On Finucane, the guy has been captain all year.
If he was to be moved on, who replaces him?
I know Nicho has done it for a few games, but I don't think he's quite ready for the responsibility full time.
For me it would have to be someone who really sets the standard of how we want the team to play.
Someone who doesn't cut corners, take short cuts or look for the easy option.
Someone who, week in, week out, gives it everything they've got.
From our current mob, aside from Nicho, I can only think of a few:
WK - but not who I'd go for.
Sifa - don't think he's captain material though.
Nikora - a smokey, though don't know if the 'c' would suit him.
The only other one I can think of, and the one I'd be tempted to go for, is my previously least favorite Shark - Cam McInnes.
Unless these guys really start lifting, I'd be seriously contemplating McInnes to 13 and captain.
I've really started to warm to him over the past couple of months since injuries hit.
If you're looking for someone to set standards, I think it's him.
Can't believe I'm writing that, but the leadership cupboard seems pretty bare.