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Cagey Mac

· I have put this forward several times. The only point anyone comes back with is that Hornby shouldn't be dropped because of how long he has been in the team and because he is captain, not because of his form or his ability as a halfback. Hornby’s form is fine. He’d be in Origin contention if available. True there’s a bunch of Queenslanders in front of him but they’re not in our team
Of course all I have said is to give the new combo of Stanley and Soward a chance. It's possible one or both will bomb out. No need for Hornby to be pushed into retirement immediately as Bennett did to Langer at Brisbane.
Basically what my argument comes down to is this: So we risk a viable combination in the opinion of all present bar you to play your choice of halves. Because….?
· Does any believe the team as it is now can win the competition this year?
The team one and all, the coaching staff, me and many of us here. It’s a long season
· Are Soward and/or Hornby good ball players who can take the ball to the line and pass rather than run themselves or pass well before the opposition defensive line? They have been playing to Bennett’s and Price’s game plans. Won a premiership 18 months ago (Hang on wasn’t that Carney and Pearce that they were playing?)
I think the answers for at least 90% of Dragons fans are "No" and "No". 100% for non-Dragons fans. Bullshit!
If the answers are "no" and "no", why not try something else? Stanley excelled at 5/8 in the juniors and in his one game there for St George in the top grade.

The Dragons already have one of the oldest, if not the oldest, if not the oldest my some margin, team in the competition. Bullshit!

You made that up! Here’s a link to a relevant website, look and learn. Take Cooper and Fein out of the lineup as they have been and we have one of the younger average age teams in the comp. Retiring Dean Young is the same age as Cam Smith, Thurston, Billy Slater, Cooper Cronk (the entire Storm Spine. Look at. Morris, Nightingale, Rein, King, De Belin, Stanley, Vidot, Merrin, Prior, Green, Marketo, Kemp and Co They’re all 21-25. The rest are 27 or under with the exception of Hornby. 14 Origin players in 2012 will be 28 or over and include a 34 and 35 year old.
Here’s the link for one and all to see. Do the numbers!
I think they should give it a try. Why not? Because it means dropping a seasoned player who in the opinion of everyone but you is doing an acceptable job in favour of an untried combo because Reyter and nobody else thinks it’s a good idea. I don't think anyone expected Morris to be such a good fullback but they gave it a try and look what happened. They tried Stanley and he didn’t deliver. Even if the whole thing goes belly-up, at the least they know it won't work for the future. At present they will be pushed into a Sandow-like deal before seasons end without ever knowing if the solution to the Dragons play-making problems was right in front of them as it was for the fullback problem. On what premise do you make yet another unfounded assumption?
· I'm sure King wishes he didn't get a season-ending injury before last season even began and then break his thumb at the beginning of this season but it happens. I think the less said about your stupid comment in regard to this the better. My point was that King’s injury ridden career does not place him in a position where he could make demands that he get to play wherever he wants. I hope the kid has a fruitful career and Chase too for that matter
· The competition is close but again, do you think the Dragons team as it has been for the last few weeks and including Cooper is capable of winning the competition? If Soward and Hornby stay in the halves all season, I doubt the Dragons will make the 8. They certainly won't win the competition. To score 0 against the Sharks and then only 12 against Newcastle despite dominating them should alert real Dragons fans, fans who put the team above any individual, to some huge problems. There seems to be one person in this place that is putting himself before anybody else Reyter, the team, the coach or almost everyone else on this forum


First Grade
- We almost scored 30 against against Newcastle, that doesnt mean our attack is doing well.

- What is being discussed is the way we are not putting together smart plays, combinations or attacking kicks, we are playing terribly (in attack), were not even getting repeat sets either. But thankfully our oppositions have mostly been worse.

- However I agree Hornby isn't going anywhere, unless he has a real drop in form or injury, and I also know from many years of watching the game, that a clubs form comes and goes, and as long as StGeorge get it together by September (and win a few games along the way), that's the main thing.

- As for the Storm/Broncos, every year they are far and away the teams to beat, but it wont do them much good if they aren't in form in 5 months time (Just like the Storm last year).
The Dragons already have one of the oldest, if not the oldest, if not the oldest my some margin, team in the competition. Bullshit!

You made that up! Here’s a link to a relevant website, look and learn. Take Cooper and Fein out of the lineup as they have been and we have one of the younger average age teams in the comp. Retiring Dean Young is the same age as Cam Smith, Thurston, Billy Slater, Cooper Cronk (the entire Storm Spine. Look at. Morris, Nightingale, Rein, King, De Belin, Stanley, Vidot, Merrin, Prior, Green, Marketo, Kemp and Co They’re all 21-25. The rest are 27 or under with the exception of Hornby. 14 Origin players in 2012 will be 28 or over and include a 34 and 35 year old.
Here’s the link for one and all to see. Do the numbers!

Cagey, cleary he's some sort of Neo-Nazi sympathiser.
He's already said that he's on the other side of the world. My tip is he's camped out in the Eagles Nest in Bavaria and is planning the Final Solution for any NRL players 32 and over. :lol:


Assistant Moderator
For some the Gold Coast is on the other side of the world. But it's still in the state of Near NSW.


Assistant Moderator
Is it just me, or has the title of this thread become somewhat misleading?

