Hi Hutty........finally been let out to play?
Tears all dried up......??
or have you been away "working" again. :lol: :lol: :lol:
DO YALL WANT A HAM.........ff.
No....you're a typical Dragons fan.
Too precious to admit that your boy f**ked up and you go on relentless whines about Prior's "personal" situation and we should all have some kind of empathy for him
and then you proceed to congratulate him on being a grub by finishing off with a comment like, "I hope Matty's elbow is OK. Thurston = sook"
So in summing up,
You're a dickhead.
DO YALL WANT A HAM.........ff.
Geez. Relax. Don't take me so serious. Listen to Ronnie Dobbs. It's called trolling. I'm on here for shits and giggles. You think deep down I actually give a f#ck about Prior, Thurston, etc. I give a f#ck about them as much as they give a f#ck about me.
Seriously, go put your energies into something more productive than replying to my bullsh#t.
Now thats good some quality back pedaling.
Think Matt Prior is in the unfortunate situation where he will be made an example of. Have seen no evidence in previous games to suggest he's a grub but it was an ugly shot gone wrong. Might have copped the season had Thurston not been wearing head-gear and serious damage been caused. Still think he'll cop 8-10 weeks.
Now thats good some quality back pedaling.
Backpedalling faster than Ben Creagh.
Backpedalling faster than Ben Creagh.
XXXX, you went and found a picture and everything. You need to get a life, champ. I feel sorry for you.
You need to get a life, champ. I feel sorry for you.
Tackling isnt illegal either, but when it results in contact with the head it is a penalty, sometimes a suspension. When it is a shoudler charge suddenly people think that isnt worthy of a suspension or a penalty, it's suddenly a good hit gone wrong or other such bullshit.Read slowly........
Because a shoulder charge isn't illegal.
Using an elbow is.