll take it as it is - pure speculation from a tabloid journo.

Yeh that was the point I was trying to make, pure speculation.

But is hard to see the main player involved getting away with less than 3 to 4 weeks.

As a neutral who has watched the Storm play live numerous times this season, IMO, Blair is integral part of the side especially in attack.


if say 6 or 7 players get suspended it`s just gonna spoil what looks like a good final series and be another `premiership` like last years , with an * beside it

What a load of crap. The players they get suspended bring that upon themselves and their clubs. They have to live with it. No way it weakens a premiership.


I will be pissed off if the NRL fine the clubs, suspend the players then use this brawl as advertising material for the next re-match or so. Leave the two teams out to dry but they make the profit with more national (even international) exposure