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Pride of the League & Arizona


First Grade
care to offer anything constructive to counter that or are you just going to keep gibbering on like you have been? What are you? A sharks supporter? Your hardly in a position to talk about integrity and the way our club is run. Its predominantly because of the Sharks that the NRL's image is being dragged through the mud.

Mate you're a moron.
The repeated defense of your clubs inaction over a self admitted woman basher is laughable.
Me how many woman bashers play for Cronulla?


First Grade
Its not tripe. Look at the NRL's attitude and even the rugby league community's attitude towards the Melbourne Storm. They are arguable the most successful team of the last 10 years in terms of sustained success and look at people's attitude towards them. Its not secret that David Gallop had it in for them when he was CEO. Also, look at the NRL's attitude towards wrestling - again that comes the Melbourne Storm. If the Melbourne Storm had not won all of those comps and being so successful, then there would no be all this outcry about 'wrestling'. I'm not saying that this is a conspiracy but if Souths win three straight premierships, then there will some sort of rule change or salary cap change in order to bring Souths back to the rest of the pack.

You've outdone yourself. :crazy:

Maybe the CEO had it in for Melbourne cause they were systematically rorting the cap?

Maybe they were the innovators of the wrestle? Thats not necessarily a swipe at them either, regardless of the negative it had on the game they found a way to get the upperhand in an NRL game, Bellamy excelled at his job on that.

I can't even predict the next level of dumb.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Sutton is a clown that is lucky to have made RL a career, he would not have made the grade with any other club. Dumb as a housebrick and twice as useless on the field

he's hard enough to understand when sober, imagine the cops trying to make sense of him when he's pissed

Auva'a was dealt with appropriately and has the correct punishment.

:crazy: hge won a GF. many gerats of our game have never gotten to a GF, let alone win one - he shouldnt have been there.

What part of legal rights don't you understand while the case was ongoing?

maybe you dont understand that there's a difference between the rules of the NRL/clubs and the laws of the land. a lot of teams fine players for dismeanors - having their phone on at the wrong time, turning up late etc. i'm fairly certain that if challenged industrially those fines would be illegal. clubs band players from drinking -again i'm sure thats illegal.

souths could have stood avua down as long as they needed to- be it for a month, a game or the season. russell packer was stood down immediately and refused contract registration by the nrl and that merkin pled not guilty (i think? i havent travlled enough to remember)

And seeing as they stripped him of the captaincy, the next step for an adequate 30 year old with 200+ games under his belt is the back door.

well they turfed merrit

Let me give you a scenario.
1. Auva'a pleads guilty over the incident
2. Souths sack Auva'a
3. New evidence comes to light, the girl changes her story, Auva'a changes his plea to not-guilty, the case is thrown out of court, i.e. something along those lines or similar
4. Auva'a is now upset about losing his contract at Souths, his career and name being tarnished, wants to take legal action.

in your scenario -he either admitted to it or he didnt. if he did he cant complain afterwards :crazy::crazy:


He said he did it, what more evidence does Souths and the NRL need to act?

Extending your logic, we should never punish anyone for anything because sometime in the future there could be new evidence which shows the player did nothing wrong

Thats correct! If the matter goes to court, the player is entitled to a fair trial and the legal process to be finalized before the NRL/clubs can act.

Again, your misinterpreting what I'm saying. This has got nothing to do with Souths and the way the NRL act. Its about the legal system which we have in place and which everyone in the country is subject to - including the NRL and rugby league players. In an ideal world, yes it would be convenient for Souths to fine him and suspend him straight away. However, as I've said, there is a legal system in place which had to be taken into account.


After thoroughly reviewing all the evidence I can categorically state that it's all Muzby's fault. Sutton, Burgess and Souffs should be fully exonerated and apologised to. Muzby to be deregistered.


Its not tripe. Look at the NRL's attitude and even the rugby league community's attitude towards the Melbourne Storm. They are arguable the most successful team of the last 10 years in terms of sustained success and look at people's attitude towards them. Its not secret that David Gallop had it in for them when he was CEO. Also, look at the NRL's attitude towards wrestling - again that comes the Melbourne Storm. If the Melbourne Storm had not won all of those comps and being so successful, then there would no be all this outcry about 'wrestling'. I'm not saying that this is a conspiracy but if Souths win three straight premierships, then there will some sort of rule change or salary cap change in order to bring Souths back to the rest of the pack.

Pretty sure they won those comps by cheating the salary cap you f**king idiot. Just when you think you've seen the worst bunnies fans have to offer someone goes and does this.


You've outdone yourself. :crazy:

Maybe the CEO had it in for Melbourne cause they were systematically rorting the cap?

Maybe they were the innovators of the wrestle? Thats not necessarily a swipe at them either, regardless of the negative it had on the game they found a way to get the upperhand in an NRL game, Bellamy excelled at his job on that.

I can't even predict the next level of dumb.

You miss my point. Why is the wrestle a negative on the game (and don't give me this rubbish about player safety)? If the Melbourne Storm had not being so successful, would we still say it is a 'negative' on the game and would we be banning it? Just for the record, I don't think wrestling is as bad everyone is making out and I never did - but thats another topic. Gaining an upper hand is what wins you comps!

Have a look at the reasons why the salary cap was implemented all those years? That in itself is an example of the NRL liking a club having sustained success. Like I said, its not a conspiracy. It's just something that the NRL wants because it feels will attract more fans to the game.


Mate you're a moron.
The repeated defense of your clubs inaction over a self admitted woman basher is laughable.
Me how many woman bashers play for Cronulla?

Tevita Latu???? Remember him? Geez that was one of your best! Here's a suggestion: do your homework first!




Village Idiot
Staff member
I said on the previous page, that Souths could not make a decision before the hearing as it would have left us open to legal action being taken against by the player if we acted prematurely and circumstance changed, such as new evidence coming to light. The only reason why people are making a big song and dance about the Auva'a incident is because he is a good player and contributed heavily towards our success. If he had played something like 2-3 first grade games last year, then no one would have had a problem with the way Souths handled the case.

a hell of a lot of text but not actually answering my question...


First Grade
You miss my point. Why is the wrestle a negative on the game (and don't give me this rubbish about player safety)? If the Melbourne Storm had not being so successful, would we still say it is a 'negative' on the game and would we be banning it? Just for the record, I don't think wrestling is as bad everyone is making out and I never did - but thats another topic. Gaining an upper hand is what wins you comps!

Have a look at the reasons why the salary cap was implemented all those years? That in itself is an example of the NRL liking a club having sustained success. Like I said, its not a conspiracy. It's just something that the NRL wants because it feels will attract more fans to the game.

The wrestle slows the game down and reduces it to the 5 hitups and kick bullshit we've been subjected to for too long. The actual wrestling moves to manipulate an opponents arms, legs, neck into awkward and painful positions is just grubby and not in the spirit of the game.

The salary cap was implemented to prevent clubs spending more than they can afford in the pursuit of glory and going tits up.

I have no idea how you reach the conclusions you do.


First Grade
Tevita Latu???? Remember him? Geez that was one of your best! Here's a suggestion: do your homework first!

Bahahahahaha you FUGGEN moron! Thank you for proving my point.
Latu was sacked by Cronulla the day after the incident.





First Grade
I'm aware of that dickhead! I was giving him an example of a player who played for Cronulla that bashed a woman - like he asked for!

I'm glad the club I support does not have the stupidest poster on here as a fan. For that I thank you

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