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Melbourne Rebels in $1m bid for Billy Slater & Israel Folau


First Grade
Hmm good question. I think when Gasnier went to rugby he wasn't allowed to play in the League World Cup so I guess you'd be right.

I think QLD would still pick him, don't know about Australia.


Nah, QLD could surivive pretty comfortably without Folau available. But if Inglis or Thurston were to jump ship, we'd be in a lot of trouble.


given they pick kiwis, new guineans and new south welshmen, picking a yawnion player won't make them bat an eyelid


First Grade
Maybe a lack of options would be a good thing for NSW. Force selectors to stick with a side for more than one game at a time


What happened to the ARU not propping-up contracts for league converts? Good to see they will continue to waste money on players who have no heart and will eventually come crawling back to the real game.
who names their kid israel anyway?

I'd hope he would stay, but its the reality of current day rl. ive accepted it.

When a league "star" leaves my initial reaction is "no wonder"

aparently its 50-50 whether he will stay or go. radio talk back said he's gone, but thats no confirmation.

you suck nrl


First Grade
Hard for someone to say no to "one Million" a year, that’s serious coin.

He want’s to set himself (Folau) up for life (no problem with that), I just think it’s crazy that a rival code wants to spend that sort of money on one player!

Desert Qlder

First Grade
Seriously, have union learnt nothing in the last ten years?

I seriously can't see what they would want in a player such as Folau, especially when they are prepared to offer that sort of money. his head is in the clouds and is injured half the time anyway. The Rebels should learn from the Qld Reds (and I'm paying union a compliment here), that is if they trust a bunch of no name youngsters and give them a good game plan the crowds will come.

But hey, they can piss all their money away if that's their desire, I have no inclination to care.


First Grade
The Rebels should learn from the Qld Reds (and I'm paying union a compliment here), that is if they trust a bunch of no name youngsters and give them a good game plan the crowds will come.


I also don't think the ARU would be throwing any coin at Folau. It'll all be coming from private backers.

Desert Qlder

First Grade
I understand the appeal, get a Rugby League player while they are going through a rough patch. Has headlines written all over it.

But Folau? He will be a monumental waste of money, as he has been at the Drongos. I just can't fathom how seemingly no research has been made by the union mob on their purchase. He is not a star because he's proved himself a capable and long-serving professional athlete, but for his unrealised potential. He certainly is not as strong-willed as someone such as Lote Tuqiri, who was determined to succeed at union and did so.

Even before this episode I've been calling for him not to be selected in the Queensland team because of his failings.

Are there any union fans who can possibly justify this purchase?


First Grade
Well to be honest if Stirling Mortlock has been a 'star' of the Wallabies backline for years now because he hits it up straight well (that's all he does), I'm sure Folau could do it. But inevitably he's just going to be thrown out on the wing.


First Grade
I understand the appeal, get a Rugby League player while they are going through a rough patch. Has headlines written all over it.

To be honest, if the rumour is true, then this deal has been in the works for a long time. Well before the whole cap scandal.

But Folau? He will be a monumental waste of money, as he has been at the Drongos. I just can't fathom how seemingly no research has been made by the union mob on their purchase. He is not a star because he's proved himself a capable and long-serving professional athlete, but for his unrealised potential. He certainly is not as strong-willed as someone such as Lote Tuqiri, who was determined to succeed at union and did so.

Even before this episode I've been calling for him not to be selected in the Queensland team because of his failings.

Are there any union fans who can possibly justify this purchase?

I certainly can't. When he is on fire he is fairly awesome, but he's too flakey for me and goes missing for long periods. Certainly not someone who looks to have the fortitude to knuckle down and learn new strategies etc. Plus, if there is one area where Australian RU has a glut of players it is on the wing.

I would certainly rather see the Rebels spend the money on getting an established player into the team. Or spending it on the grass roots (not that this is their responsibility...the VRU/ARU look after that area).


First Grade
I don't understand the ARU, They waste so much money on wingers.
If i was them i'd be buying up players like Inglis, Slater and Thurston, players who have a bit of spark, Falou is not a game breaker. I guess im kind of glad those kind of players are still in our game.


Izzy's head not in a good place: Lockyer
By Wayne Heming | 19:12 AEST Wed Apr 28 2010

ense the confusion in young Brisbane teammate Israel Folau as he wrestles with his future and whether to stay loyal to the Broncos.

Folau is understood to be considering a reported $800,000-a-season offer to leave Brisbane and be the face of rugby union's new Super 15 franchise, the Melbourne Rebels in 2011.

He has until Friday to activate a get-out clause in his four-year NRL deal with Brisbane, and the feeling is he will follow former Brisbane Broncos' stars Wendell Sailor and Lote Tuqiri across to rugby.

Lockyer, a one-club player with more than 300 NRL games for Brisbane, said he understood what Folau was going through after last month ending long-running speculation about his own representative future.

"It's tough mate, I just think back only recently and the thing is, Izzy is only a kid," Lockyer told AAP 48 hours before Folau's deadline.

"I can see it in him.

"When there's a deadline on these things, it just amplifies everything."

Lockyer said he'd spoken to Folau about his future but stressed it wasn't a "please stay" chat.

"I don't know what his options are, I just basically gave him some advice I thought he could take on board," said Lockyer.

Media representatives were asked on Wednesday not to interview Folau because "he has a game to play this weekend".

Lockyer said Folau's head probably wasn't in a good place at the moment with such a big decision to make.

"He's 21 but he's been playing for Australia for four years and people just think he's a veteran," he said.

"But he's a kid and it's not an easy decision to make at that age."

Lockyer revealed he'd been faced with a similar decision in his mid-20s when he was the target of very big offers to leave the Broncos.

"But I worked out I was happy where I was and I didn't want to change that," he said.

"The offers I got were well above what the Broncos offered.

"But I felt being at this place for a long time, I was going to do well enough playing the game to have a nice life after footy.

"I didn't really see any point in going to chase big money because it wasn't going to bring me any more happiness."

Lockyer said the players would understand if Folau packed his bags.

"All the codes are so professional now being a fulltime footballer is seen as a job," he said.

"Gone are the days when players stay at the one club for life.

"That's just how it is."

If Folau leaves, just 12 months after Brisbane lost another young superstar Karmichael Hunt, the club will be cashed up for the looming Storm fire sale.

"If Israel does leave, there'll be some money to go and buy someone to replace K (Hunt) and Izzy (Folau)," said Lockyer.

"A lot of those Storm boys are from Brisbane."

Queensland Origin coach Mal Meninga didn't leave any doubt about his feelings, should Folau make the switch to rugby union.

"If Izzy makes the decision to go away from rugby league, that certainly jeopardises his position in the Queensland side (this year)," Meninga told the Ten network from Cairns, where he and former Origin greats were promoting employment for indigenous youth.

"I'm probably in a position now where we'll probably pick somebody else."

The ARL has a similar view to Meninga regarding Folau's place in Australia's test side to tackle New Zealand in Melbourne next month.

"If he decides to go, it would be disappointing, but it's not the end of the world for us," said ARL chief executive Geoff Carr.



First Grade
$800k now...not $1million. It seems to be going down and down.

Hopefully they'll be reporting the real deal soon which would be around $400k with bonuses.

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