So, as I have done for a Few years now, I compare the BGA against the STH, well this year I will Compare last years Offerings Vs This year in spreadsheet form.
So in effect, the a new Ticketed Membership over an STH has
*PDRL Membership and all its benefits (Keyring and Annual Report),
*Lanyard, Cooler Bag, Bumper Sticker, Coasters and Tattoo Sheet.
for $20 more.
But if you were a football club member any how you get
*Lanyard, Cooler Bag, Bumper Sticker, Coasters and Tattoo Sheet.
for $5 less.
And if you were an STH, a BGA and a FC member (Like me)
You get
*Lanyard, Cooler Bag, Bumper Sticker, Coasters and Tattoo Sheet.
for $50 less and avoid the double-ups of
*Members Cards
*Members Hats
The Part I am sad about now is the loss of the Individual membership numbers to the PDRL (Football Club). I am proud to have that membership number, but as of next year, I won't event be allowed to show my membership number as it will also be the Code people could use to by "Members reserve" Tickets. *Sigh*