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People You Want To Hurt. A lot.


I think Cliffhanger's is her "I want people to know that guys wanna f**k me" list.

Wanna ?
Who doesn't like it a little rough. Though it more says creeps not guys in general. Also most guys would tap pretty much anything with a vag you don't have to let people know guys wanna f**k you.

And MC Cronulla ain't that great. Also my jugs have gotten smaller in the last few months because I exercise too much. So you like my former tits.
- People who visit you, then as soon as they say hello, go off to make a social phone call.
- Bosses who go off their nuts at something when they do sweet f*ck all around the place
- Most people at Tuggerah on a Thursday night...
- People who when they call you and you say hi, it takes the shy buggers a long time to quietly respond and ask to speak to another person.
- The guy who delivered my mail and creased a Christmas present in half.


First Grade
- upsetting men cracking onto me. as we all know, i am no great beauty (i wish) but sometimes i wonder if guys have any idea what they actually look like. it just dumbfounds me how some hideous freaks are so confident. do they just try it on every girl they meet in the hope one of them is too drunk or has low enough self esteem that they will get lucky?


its even worse when its someone you have to be nice to for work reasons or whatever coz u cant just be all ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS, HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF?

i realise that makes me sound up myself but like i would never try and crack onto some insanely gorgeous guy, i always stick within my own league u know? everyone should to avoid uncomfortable situations.


Post Whore
- upsetting men cracking onto me. as we all know, i am no great beauty (i wish) but sometimes i wonder if guys have any idea what they actually look like. it just dumbfounds me how some hideous freaks are so confident. do they just try it on every girl they meet in the hope one of them is too drunk or has low enough self esteem that they will get lucky?


its even worse when its someone you have to be nice to for work reasons or whatever coz u cant just be all ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS, HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF?

i realise that makes me sound up myself but like i would never try and crack onto some insanely gorgeous guy, i always stick within my own league u know? everyone should to avoid uncomfortable situations.

It's a psychological issue, Kiki. No, I am not kidding - my sister the psychologist pointed me to the theory in her textbook. It basically says thus:

A man, no matter ho ugly or good-looking he is, will always aim higher. Let us assume, out of 10, he is a 5 - he will always go for a 7 or 8 even though common sense would dictate a girl who is 7 or 8 out of 10 wouldn't be caught dead with a guy who is a 5 out of 10...

But then ask yourself - how many attractive girls have you seen walking around at the arm of a fairly ugly man? Cynics will tell you it's because they are rich. I can tell you I know a few mates of mine who are ugly as Amy Winehouse's gooch and not rich who have gorgeous girlfriends.


thats so true eelementary.

personally, im about a 9.5/10 and i always pull chicks that are at worst 12-13/10.


First Grade
i guess its coz as a rule women go for more than looks, and most bloke are very visual.

i am extremely shallow though so they are wasting their time with me hahaha

Tom Ace

• Cyclists. I commend you for helping the environment and trying to stay fit, but don't do it at peak hour. Go cycling in your lycra some other time.
• Stuart MacGill
• People who stand behind you casually watching you work. In my line of work, very annoying.
• Indian cricket fans
• False maturity
• Those who choose to live in this country but then don't integrate into society peacefully
• Paul Trimboli's speech patterns (not really a person per se, but worthy of a mention)
• Tony Abbott
• Kevin Muscat
• Anh Do
• La Roux
• Guy Sebastian
• Sydney Confidential
• Chris Close
• Germaine Greer

2nd installment.

Johns Magic

i guess its coz as a rule women go for more than looks, and most bloke are very visual.

I reckon this is a massive lie thrown about by women to make them feel like better people.

Girls are just as shallow as guys. Unless of course you consider it admirable to go for money or power.


Tim Sheridan pisses me off the most, him and his way of reporting, and specially on the cricket. f**k off, and let someone who actually knows the game do the reporting.


I reckon this is a massive lie thrown about by women to make them feel like better people.

Girls are just as shallow as guys. Unless of course you consider it admirable to go for money or power.
girls are different kinds of shallow, where guys are are for the most part aesthetically shallow ...

Johns Magic

Yeah that's true.

I guess what pisses me off is that girls try to act like they're not shallow when going for a guy who's average looking but of high social status. If anyone's seen The Invention Of Lying it pretty much summed it up.

Girls will instantly blacklist guys for a whole lot of things out of their control.

And girls are also aesthetically shallow. You hear girls say "I only date guys at least 6 feet tall" a whole lot more than you hear guys say "I only date chicks with at least a C cup".

Edit: In response to Halatia, not Timmah's lame joke.
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Staff member
Kiki...ur not giving yourself enough credit...you are easily in top 7 hottest females on this board...

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