Funny how people (like me I guess) see what they want to see. What Brett Stewart did wasn't that much worse then what others did, he just got there first (he's faster then most).
And Blair was most definitely the instigator. He might not have thrown the first punch in the second fight but he certainly provoked it. And he was the one who really kicked it into gear during the first fight.
Why wasn't there a charge for the initial elbow to the head by Hinchcliffe I think it was, he started the whole thing with typical Melbourne niggling. Why is he excused for that. And why wasn't Slater charged for his blatant forearm to the head later in the game.
There are rules for some players and rules for others, and there are rules for some teams and rules for others. That is what really needs to be cleaned up in this game. All Manly did is refused to stand for the bullsh!t tactics that the rest of us have had to put up with for years.
I don't support either team by the way and I don't particularly like one team over the other, but I did enjoy the smashing Manly gave Melbourne and I did enjoy the stunned look on Bellamy's face when he realsied he might not win another game if his team is reff'd like that (=correctly) for the rest of the season.