64 Dragon

So what you are saying is that they can be content with being terrible in attack now because things will have evened out when the rep season is finished? Don't you think Dragons players will have much to do with rep games? Unfortunately I think you are right. Any number of forwards are close but all could easily miss out on Origin selection. One would have to think Morris would get in for NSW and of course Nightingale for NZ but other than that the backs have no chance. Carney has shown at Cronulla what a good, ball-playing 5/8 can do for centres.

Is Carney a ball player? Or is it the influence of Robson helping the Sharks along?


Cagey, cleary he's some sort of Neo-Nazi sympathiser.
He's already said that he's on the other side of the world. My tip is he's camped out in the Eagles Nest in Bavaria and is planning the Final Solution for any NRL players 32 and over. :lol:

Now you "mediocre is ok" trolls are starting to piss me off. I have been to Germany and Russia many times. Even the Germans are glad the Russians routed the Nazis. You strike me as a red-neck who has never been off the farm.

Just because I would prefer Hornby be dropped before Soward mainly because of age (mainly but not only) it makes me a fascist? Cooper is over 32 and still playing great (before he was injured)


- We almost scored 30 against against Newcastle, that doesnt mean our attack is doing well.

- What is being discussed is the way we are not putting together smart plays, combinations or attacking kicks, we are playing terribly (in attack), were not even getting repeat sets either. But thankfully our oppositions have mostly been worse.

- However I agree Hornby isn't going anywhere, unless he has a real drop in form or injury, and I also know from many years of watching the game, that a clubs form comes and goes, and as long as StGeorge get it together by September (and win a few games along the way), that's the main thing.

- As for the Storm/Broncos, every year they are far and away the teams to beat, but it wont do them much good if they aren't in form in 5 months time (Just like the Storm last year).

Thanks for the clearly thought out arguments. So unlike the rest of these "mediocre is ok" trolls!

I hope your point two isn't right otherwise judging from what I have seen thus far (and I have seen all the Dragons games) the Dragons are only 50/50 to still be competing in September. Even now Morris is going to start being heavily marked and identified as the only backline attacking weapon they have. Cooper is still good but more and more relies on brute strength so he isn't too much of a threat unless they are camped on the opposition line. Certainly that may have meant the Dragons would have scored more than 2 tries in the past 2 games but I don't think enough to make a huge difference.

I think your 3rd point is clearly wrong. It hasn't been the case for the last several years for Brisbane and not since the cheating was exposed at Melbourne.


Thanks for the clearly thought out arguments. So unlike the rest of these "mediocre is ok" trolls!

I hope your point two isn't right otherwise judging from what I have seen thus far (and I have seen all the Dragons games) the Dragons are only 50/50 to still be competing in September. Even now Morris is going to start being heavily marked and identified as the only backline attacking weapon they have. Cooper is still good but more and more relies on brute strength so he isn't too much of a threat unless they are camped on the opposition line. Certainly that may have meant the Dragons would have scored more than 2 tries in the past 2 games but I don't think enough to make a huge difference.

I think your 3rd point is clearly wrong. It hasn't been the case for the last several years for Brisbane and not since the cheating was exposed at Melbourne.
You think Slater isn't heavily marked? You think Bowen isn't heavily marked? What about Hayne? If Morris is a good enough fullback, he will be dangerous whether he is heavily marked or not.
Now you "mediocre is ok" trolls are starting to piss me off. I have been to Germany and Russia many times. Even the Germans are glad the Russians routed the Nazis. You strike me as a red-neck who has never been off the farm.

Just because I would prefer Hornby be dropped before Soward mainly because of age (mainly but not only) it makes me a fascist? Cooper is over 32 and still playing great (before he was injured)

We aren't trolls mate. Get your definitions straight. You fit that mould way more than any other poster in this and other threads you've "contributed" to.

And who said mediocre is ok? No-one here is naive enough to think we can't improve. But there's improvement and then there's experimentation. And I know how you Nazis like your experiments.

To you anything but perfection is clearly unacceptable.

Achtung Baby....


Assistant Moderator
Are you in the Gestapo or only pretending to be?
Are you humourless and paranoid, or only pretending to be?

On contrary old chap, your insistence on stroking anyone who disgarees with you with the same broad brush is much more in touch with the spectre of fascism. Sieg heil!

You people on the Gold Coast are all the same.


First Grade
Cooper is still good but more and more relies on brute strength so he isn't too much of a threat unless they are camped on the opposition line.

Dont under-estimate Coops, I know 2011 seems a long time ago, but Coops was going wide early (20m from our tryline), and consistently tearing apart compressed defences. My only fear is that most of the time it was a flying Morris that he was putting away (Vidot doesnt have the same class).

Anyway cross your fingers he comes back well from injury, he is the man =)


Assistant Moderator
Now you "mediocre is ok" trolls are starting to piss me off.
I'm with you Reicher! Show me where they are!

I haven't detected them in this thread... they must be hiding in a bunker somewhere.

Let's root them out!
Reyter said:
I have been to Germany and Russia many times. Even the Germans are glad the Russians routed the Nazis. You strike me as a red-neck who has never been off the farm.
Beautifully written. So pure, so right, so clean, so... well, god-like. I do believe we have found our saviour.


You think Slater isn't heavily marked? You think Bowen isn't heavily marked? What about Hayne? If Morris is a good enough fullback, he will be dangerous whether he is heavily marked or not.

Yes, Slater is and Melbourne also have Cronk taking the ball to the line and putting players into holes. Hayne is also and that is why he didn't have nearly the impact last year.